200 The Best Emotional Messages for Husband

Emotional Messages
Emotional Messages

Emotional Messages For Husband 

Are you looking for the best emotional messages for your husband? If yes, then you have landed on the right page. This post will let you know about the best emotional messages that you can send to your husband. You can send a text or a WhatsApp message to your husband and make him feel special.

200 The Best Emotional Messages for Husband

1. I want you to know that I will love and respect you forever. You are everything to me. I will always love you, today and until the end of time. Your love is genuine and has no bounds, it is everlasting. You are caring, loving, and sweet. You turn my whole world upside down when you smile at me and when I feel your touch, I melt! The warmth in your smile melts my heart and keeps me falling in love with you every day.

2. I married the wrong man if I couldn’t have you. Thank you for showing me what true love is all about. You are my best friend, lover, and soulmate. I love you with all my heart and soul…XOXO!

3. Words can’t describe how happy you make me, and how much I love you. I promise to always be there for you, and I thank God every day for giving me such an amazing husband to love.

4. There is no other man in this world who could make me happier than I am now. You are the most loving and supportive person I know. I love you more than life itself and even though we have our tough times, you’re always there for me and I just can’t stop loving you. You are my best friend, soul mate, and the love of my life. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me and for all your patience during those hard times.

5. Babe! You are the BEST hubby a girl could ask for. You always work so hard and I am so proud of you. I know that I’m not perfect, but you always forgive my mistakes and never fail to love me. Thank you for loving me and trusting me. I love you!

6. You are the most caring man I know, and not just for me. But everyone around you. You have so much love to give and I feel lucky to have it all. I pray every day that I can make you as happy as you make me. You are so selfless, giving me time alone at night, to be able to go out with my friends and enjoy life. And you don’t nag me about what time I’ll be home because you know,,.

6. I love you. I don’t say it nearly enough. You are beautiful and strong and amazing. You make me happier than I could ever imagine and I know we were meant to be together. I can’t wait for our next adventure, to spend more time with you and to make more memories.

7. The day we met, you became my one and only love. You stole my heart and that was that. I can’t help but smile whenever I hear your voice. You complete me like no one else ever could. Seeing you smile is all I need to make my day brighter. Your arms are the only place I ever want to be.

8. I am the luckiest man alive. I am madly in love with you and can’t think of anything else that makes me happier. I know that I don’t say it enough, but you are my heart and soul. You are all I think about every second of the day, even when we are apart.

9. You are my world. You are all I have ever wanted in a man. You are kind, patient, loving, caring, and strong. You are the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. I feel so blessed that God chose me to be the one to bring you into this world.

10. Thanks for always being there for me. A few years ago we would never have imagined we would end up where we are now. You’re the best person I’ve ever met and I can’t believe that you consider me one of the most amazing women you’ve ever known! There is nothing I would change about you because to me you’re perfect."

11. I’m not in love with you because of your looks or your clothes or your car or the way you make love to me... I’m in love with you because you are all that matters... I'm in love with everything I know about you.... and everything I discovered about you when getting to know you better.  I'm in love with whom my eyes see when I look into your eyes, and with whom my heart hears when it listens to your heart.

12. To the man who makes my heart flutter, You are so sweet to me. You are very thoughtful and bring out the best in me. I’m so happy that we got married to spend our lives together. I Love You.

13. Saying “I love you” is not enough to express how much you mean to me. Every time I think about you my heart overflows with emotion. You are my everything, my soul mate, my best friend, my partner in crime. The thought of you puts a smile on my face no matter what is going on in life.

14. My sweet, I cannot live without you. How can one person bring so much joy to someone’s life? Your eyes are the most beautiful things in the world. Our love is something I could not live without. You bring me so much happiness. You are my heart, my soul, and my reason for being. I love you more than words could ever say!

15. My love for you grows stronger with each passing day. You are my one true love and I would never trade you for anything in the world. I will always cherish every word from your lips, every laugh from your heart, and every touch from your fingertips. I love you with all my heart.

16. If a moment could last forever, I would always want it to be with you. We have been through so much, but we have made it through stronger than ever. When I wake up in the morning and see your handsome face, my heart melts. I will love you to the end of time!

17. Today you make me the happiest woman in the world. You gave yourself not only to me but to our son. I feel like you are my heaven on Earth and I’m lucky enough to have you.

18. I can’t believe that you are already a year old today. I love you more every day that we are together. You make my life full of joy and happiness. I will always cherish the incredible memories we have shared together as well as those to come.

19. You make me feel like butterflies on the inside and it makes me want to be with you all the time. I love you more than words could ever say and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

20. I love you. You are by far the best thing in my life. I couldn’t have asked for someone better to share my life with. Thank you for being in my life, for understanding me. You are perfect."

21. Happy Valentine’s Day to my love. I miss you so much and can not wait until we are together again. I love you with all my heart and soul and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

22. You are my soul mate, my best friend. I can’t imagine not having you in my life. Beyond thankful to have found someone so wonderful, so giving, so loving. Our love is beautiful! I feel so lucky to have you in my life.

23. You are my walking magic. You’re my shelter in the storms. You’re my smoldering fire that burns through the cold nights. Because of you, I never have to be alone because starlight was born from Castor and Pollux, two brothers who always wanted to see each other again after being apart for so long. When I look into your eyes, I feel as if I could just float away into the abyss because you have a kind soul that is full of love.

24. I met you at the right place, at the right time. Now after all these years I can say that I have never been so happy in my life. I love you so much and want to be with you forever. I want to grow old with you and have kids with you! You are my forever love.

25. I love you. I love you with every piece of my heart, mind, body, and soul. My life would be nothing without your love. You are my air, my music, my everything. I will always love you completely, with all I have

26. There is no one else I would rather be with than you. Every layer of my heart belongs to you and only you, and I’ll do everything in my power to keep it that way. You are the love of my life and I truly believe that with everything in me. My wish for us is to grow old together and continue to be as happy as we are now.

27. Sometimes I can’t believe this is my life. That you, the love of my life, have chosen me to be yours. I will hold on to that feeling forever and never let it go. You mean the world to me and I will always cherish you in my heart. For a love like ours, no words could ever express how deeply I feel for you.''

28. There are so many things I love about you my love...first of all, you are the most supportive husband in the entire world. I think no matter what I ever do or will do you’ll always be right behind me, just to cheer me on.

29. Thanks for being there when I needed someone to listen. Thanks for cheering me up when I was feeling down. Thanks for making my life special and unique with your love. You are wonderful in all the ways possible, you are sweet, kind, loving, understanding, and supportive. I love you!

30. I’m sorry I was a fool to say goodbye. Each day I never thought I’d see the light of another day, but I did and it’s all because of you. You fought for me and wanted to make things right again. My heart is finally whole again. I can’t wait to marry you, sweetheart.

31. It’s hard to believe that our first year of marriage is almost over. Just yesterday I could barely see the man that you are today, but now sitting next to you I have a much clearer perspective. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel so lucky for the love you give me. You are kind, sweet, compassionate and so generous with your time and affection. You are my best friend, my lover, my husband...I thank God.

32. Babe! I don’t know where to begin when it comes to saying how much you mean to me. Without you, I would have nothing. I love that no matter how crazy my day was, one smile from you could brighten my whole world. You are my soul mate, my best friend, and my everything. I can’t wait for our future together. Ohh, baby!!

33. There are just no words to express my feelings for you. You mean the world to me and I hope that you know that. I promise that I will always be here for you, through thick and thin.

34. I’m sorry I yell at you; I’m sorry I snapped. I can be pretty awful sometimes, but you make up for all my shortcomings. Your love covers me like a warm blanket on a cold day!

35. Hey baby, do you remember when it first started? Probably not, because things move so fast these days. But you asked me out at a coffee shop and could hardly speak or look me in the eye! You were so nervous that day. I actually walked out that day because I was feeling “weird”… but then I came back because you were still there and apologized profusely (and dressed like you were going to see your Moms for the first time) and we

36. You are the love of my life. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my soul mate, my everything. You are everything I have always wanted and so much more, there are no words to express how much you mean to me. It is so crazy to think that our love has now lasted for 13 years that is true love right there. You can be sure that I will love you for that same amount of years till the end of time!

37. I could never thank you enough for everything you do for me, your love and kindness is overwhelming. I hope you know how truly loved and appreciated you are. I will love you forever.

38. My husband of 15 years, you are my best friend. We have been through so much together and done so much for each other. You are everything to me. I love you so much, so very much. Happy Valentine’s Day!

39. You are my everything. I love the way you smile, the way you walk, your perfect complexion. I love everything about you. I can’t see my life without you. You are more than I ever thought possible! I’ll never stop loving you; my heart is yours forever. Love, Sarah

40. I always wanted to be a princess, but I never imagined that I would actually end up as a queen. And as a queen, I expect you to never stop loving me. I will cherish you forever.

41. Today as I sit here and reflect on this past year I want to say thank you. Thank you for being an amazing husband. For showing me that true love does exist. Thank you for the countless times you have put a smile on my face, held me when I was crying, brought a tear to my eye, a giggle to my lips, a kiss to my cheek, and a song in my heart.

42. You are my rock, the man who keeps me sane. You bring me peace in a world full of chaos. I’ve never met a man more perfect for me. I couldn’t imagine life without you. I love you to the stars and back.

43. I remember the first day we met. It was an instant connection, a bond so strong it could not be broken by time or distance. You broke down all the barriers I had put up to keep people out and opened my heart so wide I thought it might burst from all the love flowing from within me. I love you with every ounce of my being.

44. It was the summer of ’09 when my life changed forever. You walked into my life and you made me see things in a different way. You made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. You showed me that I was beautiful inside and out, no matter what I weigh or how many stretch marks I have. And for that, my love, I am eternally grateful. Every day with you is better than the last.

45. The secret of a happy marriage is not to be always an expert on getting the right answers but to get so deeply in love that the questions don’t even arise.

46. I love you more today than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

47. At the cross near Calvary, I was looking at Jesus when he looked at me and touched my heart with his love. He said to me, “If you follow me all the time, everywhere you go this will be your love story. Love is when I’m with you. Love is when I’m without you. Love is when I think about you. Love is when I don’t live without you. --- By Babette.

48. I will always love you for a million reasons. I love the way you hold me when we sleep, your smile, your laugh, and your passion for life. I will never feel alone with you in my life. I hope that our children get to see how much we love each other because I know that they will be smothered with it."

49. I thought my life will be so sad without you. But every day I realized that I made a good decision to trust you. I have everything I need in this life because I have you.

50. I love you! We got together three years ago and I couldn’t imagine my life without you. You are my best friend, my confidant, the man of my dreams. I don’t remember life before you. I love everything about you, especially when you do the dishes without me having to ask. I know there is no one in this world for me but you.

51. There are days when no words can describe the full extent of my affection for you. I will forever cherish you for who you are and all that you do. You mean more to me than anyone else ever could. With you I’m home

52. I hope you know how much I love you. More than you will ever know. When I am at my craziest you are my calm, when I am most hurt you are my healer, when I need the strength you are my power. I will continue to show you with every day that passes that I love you more. You are my heart, the beat that keeps me alive, the best friend that words could never express.

53. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for always looking for ways to make me smile every day. Thank you for everything. I love you!

54. You are my soul mate. Our love is undeniable, pure, and serene. Each day I look forward to seeing you smile. The purest, most beautiful smile that I have ever seen. I never could have dreamed that you would be sent into my life when I needed you the most to help me find myself again. I love you with all of my beings!"

55. There are days when I wake up and I wonder what I did to deserve you, but then I think…I didn’t do anything. I worked hard at being a loving kind person. That’s my gift to you. My love is my gift back to you for everything you do for me.

56. Thanks for being there for me, day after day. I can honestly say I’ve truly found my other half. You are truly one of a kind. You are truly amazing, inside and out. I love you more than you could ever know!

57. I love the fact that you know me so well. I love that you can read me like a book. You always know what I am going to do before I do it. How did you become so wise? I love the way you talk, your handsomeness, everything!! I don’t think there is one thing about you that I would change.

58. Thank you for being there for me through the good times, the bad times, and all times in between. You are my best friend, my touchstone, my rock, my love. I’m so lucky to have you!

59. I love you and I always will, every breath I take I love you more and more! With every tear I cry, my love for you grows deeper and stronger. It hurts me so much to be away from you, but the more I think about it the more I realize how fortunate I am to have such a loving, sweet and caring man in my life. Every day we make memories together; every night we create new dreams to achieve. Our home is full of love, happiness, and content.

60. I still think about you. I miss our time together. I want you to be happier, not sad. I want to make things right for you. You are a fantastic man and a love that is priceless. You deserve attention and to miss me as much as you do. I long to see your face and to kiss you again.

61. I love you. I love everything about you. I loved being your girlfriend, and am so thankful for being your wife. You are the most caring person I have ever known, and have brought me so much joy in my life. The memories we have created together will last a lifetime, and I’m so grateful for every single one of them…I’m so glad that I met you!

62. Our anniversary is coming up next month! 10 years, that’s crazy! I know that if our love for each other continues to grow I will never have any regrets. You are the BEST man I know. The way you love me every day makes my heart beat faster. I will always be there for you and I will protect you with everything I have.

63. I want you to know that no matter how far we grow and change, I will always love you. We’ve had our moments of ups and downs, but we have made it through them all, stronger than ever before. Every time you go on tour I know that I am the luckiest girl in the world because I know that while you are away you will be missing me and loving me so very much. You’ve given me so much happiness and joy and I cannot wait.

64. Every time I see your face my heart smiles, butterflies fill my stomach and life is really good. I love you always.

65. Hello, honey. Sorry I didn’t answer your call. I was lying on the bed crying because the only person who truly loves me is you and because you love me so much I feel like I can do anything! You made my life 1000 times better and I don’t think it’s possible to love someone as much as I love you! Thank you for all you do and all you are.

66. Your love is the air I breathe, the blood running through my veins, the beat of my heart. Your love gives me the strength to face each day with a smile. I want to be with you forever so let’s stay together until death parts us.

67. You are my strength, my rock, my inspiration. There’s no other place that I’d rather be than right here by your side. I love you with every ounce of my being and I thank God for each day that we share together.__

68. Even at your worst, you are always my best. You brush away my fears and hold me when I cry. You take a leap of faith for me, every single time. I don’t fully understand why you love me, but I am so thankful that you do. You make me brave and fight for the dreams we share while making all of my fantasies come true.

69. I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. As Shakespeare said, "Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs."

70. I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOU! You are truly the best husband in the world. We have had some hard times in the past but we always survive. I am so lucky to have found you and hope that we never lose each other. I truly love you more than words could ever express, my life is so much better with you in it.

71. I have never been one for words so this will be something different. I love you more than you could possibly know. You are my best friend, lover, and most of all my hero. I admire your strength, character and devotion to family and friends. Thanks for being you and being my forever Valentine!

72. Our first Valentine's together. This card is for you my love. I would not trade you for anything in the world. You are my lifeline, my heart, my world. I can never thank you enough for all you do for me and our family. I am so lucky to have found the love of my life, my soulmate. I love you so much more than words could ever express!

73. I love you more than anything in the world. I just can’t put into words what you mean to me. You are an amazing man who I am so blessed to have in my life. I don’t want it any other way. You are my soulmate, my best friend, the love of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day baby!

74. I would give everything I own just to see you smile. You are the most amazing man I have ever known and I love you so much. Your eyes are so deep, I could lose myself in them forever. No one could possibly understand what you mean to me. I promise myself that I will stop time to spend forever with you!

75. You are the love of my life, I can’t imagine my life without you. You bring such joy into my life every day and I want to thank you for that. I am so lucky to have you as my soul mate and husband. I love sharing my life with you and can’t wait to spend forever with you.

76. I can’t imagine if our life together is any better than it already is. I love every minute you spend with me, you make me smile when I don’t feel like doing so myself, you make me laugh when life gets hard, I feel safe when your arms are around me and cherished when you kiss my forehead. Thank you for the wonderful years we’ve spent together, I love you with all my heart!

77. I don’t know exactly what you’ve done to me or why, but I fell in love with you the first moment I saw your face. You are my knight in shining armor, and my husband. The night we met I knew there was something special about you, and over the years our love has grown into something that is truly indescribable. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and the man that holds my heart in his hands.

78. I never dreamed of finding someone like you. Someone who made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. Someone who would take my breath away with one word, one glance, or even one touch. Someone who meant everything to me. And more than anything else…someone who loved me almost as much as I love him. Just wanted to let you know again that I love you!

79. Hey, Honey, I miss you so much already. I wish you were here with me because I really need to feel your arms around me. Every night I go to bed thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life. You are my best friend and soul mate.

80. I love you. You are my one and only. I never knew what true love was until you came along. I have learned so much about myself this past year, all of which have made me a stronger person. Our love makes me so happy that I cannot contain it. You are all of me, my other half, my soul mate.

81. Thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for being there for me when I need you most. Thank you for making my life complete. I love you more than life itself.

82. I love you, my husband. Every time I see your face I wonder how I was lucky enough to catch the most beautiful fish in the ocean. You make me feel whole and my heart is overwhelmed with pure joy at every chance we have to spend together. Thank you for being a wonderful husband and my best friend.

83. Over the years I’ve come to realize that we make a great team. You light up my life and bring me more joy than anyone ever has. You make me happy with just a smile or if you tell me that you love me or even if you kiss me. When you hold me close I feel safe and secure as if nothing can break us apart. I love you so much, now and forever!

84. There is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do for you. You are my life, my love, my soul mate. Your smile melts away my worries and your touch takes away the pain. I love you so much!

85. There is only one man I feel this way about. You make me feel safe, loved, and cherished. You are my best friend and the love of my life. I never knew love could be so wonderful until I fell in love with you. Thank you for being so caring, generous, and sweet. I will always love you.

86. Your smile... It lights up my world. I’m so excited to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than anything! Happy Anniversary!

87. There is no way to describe how amazing you are. I love you so much! You bring me so much joy and happiness and I just want to tell you that every day! You are my prince charming and my Ricky Bobby and I couldn’t picture life without you. I don’t think there has ever been a more perfect man in this world than you.

88. I’ve been searching for a word that can describe how I feel about you, and they're just aren’t any that come close. You love me more than I even deserve to be loved, and just knowing that gives me a sense of peace every day. Thank you for being so amazing!

89. You are the most amazing man I have known. I never thought I would find anyone who could love me half as much as you do. I feel so lucky to have found you and to be able to wake up every day by your side. You bring me so much joy! :-)

90. No woman ever loved a man the way I love you. I want to grow old with you and watch our children run through our yard. I want to laugh till it hurts with you, hold your hand in the scary moments, and love you without end.

91. I want to be closer to you than I am to most people. I want the lines between me and our love to disappear so we become one, so I can feel your heart beating inside of mine.

92. Hello darling, I hope you are doing great. Just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for being my husband. You are so wonderful! You have given me so much, I don’t know the same words to tell how much I love you.

93. I love you with all my heart and promise to always be the best wife I can be. I want to grow old with you, make a happy family, and celebrate many birthdays, anniversaries and Christmases. I love you more than anything!

94. I can’t believe that I have been one of the happiest women alive for the last 7 years. You have given me so much love, care, and attention that I just can’t stop smiling. You are the man of my dreams and I will love you forever.

95. You are my one true love, Michelle. You’re the man of my dreams and I am so grateful for you. I love you with all my heart. Words can’t express how much I love you.

96. I’m so lucky that I have you as my husband. You’re always there for me, supporting me and being there through everything. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

97. It’s not always easy showing you how much I love you, but it’s easier than breathing. It feels like home when you are with me. You make me laugh, and right when I think things can’t get any better you show me. I love you to the moon and back, and right now I am thanking God that you are mine."

98. I have never felt safer or more content than when I am with you. You are the man of my dreams who I love so very much. I will never stop loving you, nor do anything to take your love away. I cherish our relationship and all the experiences that we share. I care for you deeply.

99. I will love you forever. Year after year, through good times and bad - regardless of our age or physical condition. I want to be with you not only for today but for tomorrow, next week, next year... always.

100. I saw the real you, and loved it. With all my heart, I love you and I love us. You complete me and every single day I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

101. We’ve been through it all… You have supported me through everything. You are my rock, my best friend. I feel so lucky to have you hold me at night. I love you so much.

102. We’ve been through so much together. Tears, fears, death, anger. When it rains it pours right? We’re at the point in our relationship where there isn’t anything that will surprise me. I know that you will always be there for me. You let me face my biggest fears and helped me overcome them, teaching me to trust again. I know no matter what isn’t us, we will always come out stronger.

103. I love you so much my sweetheart. I cannot believe that after all this time I am still as in love with you as the day we met. You have been there for me from the very beginning and have been the one constant in my life. Our life together has not been perfect, but it has been a journey that I wouldn’t trade for anything. We have had our share of trials and tribulations, but recently we have started a new chapter of our lives and with every happy moment.

104. There are no words to describe how much you mean to me. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the most amazing man I know. You treat me like a princess; something I never even knew that I needed. Thank you for always letting me see your gentle side, for always listening to me, for loving me unconditionally. There is nothing like feeling your heartbeat next to mine, waking up every day knowing you are there right next to me.

105. I love you more than words. You are the most handsome man I have ever met, but more importantly, you are so sweet, kind and caring. You complete me, you are my best friend. Happy Valentines Day My Love!

106. I love the way you hold me, I love the way you kiss me, I love the way your eyes gleam when you smile at me. You are handsome and strong, yet gentle and sweet. You are always there for me. I am filled with joy whenever I see your face. Even if we are separated by a thousand miles, my heart will still be filled with your love.

107. I can’t believe it has been 15 years. I still love you with every fiber of my being. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my rock, my best friend, the only person that will ever really know me. This anniversary is a day to show our love for one another. So let us be one, today and always.

108. Happy anniversary, my love. You’re such a wonderful husband and father. I’m grateful that the Lord brought me to you. I love you more than anything in this world. Thank you for all that you do for me and our family! I wouldn’t ask for another man anywhere else but next to me.

109. I love you with all of my heart. Thank you for loving me the way I am and treating me like I’m your Queen! You make me feel like it’s okay to be myself, flaws and all.

110. I love you so much. There are so many ways I can describe how it feels to have your arms around me, your lips on my forehead, how it feels to hold our child in my belly. But to truly explain what you mean to me I will sum it up in one word...Happiness.

Best Emotional Birthday Wishes for Husband

top 200 best emotional message for husband
Happy Birthday

111. Happy Birthday, I can’t believe you’re 40! We’ve been together for nearly 10 years and even though we’re ‘getting older,’ I still can’t imagine my life without you. You make me happier than any other person in the world could; sitting here with you now as I write this makes me feel like everything is perfect and as it should be. I wish for us to grow even more in love as each year passes.

112. Happy birthday my love! I’m so lucky to have you as a husband. You are the most amazing man I’ve ever met. You have been so thoughtful and caring for our family, and I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you. I can’t wait for many more birthdays to come.

113. Happy Birthday, my love. I’ve been so lucky to have shared every day of the last 18 years with you. You are my best friend and I am so overwhelmed with joy and love when I think about our life together. It is you and only you that can bring me such happiness and fulfill my life completely. I look forward to growing even more in love with you every day!

114. I can’t believe you are turning 30 already. You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life. I love you more than anything! You are my heart and soul, my reason for being. I know it may not be the best age for a birthday, but I promise I will take great care of you and show you how much passion and devotion I have for you every day.

115. You’re not just my husband and lover, but part of my soul. We have shared so many memories together and they mean just as much to me now as they did when we first started out. You are the best I’ve ever had and you always will be!

116. Today is your birthday! Hard to believe that I’ve stood here beside you for so many years. Hard to believe the love that we have gracefully shared with each other. Hard to believe that all of this can happen in just one lifetime. But it’s true, and I am so glad to be living right now. I love you, Happy Birthday!

117. I believe most relationships are made or broken by your spouse, partner or significant other. I’m lucky enough to have been blessed with none other than you. You light up my whole world each and every day with a smile, a kind word, and a simple ‘I love you. I don’t know where I’d be without your love.

118. Happy Birthday to the greatest guy I know. You are a wonderful husband, father, brother, and son. I love you more today than yesterday and less than tomorrow. Love ya lots!

119. I love you more than words can say. You are my best friend and my partner in life. You make me a better person in every way possible and I am eternally grateful that you are in my life.

120. I want you to know that no matter what happens I will always love you. You have been my rock through all of the ups and downs, from the beginning until now. I hope one day you’ll feel free to tell me your darkest thoughts and secrets because I love you more than anything and want to understand everything about you.

121. It amazes me how you always know what to say and do to make me laugh or cheer me up. I love how you find happiness in little things. You are my rock, my foundation, my world. I love you with every cell of my being and I really can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

122. Happy Birthday, Beautiful. I woke up this morning with a bit of a hangover, but it quickly faded when I realized it's your birthday! The only thing getting me through the day is thinking about how much you mean to me and how amazing you are. I feel so lucky to have you in my life.

123. here's wishing a very happy birthday to my wonderful husband. I could go on and on about how much I love you, but there's a length limit so u will have to take my word for it lol. I hope your day is wonderful! love you lots baby.

124. Happy birthday, sweetheart! I love you so much. I remember the very first time I met you. You had this look about you that said “I’ll give you the world if you ask”. Over the years our marriage has grown stronger and stronger. You still treat me like that same girl that awed by your presence. I know many people end up hating each other 10 years into their marriage, but it doesn’t matter to me because….

125. My very own superhero from heaven, thank you for my birthday gifts they made me smile the whole day. I am sure no one could ever compare to your love. We have been together for many years and I am always looking forward to the next. You are my rock and most importantly my best friend!

126. As I sit here staring at your picture, it occurs to me that you are the most amazing man I have ever known. You are my world, my everything. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you. You are the best husband, father, and friend in the world! I look forward to spending our future together. I love you forever & always!

127. I love you more than words can say. Our hearts are forever entwined and I will forever love you, always & forever! I am so lucky to call you my love and best friend. I’m growing old with you!!

128. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love you with all my heart. I’m honored to be able to spend the rest of my life with someone as amazing as you! You mean so much to me – there aren’t words big enough to describe the love I feel for you.

129. I can’t wait to give you an amazing birthday present. I won’t tell you, but I know it will be the best present you’ve ever received. You are my favorite person in the entire world and I love you more than you could ever imagine.

130. I love you. I don’t say it enough, but I really do. I love how much you adore me, your soft touches, the way you hold me every night. You make all my fears melt away. You make me fall in love with you over and over again. I am so lucky to have found you, to be your wife, for always!

131. I look at you and my heart stops. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a man. I can’t imagine my life without you, or not being by your side. You make me smile more than anyone else, and don’t know why you love me so much. I love that we share life together and that we found each other. You’re my soulmate and my best friend! Always and forever.

132. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you. You are the most amazing boyfriend a girl could ask for. You make me feel like a princess, and your love means the world to me. I love you with all my heart!

133. I’m obsessed with you. I love you more than anything. If it were up to me, we would never spend a day apart. I love how your smile sets my heart on fire, how your eyes are so deep that I feel like I can fall in them forever, and how your touch electrifies my whole body. You bring me so much happiness!

134. It doesn’t matter how long you have been with them when it comes to love they deserve something for their birthday. If they are in your life you should show them how much you care about them. My husband is my whole world and he means everything to me.

135. Happy birthday to the sweetest, most loving husband in the world! I am so glad you are mine and that our paths crossed. You bring so much happiness to my life every second we spend together. I love you with all my heart and so so much more.

136. Happy birthday, honey, and many more to come. I love you so much and can’t wait to celebrate with you every year. If I could wrap you up in words on paper or put them into a birthday song that would express how much I love you better than any other form of communication on earth I would do it in a heartbeat.

137. I couldn’t possibly love you more than I do now. You let me be myself and there is no other man that cares as much as you. I love the way you make me laugh and forget all my stress. Thanks for giving me a wonderful life and I look forward to spending the rest of it with you by my side.

138. I guess I’ve loved you forever. You are my one true love, my soul mate. You are the person I want to grow old with, the only person I want to share my life with. There are no words to describe what you mean to me.

139. We have been together for 10 years. If someone had told me that we would be where we are today I would have never believed them. You have been there through the good, bad, and ugly times. You have loved me when I have been at my best and loved me when I wasn’t so lovable. And I love you even more for all of your unconditional love!

140. You are special. You are mine. I love you with every piece of my heart and soul. I… love…. you… with all that I am, all that I will ever be, I love you with every beat of my heart, every tear that falls, every time that we fight, every moment that we say sorry for something that one of us did or didn’t do, for the rest of time.  I love you dearly; 100% LOVE!!!

141. I just wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I love you. You are my happy place, where I can always run when I’m feeling down. At the end of every day, the world is at your feet. We will continue to grow together and become even more amazing.

142. My darling husband of 28 years. Of all the things I have to be thankful for, I think your love is my very best gift of all. I love watching you with our girls. As a father, you love them just as much, if not more than I do. It pleases me so much to see the look in their eyes when they talk about what a good Daddy they have.

143. Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true. A dream I didn’t know I was dreaming until I found you. A dream I never want to wake up from.

144. I have been so blessed to share each year with you. You have been with me through some of the best and worst times in my life and I wouldn’t change a thing. You make me laugh more than anyone and you make me smile more than anyone. I am falling deeper and deeper in love with you each day and I hope we get to spend each day together for the rest of our lives.

145. Happy birthday, baby. You are a wonderful husband and a wonderful father to our child. I want you to know that I will always love you, no matter what life has in store for us. You do so much for me, and it makes me feel special to be your wife.

146. Three years ago on the day of your birthday, I promised to love you always. With each passing year, I fall more in love with you. You are my dream come true and I will never let you go. You mean everything to me, and you make my life complete. Thank you for being there through thick and thin!

147. My love for you knows no bounds. I feel it in my heart, my stomach, and throughout my whole body. Your love is the thing that keeps me going every day _how_ I love you. You are a perfect match for me in every way imaginable. I hope that every year we will grow even closer together forever and ever…I love you.

148. You are my soulmate. You are everything I ever wanted in a husband and the best dad to the most adorable kid on the planet. I will love you forever and ever! (read more about 10 sweet quotes for your boyfriend)

149. It has been the best 3 years of my life. I honestly can’t imagine my life without you. I completely trust you, because I know that you will always be there for me no matter what happens. You’ll help me through any situation. I love our life together. Every day it gets better and better. I can’t wait to see what else life brings us."

150. My love for you will never fade with time. It's like the sun rising in the morning; it lights up my day and warms my heart every day. I am so lucky to be with you.

151. Thank you for the love and laughter. I will always cherish our special friendship. Let’s see how many more years we can keep up the great memories as the kids grow up and we stay young at heart. I love you!

152. I love you more than time and space! I love you more than both of those things together combined. I love how passionately you love me. It reminds me that the world is a beautiful place after all. Thank you for being my light.

153. I love waking up next to you, I love waking up to your smile. I love our morning talks. Enjoy the day honey…because I already did! Hope you have a great day!

154. I’m so glad you were born. You are the most amazing man in the world. I love you, to infinity and beyond!

155. Happy birthday, baby! I know this year has been hard, but I want it to be the best yet. I’ve always dreamed of having and caring for a happy and healthy family and now we both do!!! We already have so much to be thankful for and we can’t wait to see how our dreams will come true.

156. My dear loving husband, On your birthday I want you to know that I love you so much. The last 16 years have been an adventure, and I would not trade them for anything. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m still in awe of the way you treat me, the way you take care of our girls, and the happiness that your love brings into my life. The people who don’t get why I love you are blind. You

157. I wonder what I did to deserve you. I look at you and I can’t believe that you are mine. You are always there for me, making me laugh with your silly jokes, sweet little kisses, and love-filled eyes. There is no end to the amount of love that is in my heart for you my darling husband. Happy birthday!

158. I love you with every part of my being. You are my soul mate, husband, best friend, and lover. Thanks for all the happy memories I could make. May ALL your birthday dreams come true.

159. I love you so much my sweet love! I couldn’t ask for a better husband. You make me laugh every single day! When I was sad you made me happy again. There will never be enough words to express how much I love you!

160. Happy birthday to my wonderful husband. We had a bit of a rocky start, but thanks to you we made it! Today is your special day and it’s time for me to thank you for giving me such a wonderful life. We may not always agree on things, but I know that as long as we’re together there is no one I’d rather be with.

161. I am so lucky to have found you and to be able to spend my life with you. I’ve never felt more loved and cherished. I promise to make each day of our lives together with another special one that we can look back on and remember forever.

162. A hundred years would not suffice to describe how much I love you. You deserve a thousand words a day from me to tell you exactly how you make my heart skip a beat. I know love, at first sight, can happen when your heart makes you believe, but when you met me I was lost in life and cursed by the devil. In my heart, all I ever wanted was for someone to love me and care for me. God brought us together for a reason and now every day I tell myself

163. You are mine forever. Without you, in my life, my life would be a big dark space that I would never want to be in. You bring out the best in me and I can’t help but smile when I am around you. I love you from the bottom of my heart and nothing will change that.

164. I am so very blessed to have you as my husband. I am happy to share this year, my last before age turns me into a dirty old man, with you. I love you now and forever!

165. Thank you for joining me and helping me create this amazing life we share together. Never forget I’ll always be here for you and that your happiness is my priority. I love you!

166. You are my best friend. I couldn’t imagine life without you. I don’t think I ever had anyone to laugh with like I do you, or to just enjoy simple things in life. When you smile it makes me smile, when you laugh it makes me want to laugh with you! I am so blessed to have you in my life.

167. You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!

168. Happy Birthday my love. You complete me. You’re a wonderful husband, a perfect father and the best friend a man could have! I love you so very much Chris!

169. I can’t wait to spend another year with you! I love you‡o much and I just want to be by your side for all of eternity. Enjoy your day and know that I will always be here for you, I love you!

170. There’s nothing I love more than you. I’m amazed by how happy you make me. You bring a smile to my face whenever you walk through the door and I couldn’t be more grateful for having you by my side. Thank you for being the amazing person that you are, and for showing me how much love really exists in this world. You are the only man that will ever have my heart, and I cherish every minute spent with you.

171. I know that you are very busy these days, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you. You are the most amazing man in the world. You cared for me when no one else did, even when I didn’t deserve it. I will always be grateful for your kindness.

172. I want to thank you for loving me and always wanting to be with me. I know we’re young, but I know that we were meant to be together. You’re my soul mate and you make me feel like I can do anything. I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you, and I probably never will again. Love ya, babe!

173. I’m so lucky to have found the most amazing husband in the world. You are my best friend, my lover, everything I could have ever wanted. I love you more today than I have ever loved you!

174. There are thousands of moments that I will never forget. My favorite is the moment you said “I do”. I fell more in love with you at that very moment than I ever thought was possible. You are my soul mate, my best friend, and the love of my life. I can’t wait to spend even more years with you.

175. You came into my life and gave it true meaning. You are one of a kind, my very own he-man. I fall more in love with you every day. I love you for who you are – a rare gem shining amidst an ocean of sameness. To love you is the greatest gift I have ever received!

176. I’ll try to keep this short….but I have a lot to say! I love you with all my being. Your smile takes me away to paradise, your hugs wrap me in warmth no rain, snow, or sleet can match, your kisses bring sensations like no other, your warm touch makes me weak in the knees. And when we make love, nothing compares to the passion and energy that radiates between us!!

177. Thank you for all of the things you do for me. I know that I am a difficult person to love sometimes, but you do it willingly and still manage to love me back more fiercely than anyone else could. I am lucky to have you in my life and can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else!

178. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You are my best friend, my lover, my soul mate. I am so thankful for you every day. I can’t wait to spend more time with you.

179. No one can replace you in my heart. I’ll love you forever and always. Happy birthday, honey! I hope your new year brings happiness, prosperity, and even more love. We are meant to be together and nothing will ever tear us apart.

180. Dear Husband, you are perfect for me. When I look into your loving eyes, I see our past, present and future all at once. Without you, life would be like an unopened gift. You are my gift to the world, wrapped up in the prettiest bow. My husband to be, my husband now... my husband forever.

181. You are my life, my love, my everything. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Every day I pray that I can make you as happy as you make me with each passing day. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have a wonderful man like you in my life. You make me feel like a princess every single day. Every time we kiss, my heart skips a beat and I fall more in love with you!

182. You are the love of my life. I never thought I could feel this way about anyone. You bring so much joy to my life every day with your wonderful smile. I love you with all my heart!"

183. I love you…just as much as the day we first met. Every day I wake up and can’t believe I am so fortunate to have a man like you in my life. You are my best friend, soul mate, and the love of my life. We have been through so much together, from being broke to being rich, from being sad to being happy. Every day I look at you I am just glad that we came together. The way you look at me makes my heart melt

184. I love you with all my heart. I have for so long, there is no starting or stopping. I am so lucky to be with you, it’s hard to describe in words how amazing you are. You mean more to me than you will ever know. I will be by your side forever!

185. I didn’t know what love was until I met you. You are my best friend and the most incredible husband I could ever wish for. I love you more every day and can’t wait for our future together.

186. You are my inspiration in all things. You bring so much emotion into my life that I can’t stop smiling. The day I fell in love with you was the best day of my life, I just can’t express how much you mean to me.

187. I want to thank you for the laughs, the kisses, and all of your hard work. You are my world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you because I know you’re MY happily ever after. I love you more than anything on this earth!

188. Happy birthday to the man of my dreams, who is not only smart and funny but also sweet and kind. I look into his eyes and see every star in the sky reflected there. My lucky stars brought you to me, and I am forever grateful for that.

189. Your eyes have seen my heart you love me for me. You have listened to me cry and laugh you have held me when I was weak and helped me realize that anything is possible. You have captured a piece of my heart you have made a connection so deep it’s as if we were destined to be together. Thank you baby for all that you do, from the flowers that you send to the singing telegram that you gave. Every single touch, every last kiss every romantic gesture is

190. There’s really nothing I can say except that I love you. You are always there for me when I need you the most. You make my world go round, you make me laugh, and most importantly you make me happy! I hope your day is filled with much joy and fun because that is all I want for you, sweetie!

191. You are the love of my life, the most amazing man I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!

192. Hello my love, thank you for being on my side. Thank you for holding back my hair when I was sick. Thank you for spending time with me even on your busy days. You mean so much to me that I just can’t find the words to say. You are my reason for living and without you I am nothing. I love you so much and I want you to know how grateful I am to have you in my life.

193. I could spend the rest of my life searching for the right words to express my feelings for you, but I’m sure it wouldn’t do me any good. My thoughts are so jumbled up, tumbling about my head that no matter how hard I tried to find them they would remain hidden. The truth is I don’t need to say anything at all, because you already know how much I love you. You can feel it, see it and hear it every moment.

194. You mean the world to me. I am so lucky to have you and your love in my life. I would trade everything for one more day with you and all the ones we have. You are so amazing and any woman would be lucky…

195. I want you to notice what I am about to say. You are an amazing person, and no matter how much we fight or get on each other's nerves I will always love you. Thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend and always making me happy!

196. Every day I wake up to see your kind eyes and melting smile, I fall deeper in love with you. You are my best friend, my obsession, my guardian angel sent to watch over me. I love you so much, baby!

197. Sometimes it feels like I can’t breathe and that my heart is going to beat out of my chest. It’s because I love you so much and it hurts so bad. It wraps around me and squeezes just tight enough to hurt and just loose enough to let me breathe. It makes me so happy and thankful to be able to call you mine. To say I love you, thank you for choosing me!

198. I haven’t told you very often that I think you are adorable. You are my best friend, my lover, my life partner. I’m one lucky gal. I love you more today than yesterday and less than tomorrow

199. It’s hard to decide what I love more about you: your perfect body or your perfect mind. You may not be perfect but neither am I and we were made for each other.

200. Having you by my side makes it so much easier to face the obstacles ahead. You are the one I want to go through life with, so dream big silly, because you are my dream come true.

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