200 🤟 Miss You Messages for Friend 🤟

miss you message for friend
Miss You Messages

Miss You Messages for Friend

With our busy schedule in life, sometimes we feel tension and stress. We miss our loved ones and friends who live far away from us. In such a situation, a sweet "Miss You" message for a friend is a good idea. It is a good way to express the love you have for friends and family members. A great miss you message for a friend can surely tell your friend how much he or she means for you. In this article, we present some of the best "miss you messages for friend" messages that can be sent to a friend or loved one who lives far away from you.

100 I miss you messages for girlfriend

200 ðŸ¤Ÿ Miss You Messages for Friend

200 🤟 Miss You Message for Friend
Miss You

🤟1. I miss you like crazy! I can’t wait to see you on the day of our wedding. I’m so happy to grow old with the love of my life. I love you so much, please hurry home!

🤟2. I can’t imagine my life without you. Seeing you yesterday makes me miss you even more. It is never long enough when I am away from you. I feel like my whole world stops whenever I am not around you. I love you!

🤟3. I love you and everything you mean to me. Thank you for the wonderful times we shared! Even though we are apart, your presence is always with me.

🤟4. I love you so much. Over the years I have learned to trust you, lean on you, count on you, & just be myself. There is no one else that can take your place in my heart. You are my soul mate, best friend & lover. I love you with all my heart! May GOD keep blessing us till eternity.

🤟5. Sometimes I just need a reminder that I have the best friend in the world and it's you. I need a reminder that we go way back and I'm so happy to share everything with you and there is no one else who knows me like you do. When we talk, we talk about each other for hours, and it makes me feel special and loved. We've been friends for such a long time that it's like we're sisters.

🤟6. Hello there my dearest of friends, hope all is well and you are doing well. God has been good to you am glad to hear that. There is something I would like to share with you, maybe we can catch up over a coffee. Love you!

🤟7. Hey Sweetie Pie! I can’t believe that it has been a whole month since we last spoke. Just know that I am always thinking about you and missing your smile. I can’t wait to hear your voice again and know that everything is okay.

🤟8. You are everything I have ever wanted. You have so much heart and so much passion. You have a wonderful soul and a great mind. I love being with you and I love being me when I’m with you. When we’re apart, my first thought is about you, and my first question is “when will I be with you again?”

🤟9. Sometimes I sit by myself and talk to you in my head. You are so special to me, the person I choose to confide in when nobody else will listen. No matter how busy our lives are—we are always there for each other. If I could keep you with me forever I would! I love you with all my heart.

🤟10. I hope you are okay. I miss you so much friend. Even though we are far apart, you are always in my heart. Love will never end for us because I love you, forever.

🤟11. I miss you so much. I’ll never forget our friendship, the memories we created together, and how deeply I love you. I just can’t stop thinking about you. I miss your smile, the sound of your laughter, everything! Every time I think about you my heart just can’t help but smile.

🤟12. I miss you so much my friend. Life just isn’t the same without you, in so many ways. You will always have a place in my heart, always a special place. Knowing what a wonderful friend I had makes me feel better about losing you. No matter how many times we lose someone from our lives, they will never really be gone, just gone from our sight.

🤟13. Sending you a “thinking of you” note to wish you a terrific year. I will always miss our lunches and getting to see your sweet smile every single day. However, I know that this is a short break and we will be friends for a lifetime. All my love,

🤟14. I pray for you every night and day. I miss you like crazy and wish we could be together right now. I think of you all the time and try to be strong, but sometimes my heart is in pain and tears begin flowing down my face. I’m trying to go on without you in my life, but I don’t know how much longer I can last.

🤟15. I am missing you like crazy. I know you are always near my heart, but these long hug less days are killing me. I love you more than anything and I can’t wait to see your face again!

🤟15. I was so happy to have you by my side for so many years. You are were my 2nd mom, I thought of you like a family even though we weren’t related. I love you so much.

🤟16. Hi, I’m not sure if it is ok to be messaging you again but I just miss you so much. I hope you are well. I thought I should let you know that even though we are so far away, don’t forget about me, please think of me. This can be very hard for me to deal with at times so take care and keep in touch, I’ll see you soon xoxo.

🤟17.  You have been my friend for a long time. I have been waiting to tell you how much I really love and appreciate you. Thank you for being a great friend. I miss you a lot of times. Please come back soon!

🤟18. I miss you so much, I can’t stop thinking about you. I wish every day was longer so I could hold you in my arms longer than just fifteen minutes. It’s times like this that I miss you the most. I love you!

🤟19. I’ll always love you! When we part it tears my heart, because I know that I won’t get to see you for a while. I just want to let you know that no matter how far away we get I will always care and love you!

🤟20. I miss you dearly. I can’t wait to see you again. Pour yourself a glass of wine, sit by the fire, and dream about the day we will be reunited. I love you with all my heart!

100 Romantic Miss u Messages for Lovers

🤟21. I used to get butterflies when I was with you. It’s been 6 years since the day I said goodbye, but I still feel them. You are my missing puzzle piece, my everything. I shouldn’t have let you go. My heart still beats only for you. I will be patient, I will wait for you to find your way back to me.

🤟22. I already miss you and I’m not even gone yet! It’s like this: I like how we fall asleep in each other arms and wake up to your chirping birds and I like the way we continue every conversation we ever had, but most of all I love what we have, and I feel the connection you and I share, but most importantly these words:

🤟23. It’s been 3 years since I’ve held you in my arms. I miss you when I wake up and when I go to bed. Tears well in my eyes when I hear a song that reminds me of you, and when I see a picture from our life together. My life was so much better with you in it, but since you’ve been gone a piece of me has been lost. Something silenced inside of me after your death, and the memories still haunt.

🤟24. There was a time in my life when I thought that true love didn’t exist. I have felt my heart break so many times, I have been so confused and heartbroken, my mind has held so many negative thoughts. But the moment I saw you, my whole world changed. You were there for me through thick and thin, never leaving me behind or turning your back to me.

🤟25. It has been so long since you left me. Several decades have past and the pain still hurts. My heart is missing a part and it feels like you were ripped from my soul. The tears come and they don’t seem like they will ever stop. With every tear that falls I know that time is passing, but every moment seems to stand still.

🤟26. You may not be in my arms right now, but you are always in my heart. I miss you so much. Our friendship is my favorite thing in the world. I love talking with you and laughing with you. My life has no meaning without you, please come home soon.

🤟27. Your memory will live on with me. I will never forget your laugh, how you lit up any room you entered. You were my hero, my best friend, my confidant. It’s still hard to believe that you are truly gone. Fly high with the angels sweetheart! Miss you always!

🤟28. My heart still aches with your absence and my body trembles with the memory of your touch. I haven’t forgotten you, even for a second. The thought of you still makes me smile inside. Though we are apart, my thoughts are always with you.

🤟29. I long to be wrapped in your arms. I feel so safe and loved when you hold me close. How I wish it were to happen soon, but I suppose this is the way it has to be. In the meantime, know that I cherish our friendship and I love you dearly.

🤟30. Your presence and love will forever be felt and remembered. As I hold you tightly in my heart, know your spirit is free of pain and suffering. Now you can run through meadows of flowers and visit with loved ones who’ve passed on. From the skies above you, I am sending huge hugs and kisses to you. You will always be deeply missed but never forgotten. Love, M.D.

🤟31. What can I say to you that I haven’t already? How can I tell you that love you? You are beautiful. You are smart. You are everything to me. Every day that we get to spend together is a blessing I don’t take for granted. If every day was a lifetime I would only want to spend it with you.

🤟32. I wish that I would have left my heart open and that you and I could be together in reality. I never let anyone know how much you mean to me because I was afraid, even if it didn’t last... but I guess it was not meant to be.

🤟33. I miss you. I miss us talking and laughing and having fun together like we used to. You’re one of my best friends, the most important best friend I’ve ever had. And now that part of my life is gone. It was wrong, but I wish that you were with me right now. I want you to know that for years you were the love of my life. You were the one who got away, the one who would be coming home with me after...

🤟34. My love for you is as vast as the ocean, as high as the sky and as strong as my love for myself. But, only more so! Your smile brightens my day and your laugh warms my soul. I hope this message finds you enjoying some down time with your sweet child, and if not then I hope it brightens your day just knowing that we are together on this planet. You are my soulmate and I would walk across the universe to be with you again…

🤟35. It’s hard to be here without you. You are always on my mind, whether it’s the past, present or future. I miss your voice, your laughter and even your snoring! I think about spending time with you, how much I love you and all the things we did together …

🤟36. Every day I think about you. Every night you are the last person on my mind before I close my eyes. My new life seems empty without you. I am so thankful for our time together.

🤟37. You were with me when I had nothing. Then, you came in to my life and showed me what genuine love really is. You showed me aspects of my personality I never knew existed and that without you I would never discover these new and exciting qualities of myself. You taught me that I can be completely myself around you and that I don’t have to pretend with you, and it’s okay not to be okay sometimes. There was a time in my life when we spent all the time...

🤟39. I imagine your eyes smiling, telling me you are fine. Sometimes, I can almost see your pale cheeks lift up to make way for the beautiful smile. I miss you, my dearest Allison Allison!!!!

🤟40. Now I know what they mean when they say “Love hurts”. It hurts to think about the times we had together, not having you by my side, not being able to hug you, make love to you. My life has become so empty without you here. I am very sorry for what I did and wish things could be different…but I see now that they can’t.

🤟41. Thank you for always letting me cry on your shoulder. You were always there to protect me. You gave me the strength to face reality and motivated me to be the person I am today. I will never forget our time together. They will remain in my heart forever.

🤟42. I love you with all my heart and soul, I can’t wait to see you again. I miss your hugs, the way you smell, your kisses, our talks, and most of all our time spent together.

🤟43. I miss you so much. I can’t wait for the day we finally cross paths again. I miss your voice, your laugh, and the way we make each other feel when we’re together. You are my dearest friend and I love you dearly."

🤟44.  I love you so so much. You don’t even know how much or why. When I think about you, I smile. It’s so easy to think about you and remember great memories, funny stories, and inside jokes. I just can’t help but to love you.

🤟45. I will love you, till the day I die. To never forget you would be a sin. I will think of you every morning when the sun rises up high. If I could steal one more kiss from your lips before I have to say goodbye. I will love you forever my friend, might not hear it every day. Thank you for always being there for me my dear!

🤟46. In times of distress, it’s easy to have tunnel vision and only think about the problems you have at that moment. But I want you to know that I truly see your amazing qualities and how meaningful your friendship is in my life. I truly miss you and cherish all the happy moments we had together.

🤟47. I love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea. I miss your laugh, your smile, and the way we held each other. I’m so sorry things didn’t work out between us but know that I will love you until the end of time. The separation did nothing to change my feelings and it probably won’t ever.

🤟48. I can’t wait to see you again and kiss those soft lips and feel your arms around me. I know that we will spend many more great moments together and I can’t wait to tell you that I love you!

🤟49. I had never met anyone like you, I had never felt this way about anyone, and I will never forget the wonderful moments we shared together. I love you more than ever.

🤟50. I could never plan to live a day without you. The thought of having to even attempt to live without you is almost too much for me to bear. But here I am, one day at a time, trying to move on with everything that life throws my way. Somehow, I know that everything will be okay, because I know you are there for me—I miss you!

🤟51. You are my best friend. I miss you more than you can imagine. I think about you often and especially when the sun sets, the stars shine bright in the sky, and the moon glows so brightly. I look up at the sky and I remember days we’ve spent lying on our backs looking up at the same sky, watching clouds roll by, hearing each other tell random stories about life.

🤟52. It is hard to not have you around. The house seems empty without you around. I don’t want that day to come when you will be leaving me a lot. I can’t imagine a life without you!

🤟53. Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.  Thank you for bringing me out of my dark times and bringing me back to life. I love you, all of you.

🤟54. I want to give you so much more. I miss your smile and the love we share. I wish we had more time as friends as well as lovers. I will always cherish every taste of you."

🤟55. My dear friend, you are always in my heart. I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me today to celebrate our friendship. Drink a glass of wine for me, light a candle and take a break from the world to remember the good times we have shared through the years.

🤟56. I miss you. I think of you every day. I remember our dreams and I’m so proud that we dream big together. I want to fill your soul with love, poetry, and sunshine. I can’t wait to curl up in your arms again and read by the sunset together. You’re the love of my life and you will always be in my heart.

🤟57. You: The last few weeks without you have been torturous and I miss your presence more than words can say. I felt so empty without you. Now that you are back in my life I feel an extreme amount of relief. I never want us to be apart again.

🤟58. I will love you until the seas run dry, I will love you until the clock runs down, I will love you until my dying day. Love, Mary -Mary (your name).

🤟59. I can still smell you. I can taste your kisses on my lips, and the feeling of your arms wrapped around me as we said goodbye for the last time. So many memories of us together, some happy and some sad ones too, but they’re all unforgettable because you’re unforgettable. I love you and always will, whether it be here in the afterlife together or if we see each other again down the road.

🤟60. To my best friend, I miss you. I miss your touch, your kiss, your hug, even your smell. I can’t wait for the day when we are together again. We have been apart for so long that I feel like a part of me is missing. I know that you will come back to me soon enough because without you I feel so alone. Until then I will wait, but until then my heart will be with you wherever you are. My love will always be...

🤟61. You are the only friend that I ever needed, to have laughter with, to have joy with, to have that perfect friendship between us. You always know how to cheer me up when I am down. You are my true love and soul mate, my heart is already filled with your love, you will always be in my heart, I promise.

🤟62. I miss you so much! There’s not a single day that goes by that you don’t cross my mind. The homecoming dance won’t be the same without you there with me to share in my joy. I hope that wherever you are you know that I love you dearly and that our love will last forever.

🤟63. You are one of my best friends, I’m scared to lose you. But I guess if I do,I got something to miss. You mean everything to me; you make my life complete! Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you, yeah I know it sounds like an old song, but it is true.

🤟64. I miss you so much. I hope one day we can see each other again. I have been thinking about you all the time, you were the only one who didn’t judge me and you gave me a job when I had nowhere to go and you put my kids in school.

🤟65. I miss you… not a day goes by that I don’t see your beautiful face in my mind. I can feel your warmth and love radiating from the inside out. You have always been there for me, through thick and thin, incredibly proud of what we have accomplished in life, but most of all the fun we have had along the way.

🤟66. I don’t feel you anymore but cry. I miss talking to you, cry. But it seems as if all I do now is hurt you.

🤟67. My dearest friend, I do miss you more than you could ever know. Hopefully, I will see you soon; until then, take care of yourself. Know that I am always thinking of you and wishing for your good health and happiness!

🤟68. I couldn’t fall asleep without telling you how much I miss you and how much I love you. You make my days brighter and my world a better place! I will sigh and say I miss you until we see each other again. I love you, sweetheart! ♥

🤟69. I still think about you every day and miss talking to you. You make me laugh and smile, I love every moment i have with you! Wish we could go out for a beer soon!

🤟70.  I miss you so much, Chris. Don’t be sad sweetheart, I’m thinking about you here in Ireland, all the time! Missing you is the worst feeling. If I knew you were coming to visit I would have stocked up on my favorite wines that I share with your handsome self.

🤟71. I miss you! It’s been too long since I’ve seen your smile or heard your laugh. I miss our sleepovers and all the funny things you always said while we watched our favorite shows. Remember when we would stay up late eating ice cream and talking about boys? Imagine what fun we could have now that we are both older, smarter, pretty, and funnier. This photo definitely doesn’t do you justice…I can’t wait to see your face.

🤟72. I miss you immensely. I wish you were here to hug me right now. I need to hear your voice, feel your presence against me, and see your smile. Some days are harder than the next to go on without you. You are always in my heart, but right now I could use a bit of you here with me.

🤟73. It is really hard not having you here. Why did you go so soon? I can’t wait for the day when you come back. I will greet you with open arms and with tears in my eyes. You will always be in my thoughts.

🤟74. I want to say it. I wish I said it when you were in the room. I wish I said it when you left. I love you… with everything that I am. Unfortunately, with everything that is going on here lately all the stress, somehow I forgot how much I love you. Even when your little picture is in my hand daily, with everything going on around this place this month, until just now, sitting here with all that is left of your letters.... is when my heart beats faster.

🤟75. If your heart is broken, it’s because it is too full… Your strength amazes me. Having you in my life has made everything better. I hope that one day I can be as strong as you are. You are an inspiration to me; there is no one I want more by my side.

🤟76. I never knew I could love someone this much until we met. My heart beats only for the two of us and my whole world revolves around you. I miss you most in the mornings when my eyes seek out yours and find nothing but emptiness. For that split second when I remember you aren’t there my heart almost stops, but then it speeds up even stronger than before because I think of how blessed we are to have found one another.

🤟77. As I sit here today, looking back at all the memories at hand, I reflect on just how much time has passed through my hands. The time that I could have spent laughing along with you, holding your hand as we walked down the hall or listening to you play your favorite music, or watching you dance. But now it’s so far away, another lifetime to me. I miss having you by my side, hearing your voice throughout my day, and knowing you are always there for me.

🤟78. I miss you so, so much. I can’t wait until I see you next! Just thinking about you makes me smile, and reminiscing on the good times that we had together just made my chest warm. You are one of the most amazing friends that I have ever had, and believe me when I say that you will always be in my heart. Love ya!

🤟79. Missing you right now. There is never enough time in the day when I think about you. Someone in my life needs you, and it is very hard not to be able to turn to you and tell you this each and every day. I miss your laugh and cuddles. I wish we could see each other again soon, and that soon we will be together in person once more! I love you with all my heart!

🤟80. Hey, what's up? I just called to say I miss you. And, don't forget that Valentine's Day is coming soon. I'm so sad that I won't be there with you on your special day. Then again, happy Valentine's Day is in 2 days! But it's not fair, right? Isn't it sad that I can't celebrate it with you in person?

170 ❤️ Sweet message for a friend to make her smile ❤️

🤟81. I wish you could see me, cause I am missing you like crazy. I found this quote that describes my heart perfectly. "A part of my soul has left for between the pages of every book I’ve ever read." I’m not sure if mine is on "Pride and Prejudice", or if it is on "Great Expectations". Either way, I am missing a piece of Soul. Soul mates are supposed to finish each other's sentences.

🤟82. I know that it has been a long time since we first met… But I hope you know how much you mean to me… I love your sincerity and how you always put others before yourself. You have a beautiful heart! "Though we are far apart, I know we can make it together. Stay strong!"

🤟83. What can I say to someone who has changed my life in so many ways? I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it weren’t for you. You are an amazing friend, always there when I need help or a laugh. Words cannot express how much you mean to me. Love you much!

🤟84. I feel alone here without you. I miss you, your touch, your smell, your laugh. I’m a mess without you. Tears fill my eyes as I miss you more and more each day. I can’t believe you’re gone.

🤟85. I don’t know where you are, what you’re doing, or how you feel. There isn’t any physical way to convey my thoughts to you. All I can do is hope that this message finds it’s way into your inbox and that maybe, just maybe, it will touch your heart and make you think of me too.

🤟86. Darling, I cannot express how much you mean to me. You are everything to me, my moonlight, my sunshine, my world. Without you all is dim, please please come back! Yours always.

🤟87. I feel awkward love letter to boyfriend me you are doing things at your house I occupy myself waiting until I hear from you. if she loves, miss you the picture of you holding my hand, to face forward sleep together, take away sadness stay with me, just friends who send words of love, 10 hours to see each other every day!

🤟88. You are the one I love the most. I miss you so much. I hope you think about me too. Always keep in touch & let me know anything that will be happening in your life. I am eagerly waiting to hear from you soon.

🤟89.  You have been a wonderful friend in my life. I always dreamt of having a friend like you in my life because your nature is very charming and sweet to me since the first time we met. You were always there for me in all kinds of situations and support me in every way possible. You know, you are one of the best friends that I have ever had I mean it when I say that you are a good friend.

🤟90. I miss you so much, every day my heart aches for you. I have to be strong, but it’s getting harder every day. I think of you every second of the day. Every time I look in the mirror I see your smiling face looking back at me, love you always baby!

🤟91. I don’t know what I did to deserve you in my life, but I am so glad I found you. You are my best friend, lover, and soul mate. You bring so much love and joy into my life every day. It is because of you that I smile when times are tough, it is because of you that I know true happiness. Unlike other girls, when I use cute animal emojis when talking with you I am not only thinking of puppies; it is because....

🤟92. I miss you more than words can say. I wish you were here because I know that together we could make it. You are always in my heart and always in my mind. I wish for it to be different, but I also know deep down inside that this is the way it should be.

🤟93. Until we meet again, my love! I know we will see each other soon and I will be waiting patiently day and night. Until then, I send you millions of kisses and hugs!

🤟94. You are always in my thoughts, I miss waking up to your sweet voice, I miss telling you silly things, I miss hugging you. I love you with all my heart and soul, you are the one.

🤟94. You are gone but not forgotten I think of you often wishing I could hear your voice again But listening to the songs you loved brings back memories of our time together I miss you.

🤟95. I miss you terribly. When I look back at the time we spend together, I realized that I’m really stupid to let you go. Please hit me up if you still care about me. I miss the old days where we’re together 24/7…Please contact me again.. Love You.

🤟96. I love you and miss you so much it hurts. I can’t help but miss you every day. I wish we were together. I still think about our last night together and wish we could re-live it all over again. I will cherish the memories we made and keep them with me always.

🤟97. I’m not sure how I can begin to explain that I miss you and love you. It just seems like the right words aren’t there, but it is true. Every day for as long as I can remember; I always felt like something was missing in my life. And now that we are together, nothing is missing. You make me whole, and I love you with all of my heart!

🤟98. I miss you already. I wish you were here, right now hidden in my arms. Your laugh, your smile, your hugs, everything about you that I love. You should be here to see how much I love you. You should know that you mean the world to me, and without you I am lost. I miss holding you at night and waking up with you by my side. The days are so long without your smile and laughter, but each night when I dream of you, it breaks me.

🤟99. Hello, best friend! I hope you are eating chocolate and binge-watching shows on Netflix with Jennifer after work. Jennifer is doing well and we miss you so much! Make sure to keep your chin up and stay warm. I love you.

🤟100. I hate that we have been so far apart for so long. I can’t stand being away from you for so long. The waiting is the worst part! I have been counting down the days until I see your beautiful face again.

🤟101. Your love and energy are infectious, and I love it! The amazing things you do and say keep me falling more and more in love with you. You always bring a smile to my face, and you show that you care so much for me. Your patience astounds me, and your need to protect me is beautiful. Our love is amazing, and I can’t imagine not having you here with me every step of the way.

🤟102. Hey sweet stuff, we miss you! We need to get together soon. Call me when you get a chance. I love you and can’t wait to see you. Hugs and kisses:)

🤟103. I’m not sure what you need tonight, but I wish I could give it to you. My arms ache with the need to hold you close and never let go.

🤟104. I miss you so much it hurts. Wish I would have been there to help you thru this hard time. Even though we aren’t together, I want you to know that I still love you and will always be here if you ever need me.

🤟105. I just wanted you to know that I miss you. I think about the fun times we had together and how much I loved getting to spend time with you. You were always there to help me out, help me see the world in a different way. I hope you can quickly find your way down here so we can do it again! Only this time, let’s go to Korea so I can show you my home :)

🤟106. I miss you!! You are my best friend. We have known each other for 3 weeks through the internet. It's amazing, I feel like I've known you for ages already. I've never had anyone who has affected me so much in such a short time! I can't wait until I can hold your hand, look into your eyes or give you a hug.. I wish you were here to be with me right now,,.

🤟107. Hey buddy, I hope that everything is going great with you! It’s been pretty damn hard to stay in touch since I left for this job. It’s bittersweet because I really enjoy the work I’m doing here but I miss our friendship more than I can say. Gosh, how did we become so damn busy?! Well, i wish you the best! Hope to hear from you soon. Love ya man.

🤟108. I’m so sorry for not being there to hold you…to kiss you…missing your smile…I don’t deserve the love you have for me, but I promise this, I will never leave you alone in pain. I miss you so much! It’s hard to believe our time together has ended. Somehow now that our time is over, now that you are gone, now that it’s too late, I now realize how much I truly loved you.

🤟109. I miss the way your smile makes my heart skip a beat. I want to hear you laugh, I miss seeing your dimples. You are all I think about day and night. The way you say goodnight every night gives me butterflies. I count down the time till you are back in my arms, I can’t wait to kiss you again.

🤟110. I saw you at the nightclub last night I was really happy to see you! It's been a long time since we were together, and I miss talking to my friend, you know. So how are you? How was your birthday? Did you like the present I gave you? By the way, about yesterday's incident, ~ ~ ~ one more thing. Well, I'm sorry.

🤟111. As time moves forward, I remember our last conversation. It was the end of the day and we were both tired, but it didn’t matter to us at all! We sat in my car for an hour, talking about our plans for the future, discussing all of life's possibilities that lay ahead of us. From that moment on, I was even more excited than ever, because every second spent with you seemed like a blessing from God himself. I can’t wait until we met..

🤟112. By now you must have received my gift to you. I can’t wait to see you on Friday. I hope it has made you smile as much as the gift you gave me did. The card was beautiful. You are beautiful. I love you.

🤟113. Sending you a hug from across the miles... it feels so good to know you are always there for me! I know we’ll see each other soon ---- keep up your positive thinking! Love Ya!

🤟114. I miss you so much my friend, I hope that someday soon I will see your smiling face again. Even though I am away from you right now, my heart is always with you.

🤟115. I know it's silly, but I wish that you were here to text! You are always on my mind. I miss you so much! I hope this message finds you doing well and having fun with your family. I cannot wait to hear all about it when you get home!

🤟116. A friend is a gift from God. However, a best friend is a gift from a God. Thanks for being a wonderful friend. I miss you so much since I have been away at school. Every day that passes just makes me miss you even more! You have been there for me so many times and I really hope someday to return the favor!

🤟117. We have been best friends for the last 15 years. I hope that one day we can be more. Until then I wish you happiness in whatever you do in life.

🤟118. I’m missing you like crazy. I miss your arms around me, your kisses, and your warm hugs. I miss talking to you and hearing the soft voice I love. The time we spend together is never enough for me!

🤟119. I hope you know how much I miss you. I wish you were here with me. I’m going to miss you because your dream is going to come true and you deserve this opportunity.

🤟120. You are on my mind all the time especially during the night when I go to bed. All I think about is you; I wish that you were here with me. I miss you so much!!!! I want to be in your arms so bad!…

🤟121. Anytime you need a friend to talk to, I want you to know that I’m here for you. I hope you know how truly special you are to me and know that no matter what, I will be here for you every step of the way.

🤟122. I never thought this would happen to me. I miss you so much. It’s a dull ache that grows fiercer every day. My thoughts run wild with the possibility you might be gone forever. I know it isn’t true but I can’t shake these thoughts from my mind. I feel as though I am losing a part of myself and it terrifies me.

🤟123. We have been through a lot. We have been friends for a very long time. I do not know what will happen in the future, but you are always there for me. You are one of a kind and that is one of the reasons I love you. Whenever I saw your messages, I feel much better. Come back to me, please.

🤟124. I love you, You are my best friend. You are my other half. I love you. I miss you. I will never forget the moments we shared together. We don’t have to be together, as long as we are in each other’s hearts. Love you forever.

🤟125. I miss you so much. I can’t believe you moved to England. Even though we don’t get to see each other as often as we normally would, I love you with all my heart and soul. I know it will be hard being so far from one another, but no matter what distance separates us our love will always be strong.

🤟126. I miss you so much my darling, I long to see your face. My heart hurts without you near. I can feel you in my dreams but it’s not the same. I hope to find the time to spend with you again soon, because every second spent with you is pure bliss!

🤟127. You are in my heart, in my mind, in my soul, in my everything. I miss you so much. I wish you were here. But this will have to do for now. Hope you are having a great time! Hope you are safe! Love you!"

🤟128. I wish I could hug you and kiss you and tell you how much I love you. But until I can be with you again, know that I will never stop thinking of you. Know that I miss you more than words could ever express, more than I can ever say, or more than you will ever know.

🤟129. I never thought I could want someone so badly. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you look at me. You are my dream come true… I love everything about you. I would do anything to keep you here with me. But if things were different I wouldn’t have met you, so I guess this is just the way it has to be. At least someday we will meet again, and then maybe it will be different, or maybe not.

🤟130. You are the best brother I ever had. I love you with all my heart. I will always remember our fun times, back in school. Even though you live far away, you are never far from my thoughts.

🤟131. As for me, I am like the letter I, /whom thou held so dear, that now is waste paper. /I am like something you knew well, but which you have forgotten with time. /My letters look no different than yours. We both start with ‘I’. But, the stories we tell are not alike. /It is our differences that bind us together. So let us be different, lest we forget how to share the magic of friendship!

🤟132. I’m sitting here thinking about how much I miss you. I’ve counted the moments to try to determine just how much. It came out to around 1022922. That’s a lot of moments, but the one thing they have in common is how much I miss you.

🤟133. When it comes to the things that I want, the only thing that I want is you. When it comes to the things that make me smile, they don’t make me smile like you. When it come to the things that I love, it’s not really much at all... But they don’t say it enough.

🤟134. You’re my best friend, my soul mate, my lover. I know that we’re apart right now, but I am still filled with a sense of happiness whenever I knew you’re there for me though miles apart. You always said to me, “Love is stronger than distance, time and words.” After all what we have been through the last couple of years, I thought it is impossible to love you more than before. But I was wrong…

🤟135.  I miss you a lot, I miss your beautiful face and your sweet touch. I want to hear your voice, your laughter and your cute accent. I long to hold you in my arms and say how much I love you.

🤟136. You light up my day like the sun. I’d be lost without your beautiful face and your heart warming smile. You are so wise and so perfect. I love you so much and I miss you every moment we aren’t together.

🤟137. You are missed by me -- missing smiles, laughter, talks, fights, phone calls. I just wish I could hold you again in my arms to tell you one last time that I do love you!

🤟138. I miss your smile. I miss your laugh when I make stupid jokes. I miss our lazy afternoons laying together in bed. I miss the way you would brush my hair from my face and tell me how much you loved me! I just want to hold you again.

🤟139. Miss, you like the setting sun, like the winter cold, like a child who cries. Miss you like love remembered, like roses in full bloom, you're still very much a part of me.

🤟140. It’s me. You may not recognize me like this, but I recognize you. I miss you. Miss the way you smile when you talk to me, how your eyes sparkle in the sun. Miss how beautiful your smile is in person when you see me for the first time after not seeing me for a while. Miss your voice, like music to my ears. Miss all that you are and all that you do.

🤟141. Today is your birthday. You should be here to share it with us. I want you to be here so bad! Every time I see a butterfly, I miss you even more. Much love from all of the other butterflies in the world… but none from me. ; )

🤟142. My thoughts are really with you. I hope you find a way to be happier soon. People need to have friends who enjoy being around them, and right now that isn’t possible.''

🤟143. Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be; and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks, and it all makes sense to me. I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile, but I love them when I see them cause they're proof that you've smiled at me.

🤟144. We have been best friends since I can remember, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you. You are so important to me. I’m thankful for all the memories of being kids together, growing up with each other, learning about life, men, and everything else. Today is just another day that I am thankful for you. I miss you terribly. Please call or text me today!

🤟145. We were such good friends, and we had so much fun together. You always made me smile and we would laugh so much. To this day I still smile at all the memories you left behind because you were such an amazing person. Since we lost touch, life has been so much different and I really miss you and wish I could be back in your arms one more time. Your friendship was the best thing that ever happened to me, even though you are gone I will never forget what fun times we spend.

🤟146. I was thinking today about how much I miss you and how I can’t wait to see you again. You were that one person that made me smile every day even when it didn’t seem that possible. You have been touched by an angel and have been given a special gift called loving others, please cherish this gift always it is very important. Love you always.

🤟147. I miss you so much, my dear friend. I wish you were here to listen to music with me, to laugh with me, and to hug you from time to time. Your sad songs bring tears to my eyes now that you are not here. I miss your smile, your laugh and the way I feel safe each time I am with you.

🤟148. You are the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for. Your love and support over the years have made me strong. I will forever be thankful for you. You are my light, my world, my strength. Forever yours!

🤟149. I feel like I don’t tell you enough how much I miss you when you are away. I miss your hugs, your kisses, your soft touch, but most of all I miss your love.

🤟150. Each day without you here is a lonely one. When I think of you my heart starts to cry. My nights are long and lonely without you to hold. I love you with all my being!

🤟151. You are my love, the air I breathe, my day and night. You were my choice, my soul mate. You were my one and only true lover… I will always love you, darling.

🤟152. You are a star that shines brightly in the sky. Your light is what guides me as I try to find my way. You warm me as I watch from afar and you were so bright I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I know now, without a doubt, that your love is what keeps me going every day.

🤟153. If I had one wish, I would wish for time travel so that I could tell my past self to check your Facebook page more often in college! Because in the end, it was you who was waiting for me all along.

🤟154. Hey, I am your best friend and it always hurts to be away from you. I miss you but the good news is that we will see each other soon and we will make new memories together. You mean a lot to me and I promise to always be there for you. I love you, my dear friend.

🤟155. Hey there, how are you? I hope this message finds you well, I just wanted to take the time to tell you that I miss you. It seems like it’s been forever since we last talked. The school has kept me so busy and I’ve really missed you. There’s nothing quite like hanging out with you, so until next time. Be Good!

🤟156. I miss you so much. I haven’t seen you in a while and it feels like I haven’t talked to you in forever. It feels like we have been apart for so long. I feel so lucky to have been able to grow up with someone as amazing as you. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. Keep smiling and remember that one day we will be back together again until then I will fill my days with funny memories of our past together

🤟157. I miss you so much! Every day I think about you and long to have you back in my life. I was just beginning to find happiness with you, how could you do this? Why? I hope one day, someday, maybe, you will come back to me. If you won’t come back for me at least come back so I can tell you one last time how much I love you.

🤟158. I miss you. I wish you knew how much I care, I’d give anything to make you smile. To hear your laugh and witness one of your amazing smiles would make me the happiest girl in the world. I hope wherever you are you know I am thinking of you and wishing we were together, loving and laughing like we used to.

🤟159. I wish I could look into your eyes and see you. To see the love that is always there for me. I miss just being able to call you or even better just being with you. And being able to say the three simple words that will always be true, “I Love You”

🤟160. You know me so well, and you always know the right thing to say. Your voice is like music to my ears and your smile is like gold. I love how we can finish each others sentences and no matter what happens, we always get back up. You make me laugh harder than anyone else ever could, you make me feel beautiful and appreciated and for that I will always love you

🤟161. Your smile, your hugs, your beautiful eyes, your thoughtfulness, and your heart. I love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you with all my heart.

🤟162. I can’t believe it’s been a whole month since I last saw you, and a half a year since we said goodbye. I miss you so much, but I know you are in a better place. Remembering you always bring me to tears - but it also reminds me what kind of person you were. Those wonderful memories make me smile every day because the good times were always twice as good when I shared it with you! You are still in my heart, until

🤟163. You are my best friend. You are always there for me when I need you the most. I treasure our friendship, and am thankful for every moment we spend together. I’ve had many friends over the years, but you are the finest of all. Thank you for making me laugh, comforting me when I’m upset, and always sharing your heart with me.

🤟164. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to talk. Life has been super busy, and crazy! I miss you SO much though. Life isn’t the same without our little text sessions and phone calls. I guess I just miss you more than I thought!

🤟165. Hi my dear friend, Hope you are doing well. I really miss you every day. I wish you are fine. You are sweet, fun, manly, and caring that too much. Sometimes I feel you are the best guy in the world for me because I love your voice, songs, attitude, looks, and hobbies also. Thank you for being in my life. I hope we will be friends forever.

🤟166. Though time and distance separates us, your love keeps me going. I miss you so much and I can’t wait till we meet again. My heart aches for you because I know that only then will it be complete. I promise that you will always have my love. You are my everything.

🤟167. Hey friend! I’m missing you plenty right now. How is your day treating you? Did you get my text from last night? I was hoping to catch you before I went to bed, but I guess you were busy. Hope things are going well for you. Talk to you soon!

🤟168. I miss you and wish we were together and could watch a movie. I know you’re having a good time and I love you to death but come home soon! I know you’re getting spoiled already. So hurry, I miss you!

🤟168. Hey _ _ _ _ _, I thought of you today and the time we spent together. I miss you and your messages. Have a great day!

🤟169. Time goes on and I miss you just as much as the day we said goodbye. We had so many plans and never got to see them through. I will always love you and think of you every day with a stars in my eyes and a smile on my face. You were and always will be my one and only.

🤟170. My dear sweet precious friend. I miss you. I miss the way you smell, I miss the sound of your voice, and I absolutely miss how you feel in my arms. Today is a very lonely day, because there is no one here to help me celebrate this special holiday. All I have are memories and yearning to be with you, but knowing that I can’t. You make me feel so loved, so special. More than words could ever say, more than a thousand

🤟171. I may not tell you enough, but I love you. I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh. I love the way you kiss me awake in the morning. I love how silly you are, and how much fun we always have. My life would be far less amazing without you in it. You are my best friend and my very favorite person.

🤟171. You are my world, my love, my best friend. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. I hate the distance between us because I want to be with you like this 24/7. So far apart but closer than it seems. With you in my heart, where you’ll always be.

🤟172. I miss you so much. I think about you every day. Every encounter I have with anyone reminds me of you in one way or another. Your love shaped me to become the man I am today, but also who I am still striving to be. You will never ever know how much I wish you were here to hold my hand through this journey, but I have no regrets at all.

🤟173. Missing an important person in your life? Ten things to do while missing a really good friend

🤟174. You are my friend! You are my best friend! And if you ever forget that… I’ll never forgive you!

🤟175. What can I say? You made my life happy and comfortable with lots of fun and excitement. We shared a lot of good times together. It was a great friendship that I will always cherish in my heart. When we met for the first time, I thought you were so cool and your ideas for our love letter were really awesome! But the most memorable moment for me is when we said goodbye to each other after such a long and unforgettable journey.

🤟176. I’m missing you like crazy. Thinking about all the fun we’ve had and how much I miss you holding me close to you. I love you so much! Writing this note has made me think of our song “I Miss You” by Blink 182 shows how much your love means to me! I miss your cuddles, kisses, silly laughs. I’ll always be here for you no matter what, whether it’s good or bad.

🤟177. Oh my dear friend. I miss you so much! Sometimes I walk around campus looking for you. I hope you are doing well and wish you were here with me. The days feel so long without you by my side. You are kind, sweet and all around the best person I know. There is not a day that passes where I don’t think of you, I love you!

🤟178. You are my best friend, my sister, my angel. I love you so much. You can always make me smile when I am down by just being in the room. I miss you every day!

🤟179. I miss you so so much, it feels like my heart is breaking. Each day that passes just makes the pain worse. I miss your voice, your smell, your touch, and your kisses. I want to hold you close and never let go. My days are not complete without hearing from you. Every day I wait to hear your sweet voice, but each day goes by with silence.

🤟180. I think of everything we’ve been through, the good times and the bad. I don’t regret meeting you, you are my second half, my love. The time we spend together is special and it brings me joy every day. I will always be here for you, fighting through thick and thin. With you, by my side, I know that no matter what tomorrow brings it will be a better day than today because you will be in it with me. I can’t wait

🤟181. It’s a shame that a year has gone by so fast. I loved being able to spend so much time with you...I really miss you... words can not describe how much.

🤟182. It doesn’t matter if I am rich or poor. It doesn’t matter if we live on the same street or not. It doesn’t matter if we can always find time to see each other or not. If we are never able to see each other again, it won’t change how big my love for you is and how special and important you will always be. Love you, little bro!

🤟183. I can’t believe it has been a week already. I miss you so much. My days are longer and harder without you being here. I don’t know how to live without you, without your love and support. I have to think of you every day and night since you left for work on that cold January morning. Over a year now has passed and I just still miss waking up with you every morning.

🤟184. I STILL MISS YOU! I know you're there in spirit, but I really STILL MISS YOU! In fact, if I didn't say it enough when you were here, well... I REALLY MISS YOU NOW! Your friend, Mickey

🤟185. I miss you, but I know you are in a better place. You were the greatest brother, son, uncle, and boyfriend anyone could ask for. You have had an everlasting impact on everyone you have met. I am so lucky to have had the honor of being your family. I will try to follow in your footsteps and live my life with a character like you did. (written with tears)

🤟186. I wonder what it would be like to wake up one morning and not feel the pain of losing you. I miss you more than I can ever say. I wish you were here with me instead of in my heart where I can’t hug you or kiss you. The only consolation is that someday we will meet again when the pain no longer hurts so much.

🤟187. I miss you so much, my dear friend. You are having the time of your life right now. I have seen you grow over the years and it’s so amazing to see you happy. I will give you all the updates I can, but please please write to me. I miss hearing from you so much! All my love

🤟188. Hey, my love, I miss you so much. Every moment without you is like torture. I long for the day where we are together again. Your smile lights up my world, your voice calms me down, and your love makes me the happiest person on earth. You are truly my soul mate! I can’t wait to be with you again!

🤟189. I was sitting here thinking about my baby. I miss you so much, my baby. I wish you were here by my side. I don’t want to spend another day without you, my baby. I am worried about how you are doing. Please call me when you can, I am worried about your health right now, call me please my baby. Love you with all my heart baby! Miss You!

🤟190. I miss you so much. It’s only been a few days since I saw your sweet face, but it feels like forever. You are one of the warmest, kindest souls I know and I wish every day that you were still here, so I could tell you how much I LOVE YOU!

🤟191. I love you so much, you have no idea. I miss our talks and being able to see your beautiful face. I can’t wait to see you again! Love you, missy! God bless!

🤟192. You are my heart, you are my soul. I’m everywhere without you. I miss you so much it hurts. I wish I could turn back the hands of time to be with you again. You are always on my mind, even in my dreams. My love for you is endless, steadfast, and true. May God bless you now and forevermore?

🤟193. I will forever be grateful for all the times you were there for me. How can I possibly thank you for everything? You mean so much to me, you always have. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. Hopefully, soon I will get to see your beautiful face again.

🤟194. In my heart, I’m your girlfriend, the woman who loves you truly. In my soul, I’m a friend who wishes you all the best. I’ll always be around for you, baby.

🤟195. Saying you are my best friend doesn’t even come close to explaining the type of bond we have. I’m so lucky to have someone so special in my life. A friendship so strong that everyone wishes they had one just like it. I have fun with you no matter what we do, and you always know how to help pick me up when I’m down.

🤟195. You are my best friend, the one who has supported me through all, my one and only. I’ll miss the little things that feel so strange without you. I’ll miss your cold feet against mine when we slept, me being able to sleep on your chest, hearing your breathing at night. I’ll miss the way you hold me tight when I get scared of new things, how you’d listen to my silly concerns over trivial matters.

🤟196. If I could turn back time, I would do it in a heartbeat. I would keep you here with me and make you realize how much you mean to me. You know that we were made for each other; we had some kind of fairy tale love story that some people will never get to live.

🤟197. Sometimes I am afraid to close my eyes and go to sleep because of the nightmares that I am afraid might come after it. My only relief comes when I see your face and know that you are there.

🤟198. Hello friend. I hope you are happy and doing well wherever you are. It's been a rather long time since we've seen each other, but I miss you. I think about you often and wish you were here to give me a hug and a kiss. I will never forget the good times we had together because they will always be in my memory to treasure for a lifetime.

🤟199. When you are sad, I will dry your tears. When you are hurt, I will hurt with you. When you laugh, I will laugh with you. I will be there for you forever...You own my heart and soul... Happy Birthday my love :)

🤟200. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. Your kindness, compassion, sense of humor and all your little quirks are what draw me to you. I love to sit across from you just eat my meal and talk about everything that comes to mind. I wish every day that you would say “I love you” to me first. But until then know that I will love you forever!

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