50 Romantic short love letters for him from the heart

Short Love Letters

Romantic short love letters for him from the heart

Romantic short love letters for him from the heart. I enjoy writing love letters to my husband, but I'm not very creative or verbose, so it's hard for me to write letters that are more than just a few sentences. Even though I can't write long love letters to my husband, he still loves getting them because they are so personal and heartfelt. Here are some of my favorite ideas for short love letters for him. 

100 I miss you messages for girlfriend

Check out these romantic short love letters for him from the heart. They are written so beautifully that you will love them without any doubt. These are not just any ordinary love letters, they are written with so many feelings and emotions by people who have tried to put their feelings into words.

1. You made me fall in love all over again. Your eyes sparkle, your lips taste so sweet, and I can’t get enough of you. You have known me from the inside out and still want to be with me. You have been there from the very beginning and I am blessed to have a person like you in my life. I know our love will last a lifetime!

2. I love you. You are my love and my entire world. You know what you mean to me and I hope I show it every day. I want to treat you like a princess, but I also want to be yours no matter the circumstance. No matter how long it takes, I will always love you until the end of time.

3. I have only loved one man in my life, and he is still the most important person in my life. Loving you makes me a better person and I hope that I make you a better person too.

4. I want to give you a message from my heart. I love you. Every time we are together, I feel so much joy and happiness. I never thought I could feel this much love for one person! Thank you for coming into my life!

5. I love you, You are the only man that I could see myself with. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I can’t wait to spend forever with you. I hope that one day I will be your wife and I will carry your children.

6. I love you, you are the most amazing man that I have ever met in my life. You are my everything. You give me butterflies when I looked into your eyes, I can’t wait to be your wife and spend forever with you. I love the sound of your voice, the way you smell, the way you smile and laugh.

7. I love you with all my heart. I’m so lucky to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I am ready for us to start our lives together, to begin building our future together. Now that you are officially mine forever, I plan on showing you how much I love you more than any man could ever love a woman (attention ladies). I will give you everything in the world and show only a tenth of a percent of what a great man loves.

8. I love you, I have searched for so long to find the man of my dreams. I’ve finally found him in you. You are everything that I have ever wanted, there is no doubt in my mind that you are the one. From the fun times to the bad times we always seem to make it through and laugh and smile and learn and grow and LOVE.

9. I love you and will never let you go. I will always be by your side and help you with anything that comes our way. You make my heart skip a beat and the happiness that you bring is indescribable. I don’t know where my life would be without you in it, but I don’t want to find out because I love you too much to let you go!

10. Baby, you and I were meant for each other and we always will be. When we look back on this in the future, I hope we can say that we loved each other unconditionally and foolishly loved each other in a way most people only dream of.

11. I love you so much, and I will always cherish our love! I am so thankful to have you in my life! The bottom line is that I love you and I never want to lose you. The only shape of you that will ever matter to me is the shape of your heart. And I can guarantee it’s a heart made just for me…

12, And to the most handsome man in the world, my husband-to-be, I love you dearly! I know life won’t always be a bed of roses but it wouldn’t be half as special without you. I love you with all my heart and soul!

13. I’ve never felt this amazing about a person in my life. When I am around you the world just melts away. Your love is unconditional and unique, something I have always wanted to give and receive! This feeling is unexplainable, but every time I’m with you, it just makes me feel whole.

14. It has been one year since we first met. You brought me so much happiness and love that I am happy to get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much and am so proud to call you my husband!

15. Love is without a doubt the most powerful force on earth. It can make such a difference in people’s lives and if you don’t believe it then you haven’t found that special person yet. All you need to do is look around and see that love is all around, and along with it is happiness, joy, and many more things. I want to tell you how much your love means to me and if I could give this feeling out for everyone to have I would.

16. Being with you is like breathing, it comes naturally. I am at peace when you are next to me. When your head rests on my chest and your hand rests in mine it all makes sense. You make me feel at home; there is no need to question the situation because I know I am where I belong. Your heart beats right along with mine, and together our hearts beat like one.

17. I want to spend forever telling you how much I love you. I want to whisper sweet nothings into your ear that will make your heart flutter. You are my soul mate, my other half. I will love you until the end of eternity.

18. You're gentle yet strong, your eyes shine brightly with all the light I could ever need. You radiate happiness, and you inspire me to be the best that I can be. No words are needed, for your touch speaks much louder than any loud noise.

19. When I'm with you, I have nothing to worry about. You are always in tune with my emotions and you always know what to say. We seem to be inter-connected. Our similar tastes in music, movies and hobbies make it easy for us to connect on a deep emotional level.

20. You are everything to me. I count every moment I spend with you. The moment our fingers touch is electric. I can’t get enough of you, even when we are together for extended periods of time. You are the other side of the coin that makes my heart whole.

21. When I’m with you, I feel at home. You are my refuge from this crazy life, my sanctuary. You complete me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you because having you in my life is natural to me.

22. I like the feeling of walking into a room and knowing you’re already there. I crave your smell and the way it lingers on my clothes even when we aren’t together. If I close my eyes, I can hear your voice in my head.

23. I want to spend forever telling you how much I love you. I want to whisper sweet nothings into your ear that will make your heart flutter. You are my soul mate, my other half. I will love you until the end of eternity.

24. I wouldn’t trade a lifetime with you for anything. I will never stop loving you no matter what, the only thing that could change that is death itself. I hope to spend forever with you.

25. I want you to know that I am here for you, through the good times and bad. My love for you forever grows stronger with each passing day. You are a wonderful mother, a loving wife, and a passionate woman. I will cherish our love for eternity."

26. I am so grateful to God for giving me another day with the love of my life. You are truly one of a kind. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life loving you more every single day. I love you more than you can imagine.

27. All I can think about lately is you. You are all I think of and want to be with. When we are together we complete each other, as one as two as three as forever as always as I love you as you love me as let’s never be apart as long as we love.

28. I love you more each morning as I lay next to your sleeping form. I love you more as you pad softly into the bathroom to take a shower. I love you more as you cook breakfast or make lunch for your sweet husband. You are my world and now that we have been married for 10 years, I feel even stronger emotions from the love I have for you.

29. I love you more each morning as I help you with your coffee. I love you more as we make toast and eggs in the kitchen. I love you more as we walk across the green to my parents’ house for 10th-year wedding anniversary party. You are my world and now that we have been married for 10 years, I feel even stronger emotions from the love I have for you.

30. I love you most in the morning when we lay in bed and our bodies gently press together. I love you most when you burrow under the covers and I pretend to be a shark and that wakes you up. I love you most when you’re making breakfast, exhausted but happy. I love you most when I see your funny face after your shower and you're completely relaxed. You're my world and now that we have been married for 10 years, I feel even stronger emotions.

31. I love you more every day, my dear Isabella. I love you more as you laugh with me, and more as we make plans for our future together. Happy anniversary, sweetie.

32. I love you so much. You keep me warm at night and you always make me smile when I see you. Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our union and I am so grateful to have you in my life.

33.  It has been 10 years since we have been married and just when I think that my love couldn’t get any deeper, you manage to prove me wrong by doing things like making me pizza in the morning, giving me a foot rub when I get home from work or even helping me clean the house from time to time. You are the perfect wife and my heart is full of joy.

34. For me, no morning is complete without a kiss from you. You have been by my side for all of the big and small moments in our lives, and I love you more today than yesterday.

35. I love you, sweetie. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Thanks for putting up with my annoying self these last 10 years. I couldn’t imagine life without you now!

36. As I sit here on our 10 year anniversary, I’m reminded of how much I love you. No matter what challenges we face, no matter how long it takes, I will always love you.

37. I’m so thankful to have you. You make life complete and fulfilling in a way that sets my soul at ease. I know I’m truly blessed and wish to spend the rest of my life sharing this love we share with the world.

38. I’d like to dedicate this letter to my wife that I love with all my heart. My world would not be the same without her. This year we were married and now we can travel anywhere in the world. I know our lives out of the office will now be full of love and happiness…

39. I miss you when you’re gone. I love to hear your voice and can’t wait to see you again. You are my one and only true love. When I think of the past, present, and future you are what inspires me to be my best self. Thank you for sharing your love with me!

40. We have been best friends for so long it’s scary to think of a future without you by my side. Your love for me is an endless ocean that flows through me and leaves a happy stream in its wake. I know our love will last a lifetime, and I’m so glad to have found you.

41. I want to hold your hand forever. I want to talk with you about everything and nothing. I want to make love to you whenever however you like. I want to kiss the daylights out of you. I want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life. Because above all else, I want us always to be together.

42. I want to hold your hand forever. I want to walk my days by your side, spend every moment of every day with you. I want to wake up every day with you or fall asleep at night with your arms around me. Because above all else, I want us to be together always.

43. I want to be in your arms forever. I want to feel your lips against mine. I want to make you the happiest man in the world. And when you think you can’t be happier, I want to surprise you with something new and make you even happier than before.

44. I want to hear about your day, no matter how good or bad it is. I want to know all your hopes and dreams. I want to be on the journey with you, every step of the way. No more secrets, always openness. I promise.

45. I hope you understand that when I say these words it is not out of silliness or out of habit due to our time together. They are true in every sense of the word and they come from my heart. I love you."

46. I love you despite your frustrating idiosyncrasies. I love you exactly because you are not perfect. I love you despite your flaws, mistakes, and sins. I love you despite being short-tempered, lazy, grouchy, moody, greedy, jealous, self-absorbed, or even depressed sometimes.

47.  I love you because you are perfectly imperfect, wonderfully made, totally unique, surprisingly ordinary, and blatantly unpredictable. I love you because you are my life partner, my best friend, my playmate, my confidante, my lover. I love you because of your courage—the way you have risked so much for me and others. I love you because of your patience—the way you have borne so many of my worst traits while nurturing the best in me.

48. I love you despite being a man. I love you despite being a Christian. I love you despite being an American, a conservative, a Republican, a male pastor, having the same car for the last 11 years, listening to hip-hop and heavy metal, going to bed too late, and getting up too early.

49. I love you despite the way I make you feel sometimes. I am grateful for our time together. Every day I spend with you is a gift from God. When you are near me, I am complete. Regardless of the days ahead of us, my heart will always be yours, always."

50. it’s an unspoken fact that together we are better, stronger, more resilient than we could ever be alone. I love you despite that. You bring out the best in me. You inspire new dreams and aspirations that I never had before. I am thankful for you every day!

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