100 Romantic Miss u Messages for Lovers

100 Romantic Miss u Messages for Lovers
Miss You

100 Romantic Miss u Messages for Lovers

Love is the most beautiful feeling in this world. It is something more than just a word. Love can not be explained in words. Your heart says it all. We are sharing 100 romantic miss u messages for lovers. You can share these messages with your boyfriend or girlfriend to express your love for them.

Romantic Miss u Messages for Lovers

1. You have stolen my heart and carry it in your pocket, so close to your heart you can feel it beating every moment of every day. You know I love you but do not let it go out of your sight. Protect it from things unknown, for when it is lost all the love in the world will seem hollow. Lock this away in a secret place, put a silver key under your pillow and know that I am keeping your most precious of gifts safe…

2. I'm missing you so much right now, but I still love you more than anything. Just coming home every night to see your smile means the world to me. I will always be here for you and I will always love you more than anything.

3. My thoughts are always with you. I am missing you so much that my heart is left in pieces. I can’t describe this love for you, but know it is there. I just hope one day we will be together again and my heart will be whole.

4. I miss being with you so much. It makes me miss you even more because I have to be without you. The nights are longer and the days drag by but I keep hoping that one day soon you will be back in my arms where you belong. I love you baby!

5. I never thought that missing someone could hurt this much. I know that we love each other and have a future, but that doesn’t stop the pain I feel when you are gone. My broken heart can’t beat without you. I want to be with you now!

6. To My darling, I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I know there were things not so fun...but thats ok. I love you more than life itself and know that together we will conquer all the challenges that life throws our way :) Have a good night darling.

7. The distance between us is hard as hell. I want you to know that I think about you every day, and I wish you were here to cuddle with. I love you so much, and I hope this letter helps you through the days until we can feel each other’s warmth again.

8. I miss you, I feel incomplete without you. It pains me to go to bed at night without holding your hand. The sound of your voice coming through my answering machine is the only thing that makes me happy at work.

9. Every night before I go to bed, I think of you. My nights are empty without you. Like a jigsaw puzzle that’s missing one crucial piece it just seems useless. I need you in my life. I would do anything to just have one day with you.

10. I love you from my head to my toes! You are my best friend, lover and most favorite person in the world. I want to spend every day making you smile and seeing your beautiful face. I am proud to be your wife and glad that I share my life with you. Keep being a wonderful husband and have a fantastic day at work!

11. I am missing you darling, In this quiet house. In the darkness I feel your light. In the silence I hear your heartbeat. In the madness I feel calm. In the despair I see hope. In my worry, love still exists. In my loneliness, you exist. ___

12. I am missing you darling. You are spinning in my head forever. I just see you when I sleep. It is the only when I can chat with you, because when I’m awake, there are so much trash talk in my ears I’m afraid I will be deaf if I hear them anymore.

13. I love you so much. I am counting the hours until I see you again. I will keep this letter between these pages until you come back, so that anytime I feel lonely I can pull out this book and read the words of my darling.

14. It’s so hard to be apart from you for so long. All I think about is you, and I dream of holding you in my arms. You are my dearest love and soon we will be together again. Until then, my heart aches for you and I miss you like crazy!!

15. I’m so busy with work and school, I hardly have time to think about anything else. Still somehow I constantly think of you. I want nothing more than to be wrapped in your warm embrace and whisper our love into your ear. I miss you and cannot wait to see you again.

16. Leaving you behind in this cold hard city when I boarded the plane was the hardest thing I had to do. You are always in my thoughts when I run or when I eat my meals. I chew every bite 10 times just so you will think that it tastes just like you! This week hasn’t been easy for me because missing you is just not enough. The pain that aches in my chest seems to grow larger with each goodbye. The ring that will soon be on your finger.

17. I’m wishing you a wonderful day, filled with beautiful sunshine and lots of activities to keep you busy. I hope you think of me often today and always, as I find myself unable to stop thinking about you. I love you sweetheart and can’t wait to be home with you. Hope you have a magnificent day!

18. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry and I’m sorry for not saying how much I love and care about you. You give me such joy and happiness that words can barely explain. I am sorry for all the things that I do wrong and please know that I love you more than anything or anyone…

19. You are my light in the dark, my heart in my chest, my world in its entirety. I love you always and forever. If this were any other day I would take you away for a full day of love making, but sadly it is only Valentines Day so instead I will hold your hand, kiss your loved cheek and tell you how much I love you!

20. I thought the first time I saw you on the metro was love at first sight. I took an instant liking to you. You were beautiful. It was obvious you hadn’t noticed me yet. Each day I longed to talk to you more, but I knew that would have to wait since we were just strangers then. You are my dream girl, gorgeous, every guy’s fantasy. A few days later, I finally got up the courage to talk to you.

21. It is not a love letter if it does not start with fancy font! I am missing you darling. Missing the touch of your arms, the warmth of your breath on my ear, and those sweet morning kisses that always manage to make my heart skip a beat. I feel a void in the middle of my chest where you used to rest. I miss my best friend. I miss our games of chess, and word finding puzzles, playing wii, futbol and ping pong.

22. I am missing you darling. I hope that these flowers cheer you up. As much as I hate being apart, I love you more than anything in this world. Try to smile for me, even if it is just a little one. I love you so much!

23. I’m missing you, I feel nothing but lonliness without you here... I know your too busy with work and other things, but being away from me makes me feel so down that you have no idea. I just want to tell you that I love you and miss you a lot in my life. Be right back to you, once again in a hurry.

24. I’m missing you – that means that you don’t exist at all – my whole heart and soul is actually missing incredibly and desperately – as if I had lost you forever – as if you were ripped out of my life by someone like a thief in the night – as if my world would now crumble to pieces.

25. I love you every day and every minute, I miss you like crazy. Every time I think of you my heart skips a beat and it is filled with happiness and excitement. I miss your smile, I miss your eyes, your touch, your arms around me. Only when we are together everything is absolutely perfect!

26. You write such lovely love letters. It might be my favourite part about you! I realize how much I miss you when I open my emails and see one of your messages sitting there. That’s why I sent you so many yesterday, so it would be easy to find one waiting for me today.

27. I missed you so much that I couldn’t sleep last night. You are always in my thoughts. My morning coffee tastes better when you are there to share it with me. I can never drink water straight from the sink without thinking of our first kiss. My heart was so full of love for you so many years ago, but now it’s overflowing!

28. Every time I see you I realize how much I love you. You are my everything. Our love is stronger than ever before and it keeps growing stronger each day. I know that no matter what, I will always be there for you, just like you have been for me. There’s nobody else in the world that can replace you.

29. I miss you so much already, I miss your touch. I miss the feeling of your lips on mine. I Miss you looking into my eyes with that sparkle in yours. I miss the way you always smell good. I miss the way you always taste good, even after not seeing each other for a week or two because of work. I wish you were holding me right now."

30. I am missing you, darling. All I want to do is lay in your arms and kiss you. I miss your smell and the way you feel when we touch. I think of you every moment of my day and dream of you at night. But most of all, I miss hearing your laugh and seeing your smile. I love you with every ounce of my heart and soul and can’t wait to come home and be in your loving arms again.

31. I am so sad and lonely without you here with me. It’s quiet and I don’t hear your voice over the silence. I miss your touch so much, I miss your cuddles and hugs. You are the only man in my life, I have no one to hold me when I get scared. I hope you get this message soon and come back to me baby…I love you…I love you…I love you…

32. Today I have the day off work! This does not happen often because I am an elementary teacher. But I surprised myself by waking up early to make coffee for you before I left the house. When I got home you were still fast asleep so I left a kiss on your forehead and went about my day.

33. So you said you were missing me and I thought that I would write you a note. You asked if I was still in love with you and the answer is yes I am, with all my heart and soul. Have a wonderful day my dearest darling and know that wherever you go, I will be there for you.

34. There is so much I want to say, but can’t find the right words to express myself. I am holding back because I don't want to pressure you into loving me like I do you. So instead, I will just say this: you are amazing and warm my heart. Now come home and let me love you like you deserve.

35. The sun is shining but it feels like rain. The air is fresh but it smells like fire. The birds are singing but it sounds like crying. It’s lonely here without you, all I do is long for you. I wonder what you’re doing, how everything’s going? I miss you so much I want to be there with you!

36. I miss you so much… my companion, my lover, my husband. I feel like life is passing me by; ever day apart is too many. I feel like I’ve fallen into an endless abyss, cold and dark with no hope of escape. No hope of seeing your beautiful face, hearing your laugh or touching your skin again.

37. Sometimes I look at your picture and long for you. I hold you in my arms during my sleep. I crave to hear your voice, touch your skin with mine. We are together in our thoughts no matter how far apart. We have an unbreakable bond that cannot be broken by distance, time, or the hands of fate!

38. I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. I’ve loved every hair on your head, every freckle across your nose, every dimple in your lips. You are my life, my breath, my love. You are everything I want in this world and more. My life is better with you in it. I LOVE YOU.

39. I love you more than the stars in the sky. I love you more than there are fish in the sea. I think about you all day, And dream about you all night. If loving someone is wrong, Then I would rather be wrong, Than to have never loved at all.

40. I love you more than the stars in the sky, more than all the fish in the sea, more than all the birds in the air, and all the animals on the land, and everything that exists. I love you a gazillion billion times.

41. I love you more than you could ever imagine. I would stay awake all night just to watch you sleep, I would walk hundred of miles if it were for you. You are my soul mate, the one person who completes me. If I were to loose you, I would be incomplete because there is no one else like you.

42. I love you, I miss you, I need you, tomorrow is Valentines day. You give me butterflies in my stomach when you send me a text message, and every word you say to me sparks a beautiful smile on my face. My heart can’t beat a second without a thought of you.

43. I am missing you darling, more than I can say with words. There isn’t a second that goes by that I don’t long to be in your arms and hold you tight. I love you more than the stars in the sky and miss you more than life itself!

44.  Every second that passes I miss you more and more. It kills me to know that you are so far away, here in my thoughts but not in my arms. I can’t wait until this war ends for us to be together again. My life would be incomplete without you by my side, missing you today and always.

45. I miss you so much. You are so much on my mind! You are not just in my thoughts, but in my heart. I love you more than I can say, more than words can express. I care about you so much that it hurts sometimes. The thought of living without you crushes me to the bottom of my heart. The thought of not waking up next to you is unimaginable.

46. I can’t sleep, so I thought I would write you a letter. I miss you so much. I just want to hold you and tell you how much I adore you. You are the most important person in my life and even missing one minute with you is just too long. Last night when laying in bed I just wanted to hear your voice.

47. I am missing you darling. I miss your voice, your smile, your touch, the way you smell. I think about you every second of every day. I love you more each minute that passes. You are my best friend, my soul mate and the most important person in the world to me.

48. I am completely in love with you and every day I only fall in deeper in love with you. Your eyes shine like the brightest piece of crystal and when we stare into each other eyes we can see our love is pure and true. May all your dreams and wishes come true. You are my world!

49. I have never felt the way I feel about you. I am so in love with you. I don't think you realize how every time I look in your eyes they take my breath away or when your lips touch mine my toes curl. You are my heart, my soul, my everything.

50. I’m missing you darling, I wish we were side by side. My life is nothing without you, my sweet love. Whenever you’re around, the sky begins to shine. In your eyes I see a glistening light, one that helps me to understand true love at night. May all of your wishes come true tonight and may our love ever last!

51. I miss you today and every day. I am blessed to have such a loving and passionate man in my life, but sometimes it’s hard when you are away. I wonder if you think of me as much as I do you. Always missing you darling, will see you soon!

52. I am missing you like crazy, like never before. I can’t even sleep without you by my side. I am counting the moments until we will be together again. I love you and want you with me always!

53. I cannot stop thinking about you and how much I miss you: your face, your lips, the taste of your skin. You occupy my thoughts so completely that I can’t find peace in anything else. I only want you to be here with me so we can be together. I love you so much.

54. I love you so much that my heart aches. You are my breath, my heart, my soul. I miss your smile and the way you hold me tight every night. I miss our adventures and all our little inside jokes. I can’t think of anyone else I would want to spend the rest of my life with.

55. I love spending time with you. I love that everytime I look over at you I smile. You fearlessly follow your dreams and that is so inspiring. You are constantly motivating me to be a better person and continue to grow in my career. I can’t wait until we see each other again! I love you darling, thank you for always being there for me.

56. I know that no matter what life throws at us we will stick it out and be together. I just want to hold you, feel your touch and look into those grey eyes. If I close my eyes I can hear your voice and remember our past conversations. Every time I think of you a smile comes to my face, a tear to my eye, and so so much love fills my heart.

57. I wish you were here with me right now. I miss your warm hugs and gentle touch. I can still smell your apothecary cologne and hear your deep chuckle echoing off the walls of my heart.

58. I may not be able to hold you and kiss you, but I can say freely and with conviction; My love for you is unconditional and everlasting.

59.  You are the man I choose to spend the rest of my life with. I want to be in your arms when winter comes and when spring arrives. I want to be there in good times and in bad, when we both feel sick and when we go mad.

60. I am missing you darling, and I can’t explain how much I miss you. You don’t know how good it feels to sleep next to you and wake up every morning with your smile. I need you here with me to feel like everything in the world is right.

61. I miss you more than any word in the dictionary could ever express. As the day goes on I keep thinking about you, longing for you to be next to me. You are my forever love, my soul mate, my eternity.

62. I love you so much. I miss the sound of your voice. I miss feeling your embrace. I miss our late night talks and the way we finish each other’s sentences. It’s been too long since we shared a non stop laugh. I miss how we lay in bed and look into each other’s eyes and know that we can’t live without one another and that we will spend the rest of our lives together…

63. I read “The Notebook” last night. There was even a part where they longed to be together in the afterlife. Only their spirits could meet, but they shared an everlasting love. I felt your presence so strongly when I read that story, like you were right next to me, holding my hand… I long to be with you again… to hold you, kiss you. I miss you darling! (Lucky that he brought her back)

64. I miss you. I miss holding your hand and taking walks with you on my side. I miss watching movies and eating ice cream while we cuddle on the couch. I miss kissing under the stars and laughing while we make fun of Netflix shows. I miss your arms around me and your lips on mine. Every day I wish you were with me, but then I remember that what we have is more special than any other relationship could ever be.

65. Coming home from class and walking in to an empty house brings me down. I always imagined coming home to you. The thought of not having you around kills me. I know we haven’t been together long, but things have been going so well between us that I feel I have known you my whole life.

66. Now that you are gone I am lost without you. I want to wake up next to your beautiful eyes each day for the rest of my life. I am dying inside not being able to hold you.

67. My love for you is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it everywhere. You are in my mind every day and in my dreams every night. When we are apart I ache to be with you and when we’re together its like heaven.

68. I can’t believe I have been away from you for this long. We have been together for so long and even though we argue, disagree or just have a rough time, I still love you with all my heart. Even when the going got tough, I didn't turn my back on you. I still think about you everyday and want to be with you constantly. But sometimes I feel like you don’t care anymore. Pushing me away doesn’t make me love.

69. I miss your soft touch, your sweet kisses. I miss our silly little games that only the two of us understand. I love you so much.

70. I miss you more than anything . I love you darling. I love it when we cuddle and watch movies together. When we talk all night and morning comes without us noticing. When we hold each other as long as we can until it is time to be apart again. I love the thought of sharing my life with you, forever.

71. I miss making you laugh. I miss looking into your eyes and telling you how much I love you. I miss the way you would hold me when it was cold outside, even if I didn’t want you to. I know that one day everything will be okay again, that one day soon we will both be smiling instead of crying. I love you with all my heart.

72. I am missing your smile, the way you kiss me, the way you laugh, the way you smell… I miss everything about you. I am here all alone without you and it sucks.

73. My whole world revolved around you and the thought of you never leaves my mind. I know we will be together again, but it still doesn’t stop me from wishing that you were able to stay.

74. I’m so lucky [to have you in my life]. [You] make me happy and you mean everything to me. I love you beyond words and I hope you know how much I appreciate you in my life.

75. I wanted to let you know just how much I love you. I never know what to say, but all I want to do is let you know how awesome you are. You are the love of my life. I will always love you more every day!

76. My love, my one and only. I have no desire to search for anyone else, there is no one else I would ever want to spend a lifetime with. You are my best friend that makes me a better person every day. My greatest achievement was finding you and that will never change. Even though we are thousands of miles apart my heart is right next to yours.

77. I love you with everything that I am, every part of my being. You are the light in my world, the one that brightens it up. I’ve loved you since the day I laid eyes on you and you stole my heart. I will always love you more, every day.

78. I cannot imagine a day without you. You are my perfect match and I can’t wait to be back in your arms. I miss you more every day! I love you, darling.

79. I miss you so much. I just want to be back in your arms again, where I know I am loved. You are my world and have brought me so much happiness. I love you darling!

80. I love you darling. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can’t wait to see your face again and take you in my arms. I miss your hugs, kisses and words of encouragement.

81. I think it was love at first sight between you and I. You saved my life that day. It was worth waiting for you to be in my arms. I promise that whenever we are together we will never fight again. This time together has been a painful lesson, but our love is an epic story that only continues to grow. Each day we learn more about each other and the love only gets stronger. I can’t wait to be back home with you!

82. I am missing you darling. Each night when I close my eyes I see your beautiful face smiling back at me, the perfect picture of happiness. I miss you with every breath I take. Each day without you is too long. You are the air that keeps me alive. Every kiss reminds me of your lips on mine. Loving you is pure bliss. Without your love I’m adrift with no compass in sight.

83. I want to tell you I am very lucky and am thankful that we found each other. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. Never will I stop loving you.

84. You are my everything, my one and only. I thought writing a love note to you would somehow help bring you home faster! I miss you so much and love you with all my heart.

85. I love you darling! You are the other half of my soul. I think about you every second of every day and miss you so much. Forever in love, my darling boyfriend.

86.  Oh, darling! I miss you so much, every day. When I woke up this morning without your arms holding me, I realized how much I miss you already. God knows that I love you with all my heart and soul. No matter what, no one can take that away. You are the most beautiful man in the world to me and no one else will ever even come close to your beauty within so much as a country mile.

87. I love you so much! I can’t express in this letter how much I love you. I love the sound of your voice, the smell of your skin, and the way you kiss me. You were made for me and I was made for you. I promise to always love you and never let go. Nothing in this world could ever change my love for you!

88. I hug my cat so much these days. Just waiting for the day you come home to me, holding your hand and feeling your warmth. You are everything that I have ever wanted or needed and I’m always going to love you more every day. I miss you darling, more than words can say.

89. I thought I would never get to tell you how much I love and care for you. You are my reason to get up every morning and I don’t think there will ever be a day that goes by that I don’t need you.

90. You are my right arm, my left arm, my legs, my heart, everything about you drives me insane with love. You are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen or met in person. You are the smartest women that I know and that works so hard to get through life. And just when you have it all done, you have to take care of mine because I can’t get through one day without you.

91. My heart is filled with so much love for you and I am completely helpless without you. Just a few months ago we did not know of each other but now my life is filled with you.

92. I can’t fall asleep until I know you are there at my side, and I can’t live without your kisses. You mean everything to me. Your smile is what makes me smile and your touch is what I need to feel alive.

93.        You inspire me to be a better man and partner. I am so excited at the future we can have together. I will do anything to make you smile, and I am so lucky that I get to kiss those beautiful cheeks everyday, and I can’t wait for the day when we get to meet face-to-face.

94. You’re the one that brightens my day and dims my bad mood and I thought you should know that. I hope you go out and live life to the fullest, for myself and for you. I love you baby and I miss you.

95. You are so beautiful with your smile, your voice, and even your snore! I just want to be the most important person in your life and that is not an easy task. You stole my heart long before you accepted me into your life and I hope you never let me go.

96. Jade, I love you. Before you every morning is a new day full of possibilities and hope. I thank you for everything in my life and for loving me. I will never take it for granted.

97. When we get older and look back at all the beautiful things we did together I want to be able to say that you were the love of my life. You are everything I could have hoped for in a wife, lover, best friend and companion.

98. I am missing you dearly darling. Touching your hair while holding you close, listening to you breathe while you sleep, kissing your forehead gently when you are upset, hugging your hips when I think about the day I lost before I met you, missing your laugh and teasing…

99. Baby, I want to tell you that I will never ever let go of you. I know it may sound cheesy, but I will always love you. I was so afraid that you will never be mine, but here we are now.

100. I will be home soon. I just have one more semester left in my bachelor’s degree, then I am officially done with school. It is hard being apart for this long, but I know in due time we will be together. I want to have you come up to Michigan this summer when I get home. My mom wants to meet you, maybe take you out for dinner or something.

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