I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages
I Love Your Face

I love Your Face, Why I Don't Know

I love your face. It’s adorable. Well, maybe not your face but what you have under that face. I love that, too. In fact, to be more precise, I love your face from the core of my heart.

Not actually your face that would be creepy. Your writing on the other hand is awesome. Not awesome, but awesome enough that I want to share it on my personal blog on the internet. Please share my sweet blog posts with your sweet friends.

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

1. I love your face because it is the sweetest you in this world. It makes me smile just to look at it. I will never stop looking, no matter how old we get or how tired we may get of each other. I will always love your face …

2. I love your face, your smile, your nose, your ears, I love it all. I love waking up next to you each morning and holding you close. I love listening to you talk happily about anything and everything. I love everything about you. I will always cherish every moment that we share together. You are truly my very best friend!

3. I love your face. I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love your hips. I love you thighs. I love the way you touch me, look at me, kiss me, hold me tight with arms that will not let go. I feel so safe in your arms and so secure in our relationship. Thank you for being a part of my life and for showing me love in a way that no one else could. You are beautiful inside and out!

4. I’m not sure why, but I love your face. It’s a different kind of love, but true nonetheless. I know it takes time for a person to form an opinion on their spouse after moving in with them and you were no exception. You were reserved and I was a little worried about how you felt about me, but every day my love grows stronger. I’m so glad that we found each other and that we have been able to spend the last 8

5. I love your face, I love the sound of your voice I love your smile, I love you so much baby. And no matter what happens to us in this crazy world, it’s you that I want to be with.

6. I love having your face here to wake up to every morning. I only wish I could wake up to it every day for the rest of my life.

7. I’ve loved you since the day we met. I could tell so much by just watching your interactions with others. You are kind, generous, kind, loving and beautiful inside and out. I am the one that is the most excited when you get home from work, not because I want to steal you away but because getting to come home to you makes my day…sometimes my whole week.

8. You’re the easiest person to talk to, the funniest person I know, you’re smart, you can fix computers and appliances, your handsome, and your fun to be around. The best thing about our relationship is that I get to see you everyday. You’re my very best friend and I would hate nothing more than to not share my life with you.

9. I love your face, your neck, your nose, your lips. I love you eyes, I love your hair. I love everything about you. You are amazing and beautiful. Your personality is something that everyone loves. I am so lucky to have you in my life!

10. I love your face even when I am crying. I love your voice and the way you talk to me, and the stories you tell me. I want you so much and so badly and it hurts to be without you, but I miss your touch more than I miss you.

11. I love your face, your personality, and everything that goes on behind those hazel eyes. You set my soul ablaze and I didn’t even think it was possible for me to fall in love like this. I am so lucky to have found you.

12. I love your face when it glows when you smile, I love your face when you laugh, I love it when you look at me. I love your sandpaper lips, I love your sandpaper hands. It gives me shivers when you trace my hairline with your sandpaper fingers. And I adore the soft clean smelling sandpaper hair that covers your head.

13. I love you. I love you. I just wanted to be sure that you knew. I love how you wake up in the morning, sleepily looking at me until you notice it’s not yet your time to awake. The way you brush your teeth quickly in the morning, but make sure you wash behind everyone of your well shaped ears! I adore the way you dress for work, all professional and well planned out ahead of time. How your shower is always perfectly timed, no teeth..

14. I love the way your face lights up when you are thinking about something amusing. I love how the left corner of your mouth turns up in a smile when you are listening to me. I love how your eyes close slightly when I kiss your nose or forehead. I love the sound of laughter when it comes from your chest. I love the way the skin on the back of your neck smells. I love that sound you make with your mouth when you snore. Love never dreamed that history’.

15. To my one and only true love, I will love you until the end of time. I am honored to be chosen as the love of your life. You are amazing, super hot, really smart, and you’re good at sports! I will always cherish you in my heart. I can’t wait until our dream comes true!

16. Then I realized it was your face and began to love it. Your eyes that gaze into mine, you heart that beats beside me; your soul that is as passionate as mine, but opposite. The only one who ever looks at me like I don’t belong here.​

17. My love for you grows stronger everyday. I love the way your laugh makes my heart leap for joy, the way that your smile makes me melt. I can’t imagine a day without you, or life without you. You are my forever person.

18. You are the kindest, most amazing person I have ever met. You understand me in ways that nobody else does, and i have never loved anyone more than I love you. I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone else, and I know that for the rest of time you will be in my heart.

19. Every time you look at me, every time you kiss me, every time I lay with you in bed, or feel your arms draped around my waist or your legs intertwined with mine, I realize how much I love you.

20. I’m amazed each day by you. Not only by what you do, but how you do it. You surprise me with your sensitivity, your passion, your goofiness and the enormous heart that lies beneath that amazing cheeky smile. Each day I become more amazed by you… More in love… More in awe… Like staring at my very own sun… An incredible, shining star… As if the world has chosen one person to provide all the light… And that person is you.

21. I love your face, your smile is adorable. You always make my day happier with your tiny dimples, when you smile I know it's real because you have that tiny crack in the corner of your mouth that only goes mostly up on one side. You've made me happier than anyone I've ever met.

22. I love you so much. I love your face, I love you so much. I love your arms, I love your legs, and everything about you! It's true that we can't be together anymore but that doesn't keep me from loving you… or loving the way you make me feel every time we're together. Know that I will never forget you and that you will always be in my heart and dreams :-)

23. Do you know how much I love your face? Well, I do. (Hehe) I love everything about you; the way your forehead is wrinkled when you’re concentrating on something or deep in thought, the way your soft brown eyes start to squint when you’re laughing and the sweet little dimple in your left cheek (I could stare at that all day). (When we kiss that one part of my cheek just gets so hot!)

24. I love your face - it’s like an angel. I love your eyes because they never see evil. I love your nose because it reminds me of Tinkerbell.   I love your lips because they taste like fresh raspberries and watermelon. I love your hair because it looks like a perfect afro and because it’s fun to run my fingers through. On top of all that, I love the way you laugh and poke fun at me, yet enjoy doing it with.

25. I love you so much, I can’t stop staring at your beautiful face. I really adore you and I yearn for the moment when we can be together in front of each other. The idea of this makes me excited, though I know it will take time, but our love has no bounds! It is infinite in its depth!

26. You have the most perfect face I have ever seen. When I look into your eyes, time stands still and I am lost in that moment of bliss. It hurts just to think of a day without you in my arms and out of my sight.

27. I love the way you smile. I love how your voice sounds. I love your eyes. It’s everything about you that keeps me coming back. I love the way your arms feel wrapped around me tight. I love how happy you make me, even on my toughest of days. I love the way you make me laugh, and I love how much joy you bring to my life each and everyday.

28. You are my life, my everything. I love you more than anything in this world. I can't stop thinking about you. You are my sun that shines brightest in the darkest of days. I love your nose, your eyes, your lips, and I love YOU most of all!

29. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I don’t think I could live without you. You are always on my mind, even if I haven’t seen you in a day or two. All night long your beautiful face dances around in my head. From the moment I opened my eyes this morning, thought of kissing you has been running through my hard, yet somehow your still there in my mind too.

30. My love, as much as I know that life is going to be a long road for us, I don’t want to live without you. I love you always and forever.

31. We’ve been through a lot together; good and bad. No matter the situation we make it through because we always find a way to be happy. I can’t stop looking at you because your eyes light up my whole face every time I look at them. You really are my best friend!

31. The way you smile, the wrinkles in your face when you laugh, the distance between your eyes and the deepness in them, your slight overbite and how it coincides with your big melt-my-heart grin. The way your ears stick out and how I’ve wanted to grab them since we first met. Your complexion and sense of style. You are so attractive to me!

32. I love your face because it is so beautiful. Your eyes are so beautiful I get lost in them every time you look at me. Your smile is so fascinating, I don’t know what I did before you smiled at me. Your skin I love because it is so soft and warm. You are so perfect, I can’t imagine ever being without you. My heart just skips a beat looking into your eyes, they are incredible, everything about you is incredible.

33. I love your face because it is beautiful. I love it when you smile and when your cheek dimples appear. I love your eyes because they light up any room you walk into, and I love how they change colors depending on what color shirt you are wearing. I love your lips because they taste like cherries and make me want to kiss them forever. I love your nose because it is perfect and makes me laugh because of how cute it is when you get mad and it gets all scrun.

34. I can’t stop kissing your face, it’s just so yummy! I love every bit of you and miss you when we are apart. You teach me so much about love, and for this I am forever humbled and grateful. Thank you for giving me so much happiness and joy!

35. I love the way you look at me and how we like the same things. I love laughing with you and how we can be silly together. Most of all, I love the way your lips feel on mine. I think about you everyday and once you came into my life everything changed for me. Your heart is an amazing thing to hold on to every day!

36. To my beautiful boyfriend - you are the most caring, loving and handsome man I have ever known. Your smile warms my heart and makes me melt. I love you so much it physically hurts sometimes. I love the way you care for me and how you always put yourself last. from your loving girlfriend Bex.

37. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love you more than anything in the world. I love your smile, your eyes, your hands, your funny little way of saying things. I even love the tiny little mole on the back of your neck that makes you look like a beautiful wild animal."

38. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. When I look at your face I can’t help but notice how perfectly formed you are. Your eyes are like two jewels, your lips are delicious to kiss, and your smile is intoxicating. You are gorgeous, inside and out. Whenever I look at you my heart flutters for you!

39. I didn’t think I was ever going to put this down on paper, but here it goes.. I realized that I have never told you that I love you. Thank you for being my friend even when my heart was closed off. Thank you for all the ways you make me happy, and most importantly thank you for loving me. I will always love you baby.

40. As the candle burns down, I feel that it reflects how you affect me, and how much I love you. You will forever be in my heart, always smiling. I would do anything to make you mine. I love you, always and forever!

41. Every time I look at you, my heart melts. Your eyes are beautiful and your smile is contagious. I’m so thankful that you have chosen me to be the best part of your life. You mean so much to me. I can’t stop thinking about you!

42. You make me feel complete. I don’t know what I did before you came into my life. I don’t want to spend another day without you by me side showing me how much you love me.

43. I love your face. I love the way your nose scrunches up when you smile. I love your eyes and how they see right through me sometimes. I love your hair and how it has a mind of its own. But most of all, I love the person you are on the inside.

44. I love your face with all my heart. I would give anything to be able to see you smile, to know that you are happy. To know that you are safe. I would die for you if I had to, but most of all, I would live for you. Your smile is the brightest light that shines into every corner of my life.

45. I love your face, your perfect body and your little toes. I’ve spent countless hours tracing them with my fingertips. I love the way you look at me, It melts my soul. I love how you twinkle when you laugh at my silly jokes. I love that you appreciate the little things.

46. I love your face. Your eyes. I love the little crease by your lips when you smile. I love the way you draw in your bottom lip when you are nervous or worried. I see your face everywhere! I hear it in people’s voices. Your face pops up in my thoughts at random moments, making me laugh to myself quietly. It just makes me happy to be around you, to listen to the sound of your voice. And then… You smiled that crooked grin that..

47. I love you, I really love you, I love your face" - Anthony Kiedis

48. Your face, your mesmerizing eyes. I love your smile, the crooked grin you have. I love the way you bite down on your lip, I love how you puff out your cheeks. But most of all, I love the way you look at me.

49. I love you, I love the sound of your voice, the way that you smell. When I’m lost or sad, I love listening to you talk. When I’m happy or just bored, I love hearing your laugh. I love the way your eyes light up when you smile. You are my childhood friend and now my husband. There is no one else in this world who will ever make me as happy as you do. Thank you for being my best friend!

50. I love the freckles and laugh lines and wrinkles and dimples and pockmarks and scars. I love the sound of your voice, the feel of your body next to mine, and the way you kiss my fingertips until they burn. I love how you never know when to quit. I love how anything feels possible when we’re together. I love how you don’t take yourself so seriously; we can be in a room full of people.

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

51. Seeing you smile melts my heart. The first time I saw it, the very first time, I fell in love. You have changed me for the better and I am so thankful. You are wonderful! Seeing your face first thing in the morning, watching you sleep at night, hearing your laugh makes everything in my life worthwhile.

52. Your smile is like sunshine after a rainy day. Your laugh makes me smile, you make me laugh. I think about you every minute of every day, you are my everything. Without you, my life would be dark and lonely, but with you I am full of joy and love. I want to wake up next to your beautiful face for the rest of my life You are the other half that makes me whole.

53. I love your face, I love kissing your face. I love waking up and seeing your face. I look forward to seeing your face every day. You are my best friend and we share so much together. When we are together, no matter what we are doing, I am always smiling because you make me happy, always! Thank you for being such an important part of my life.

54. As we were curling up in bed just last night I said “I love your face. It makes me so happy and I fall more and more in love with you every day. You are everything to me my love, don’t ever forget that.

55. I love your face, I love your smile. I love the way your hair falls on your forehead, I love coming up behind you and smelling it... I love all of you, so so so so much. You have written a chapter into my life that I could have only dreamed would happen. You have given me hope, given me courage and most of all a future.

56. Your face is so pretty, your eyes so deep and dark. Your smile so sexy. When you look at me, I fall in love all over again. I love your face the most, especially on Sunday morning when we wake up next to each other.

57. I love your face, your body, your heart, soul, mind, and spirit. I love the way you think. I love the way you talk about ideas that interest me. I love how much you respect my intelligence. That doesn’t happen often.

58. As you lay there sleeping, I gush over how beautiful your face is. I fall more in love with it every time I see it. The way your nose flares when you smile, the beard that tickles my cheek, and the lips that wake me up in the mornings with a passionate kiss.

59. I love the way you smile at me, I love your beautiful face. When I look into your eyes I see something there that is not in mine. It is a sparkle from above. It is God’s gift to me from you. Sometimes I just sit and look at you, watch you moving around. I will never stop loving you for your cute little quirks. My heart beats faster when you walk in the room cause my love for you keeps growing every day!

60. Every day I see your face. Every second is worth, cause it’s another second of you. I love you more than anything in the world. I don’t think I will ever stop, my heart beats for you!

61. I love you with all my heart. You brighten my day every single time I see you. You excite me, light the spark in my belly, and make me happy like no one else can do.

62. Seeing you everyday, smelling you everywhere I find you, that is enough for me. I don’t need anything else. You are my happiness, my love, my everything. Thank you for being in my life!

63. As you slept next to me this morning, I took a moment to gaze at your beautiful face. The easiest way to get me through the day is by looking into your eyes. The waves that come off of your hair are more lovely than any beach I could ever think of visiting.

64. I don’t always tell you, but I love your face. My favorite are your beautiful lips. Remember when we first kissed? Your lips tasted of strawberries, my favorite! I am so lucky to have found you and be able to kiss you anytime I want. You are an amazing boyfriend.

65. I love your face. I have always, and will always love your face. You might not have the most perfect nose, or the cutest ears… But I love your face! I love your hair, I love your eyes… And I LOVE YOUR FACE!

66. I love your face. I love your eyes, your nose, your lips, your teeth, your tongue, I love everything about you. I love the way you smell and how you taste; if I spent a lifetime trying to express my feelings for you it wouldn't be enough. You are the one that completes me, completes my life. You are my favorite thought in the morning and one of my last thoughts at night before I go to sleep.

67. I love the way your eyes light up when you see me. I love the way your hair falls to the side and frames your face. I love the way your lips touch mine and kiss me gently and passionately at the same time.

68. You're smile makes my heart burst. Your nose makes me smile. Your face makes me melt and your eyes make my heart skip a beat! I love you with every part of my body and soul.

68. You’re beautiful. Your eyes, your smile, your skin. I love you. I love all aspects of you. You are my soul mate, the one that makes my life complete. You are everything to me. I can’t imagine my life without your presence, looking into your eyes every day. I don’t want to. My arms are always open for you… come home soon… I miss you already.

69. I would be complete with you by my side. I love you more than life itself. Waking up next to you every day is a dream come true. I can’t imagine a life without you, and I never want to try.

70. Oh my sweet, beautiful, handsome boyfriend. How grateful I am that God put you in my life. You are my most favorite person on earth and I feel very lucky to have you by my side.

71. For our anniversary I want to share with you one of my favorite poems. Despite the fact that it doesn’t rhyme I love it.

72. My darling boy, my sweetest son. You are wise beyond your years, thoughtful and considerate of others, yet stubborn as a bull. I’ve prayed that God treats you better than I have. That He gently places His hands on you and softly whispers to always be true to yourself, to never allow others to dull your shine, to always be unique and most importantly to trust in Him with all your heart.

73. I love your face even though it's random and weird. I love your laugh, so so so much! It's also super contagious! I love the way you notice me even when no one else does. I love your eyes, they sparkle every time you look at me. ---------- I love you ---------

74. I love everything about you, and your beautiful face is no exception. You light up my life and I cannot wait to see how we will spend the rest of our time together.

75. Believe it or not, I love your face. You say it funny and adorable. It is the greatest face in the universe! Not even Superman could save me from missing your face!

76. I love your face. It accentuates the beauty of your body, the character in your soul and the kindness in your heart. Your eyes tell me a story - a story of our love, a story of our life together, a story so many stories to be told by those eyes that I could never lose interest or grow tired of hearing it again and again.

77. I love everything about you, your beautiful face, your beautiful soul, your beautiful body. I could go on forever. You are my whole world, my dream come true. I love you with every part of my being!

78. You are the love of my life. No other woman has ever made me feel what you have. You are so amazing, I can’t put into words how much I love you. The day I met you was the best day of my life. Words can’t even describe what you mean to me. I love you more than anything in the world.

79. Seeing your face when I wake up in the morning. Waking up to you every morning makes me happier than I ever imagined someone could be. Even in my wildest dreams you are more amazing then I could have thought possible. The fact that I get to see your beautiful face in person everyday is a gift that cannot be described in words. Your kind heart, great sense of humor, perfect smile and amazing personality are only but a few of the reasons why I’m so head over heels.

80. You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Every day it is like I see something new and special about you that I fall more in love. You are exactly what my heart craves, and every time I hold you it comes back to life. You are my perfect lover, I love you!

81. When I wake up in the morning, I don’t want to leave your arms. When you say my name, it feels like home. When I look into your eyes, my heart melts. I love it when you hold me so tightly, so I can stay warm in the winter chill. I love your arms, they are strong and safe. Your hands are mine to hold and will protect me with all your might.

82. You think I don’t notice, but I notice everything. The way you smile before bed, the way your eyes open slowly like curtains in the morning, and the cute little nose wiggle you do when we kiss. There is not a place on this earth that I would rather be than here with you. You make life worth living and I will love you until I can love you no more.

83. My love, I heard you say today You love me so much you can hardly breathe.

84. There is no one I’d rather wake up to then you. You are my life, my heart. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I want to cuddle you all day! Once upon a time I thought cats were cute…but now I realize how much they act like dogs.

85. I love your face, I love it so much that when I look into your eyes I forget about the rest of the world. Your smile is my favorite part of your face because it makes me want to smile with you. I love you!

86. I. Love. Your. Face. Just wanted to make sure you knew you are beautiful everyday! How lucky am I to have you in my life!!! You are the most amazing person I know, inside and out!

87. I love your face. I love your smile. I love the look in your eyes when you stare deep into mine, I love the things you say, all the meaningful things with so much meaning behind them …...

88. I love your face, your eyes, your lips. They drive me crazy! I run my hands through your hair because it’s even softer than a sunset. I love you for you. I’m addicted to everything from the way you walk, to the sound of your voice. Yeah, I love your face!"

89. I love your face, I love your eyes, I love your hair. I love your heart, I love how you care, I love that you are right here with me.

90. Baby, I love your face! I am totally in love with you! You are smart, funny, kind and brave. You deserve happiness. You are the love of my life! My heart melts every time you smile at me. I love you!

91. Your face is the first thing I think of when I wake each morning, and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. You are my everything, my heart, soul and love. I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have you in my life. Love ya!

92. I had no idea how much I was going to miss your lovely face when we were apart. I love walking down the street and catching a glimpse of you on the way past.

93. I love your smile and the way your eyes crinkle when you laugh. I love the shape of your nose, your ears…your lips. I love your shoulders and cheeks and neck…I love the length of your legs and the curve of your hips. I love your elbows (and maybe even a bit too much) and I love the sweet little dimples in your hands. Just like I said before, I would never change a thing about you. You’re perfect exactly how you...

94. I want everyone to know how I feel, but most importantly I want you to know how I feel. You have been the biggest positive in my life. Before you, I never knew what it was like to love someone. You have always been there for me and tried your best to make me happy. Every day is a Valentine’s Day when you are in my life. Nothing makes me happier than having you beside me.

95. Close your eyes, cupid has brought us love in so many different forms. I never could have imagined the day you walked into my life. You are so wonderful to me, it’s hard to put into words. I hope you know all the ways I love you, because if not, open your eyes and let me enlighten you!

96. You are an angel. I’ve never met someone so precious and kind. You are truly the best thing that ever happened to me, you bring me everything that I could ever want. We may fight sometimes, but it only strengthens the bond that we have built together. You bring me warmth when it is freezing outside, comfort when I am sick, and love every day of the year.

97. I love your face, I love everything about you! You are simply amazing. You can make me smile on any given day. Our love is special and extraordinary. Every day I am one step closer to marrying you.

98. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately and it’s making my heart pitter-patter. I love your face.

99. I love your face when it smiles, when it cries and when it’s in between

100. I just had to tell you that I love your face. I lie in bed at night and watch you sleep, and it fills my heart with so much joy! I love the way every single freckle lights up on your bright white skin when you smile or glow under the sun. I love the way your eyes crinkle up like they do when you nod your head. I love the dimples of happiness that appear whenever you laugh truly hard; the kind of laugh that comes from.

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

101. Thank you for being the best husband anyone could ask for. You are loving, supportive, kind, fun, witty, handsome and brilliant. Not only did I find my best friend in you, but I found my life partner. I love your face!

102. To my gorgeous and wonderful boyfriend, I never thought I would meet someone as amazing as you. But here we are, loving each other and making plans for our beautiful future. I love how much you love me and the way you show me every day. You mean so much to me, and your face will always be the most beautiful thing!

103. Every morning I wake up and your handsome face is the first thing I see. You are so handsome and so sexy to me. I love you so much. I’m tired of my heart running away with my head, my feelings are too strong they won’t stop growing. I love your smile, the way you look into my eyes; it makes me want you even more.

104. You are so beautiful, I could stare at your face for hours. You are an incredible person inside and out. Your eyes shine with a light that draws me to you like a moth to a flame. You make me smile more than anything else. When I look at you I feel all the love in the world!

105. There is a beauty behind your eyes that I couldn’t describe in a thousand words. You are the most amazing person I know and the love of my life. I will be yours forever and ever!

106. I love your face so much, I could kiss you everyday. I hope I will be holding your hand for the rest of my life. I wouldn’t change anything about you. You are beautiful in every way. I hope you have a wonderful day today!

107. I love your face, I love your eyes, I love your nose, I love your ears, I love your lips. I could go on forever listing everything about you that I love. You are perfect to me!

107. I love your face because of you. I love it when you smile, and the way the light dances across it. I memorize every little detail, and know that I love them all.

108. I think you look like an angel when you sleep, but somehow even more beautiful when you’re awake. your eyes are stunning and your smile is amazing. When you hold me in your arms I feel so safe and sound, and all my cares just disappear. I love your face.

109. My favorite body parts… I love your face. The face that always reaches out to me when my day goes wrong. The face that stands up for me in a crowd of my most scary critics. The face that gives a huge smile just because I’m smiling. You have a beautiful face!

110. I love your smile, your voice, how you leave for work every day without hesitation. I love the way your hair falls back on your face after you run your hands through it. I love how warm you are when you hold me at night. I love how you forget the past with every new day. I’m just really glad that I have you.

111. I love you so much! The way your eyes sparkle and how your nose crinkles when you laugh. I love the sound of your voice and how we can always find something to laugh about. I love that we share all our dreams and goals and that we’re growing old together. I just loved you, right now, more than I ever have!

112. I love you more than anyone in the world and nothing could ever change that. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before and it’s wonderful to know my heart belongs to you. I will always be yours.

113. I wish you wouldn’t smoke cigarettes. But if you do, don’t blow them at me because I love you and I don’t want to smell like an ashtray. I know that’s pushing it, but you should know that too. I still love you.

114. I love the way your nose scrunches when you smile. I love it because you don’t even realize that it happens, and when I point it out you just smile and thank me for noticing such a small detail. I love how focused and interested in life you are..

115. You have the most beautiful soul I have ever seen. You are so mezmerizing to me, so intoxicating. I could never be away from you. Even if only looking at you gives me butterflies. You are my missing piece, my one true love.

116. They say that when you love someone, you love all of them. But when I look in your eyes I see so much more than I could ever love. I see the pain that you try to hide. The hurt that you hold until no one is watching. You wear it like a mask, like your face is chained to this shield. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. And in your eyes I see how great your sorrow must be; they’re deep.

117. I love your face. I love your smile. I love the way you laugh. I love your eyes and your smile. I love your nose and that little mole above it. I love your body (and the way it looks in my clothes). I also like bathing with you, eating with you, playing games with you, dancing with you, drinking wine with you or just sitting next to you watching TV. I even like fighting with you. Everything about our relationship is so special to me!

118. I love your face (and the rest of you!) I’m so lucky to live with you.

119. I love your face, I love the way it feels when I touch it. I love your arms, the way they feel around me. I love your back, I love the feeling of falling asleep on it.

120. I hope you know how much I love your face. That was so corny but oh so true. I love the way you look at me, the way you touch me, and your big blue eyes. I love waking up next to you each morning, and going to bed with you in my arms every night. You are beautiful, not just on the outside either. You have a beautiful soul and a beautiful heart!

121. I promise that I will always love your face. It is all I know and it makes you the most beautiful person in the world. Your hair, your eyes, your lips, and your ears. You make me laugh and make my life enjoyable. You are such a wonderful person and such a smart basketball player!

122. I never dreamed someone so precious could walk into my life. The way you look, the way you talk, your warm embrace. I feel so loved when I’m with you, and I can’t wait for this dream to last forever. My love grows everyday with you.

123. You are my everything! I can’t go on without you, don’t ever leave me, never ever. If you do I will be lost and broken and lost and broken and lost and broken and lost and broken and lost and broken and lost and break down into a million pieces. I love you so much it physically hurts.

124. I love your face. I love the way you see me when you see me, the way you hold me when you hold me, how you kiss me when you kiss me. I love your face. I am so glad I am the girl of your dreams.

125. I love your face. I run my fingers through your hair. I love to see you smile - it makes me want to cry. I have never loved someone so much in all my life. I am so lucky that I found you. You are everything to me.

126. I love your face. I love it when you make me feel like I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. I love your eyes, I love the way you cuddle with me and how you make me feel like I’m home. I love how thoughtful you are, sending me flowers on hard days at work, making cards on birthdays. How you know all my favorite things. I don’t need anything else in this world as long as I have you.

127. I love your face, I love your eyes, I love your smile. There isn’t a thing that I don’t like on you. From the moment I first saw you I knew that there was something about you that drew me deep within my heart. You are so amazingly beautiful to me.

128. I love your face. I love the way you smile and the way your nose crinkles when you’re mad. You have a beautiful smile that lights up a room and brightens my day instantly. I love looking into your eyes and feeling that familiar flutter in my chest. And your laugh is enough to make me laugh too. I guess what I’m trying to say…is…I know it sounds corny, but I really do enjoy being with you.

129. I love your face! The way you turn it up and smile, the crinkle in your eyes when you laugh and the glint in them when I’ve either said something to hurt you, or just kissed it better. I love that your whole face lights up when we feel your little heart flutter in my belly! I love to watch you sleeping and just watch you breathe. I love the freckles on your cheeks and nose and how they add to the rest of your beauty.

130. I love your face. All of it. I love the curve of your neck, the way your hair lays on it. I love the delicacy of your eyebrows, and how they swoop across your eyes. I love the brightness in your eyes. So pure and open, always telling me stories you haven’t told anyone else, or maybe you have but I can’t hear them. I love the dip of your nose, the bridge leading down to those two lips that I spend.

131. I love you baby with all my heart, my life is made full every time I think of you! I miss you so much. I love hearing about your day, talking about nothing important, just smiling at how sweet you are! I am always thinking of you. You are the perfect man for me. Thanks for being my strength when I feel small. Thanks for putting up with my crazy ways. Thanks for being determined to be the best husband ever! I love you baby!

132. You have the most beautiful face I have ever seen. I could get lost in your eyes forever. You take my breath away just by looking at you. The smell of your hair makes me smile and want to hug you tighter every time I smell it.

133. There are no words that could describe how much I love you. You are my everything and I just want to hold you and never let go. To say that I love you a thousand times would be an understatement, because I love you more than anything in this world.

134. I have helped my wife through a lot of pain and tears. I can’t imagine my life without her. I love her more than anyone else in the world.

135. I love your face. I love your eyes, nose and mouth. I even adore the time we spend apart, because it means you’ll come back and thank god you did. I love you with all my heart!

136. I am always thinking about how much I love your face, your eyes, your mouth, and even your ears. I love (and admire) all of you. Your beauty makes me the happiest man on the planet, and my soul is filled with joy whenever I am around you. I can't stop myself from smiling when we’re near each other because it feels so good to be able to kiss you and hold you and whisper “I love you” and hear the same whispered.

137. I love your face, I love the way you laugh, I love the way you make me laugh. I love your smile, I love looking into your eyes and seeing how much you love me. I fell in love with your heart and spirit. I love the way you look at me as though I’m the only one that matters.

138. I don’t remember when I fell in love with you or why, but what I do know is that if I was given the choice to love any man on this earth I would choose you. I love your face because it makes me smile and laugh. It warms my heart and puts a skip in my step every time I see it. You make me feel safe and complete. You truly are my other half and without you, I am only half the person I should be.

139. You’re the most beautiful thing in this world. It literally hurts my heart when I see how gorgeous you are. I will never acquire enough courage to tell you how much I’m in love with your face, especially your eyes. Whenever I see them, my body literally aches. I’ve never felt this way, but I don’t ever want to fall out of it. You make life worth living for me, Kevin.

140. I love the way your face lights up when you see me, and the way your blue eyes sparkle as you laugh. I love the way you can draw me into deep conversations without a word, and the way your lips feel as they press against mine. I love how you can’t keep from kissing me even during our most serious of conversations.

141. The more I look at your face the more I fall in love with you. And when I’m not looking at it, I’m thinking about it. You’re my rock, my rock of Gibraltar. Your hug melts all my worries away. You are my world! I never want to lose you. You are that one person who holds the key to every part of me, good or bad.

142. I love the way you look at me and the way your beautiful eyes shine. It’s like looking into the night sky and seeing all those stars shining back. I loved those nights under those stars with you. I loved those nights because they were ours, and I loved you...

143. I have loved you all my life, I will love you ’til my life is through. So many times I want to tell you how I feel, but the words get tangled up in my head. You bring me more joy than anyone or anything has before; I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

144. When I look into your eyes I know that I am loved more than any man deserves. You are my soul mate, my one true love. I will love you forever, for eternity.

145. I love your face. Your touch, your taste, your smell. You are my happiness in the form of a man that I have grown to love more than you could ever know. I can’t wait to grow old with you. I want the world to know how much you mean to me and just how lucky I am to be able to say “I Love You” to you every day for the rest of my life!

146. I love your face (and not just because it’s attached to your head). To me, there is no one like you. No one I find myself wanting to talk to for hours about nothing or everything. No one that makes me feel like I belong even though you may disagree. Just the thought of you makes my heart swell (even though I hate when you complain about yours). From the moment I wake up to the time I go to bed, you are always on my mind.

147. I love your face, I love the way you smell and every time I see your smile. I fall deeper in love with you each and every day. I never knew I could feel this way about someone, but now that I do, I know there is no one else who can make me feel like you do. You make me happy and complete and I wouldn’t change a thing about the amazing person you are!

148. I love your face. I love your eyes that look into my soul. I love your nose, that looks cute on you. I love your mouth because it brings me joy. I love your ears because they listen to me. I love everything about you.

149. Your eyes make me weak in the knees and your smile makes my heart skip a beat. I love everything about you and I can’t wait to spend forever wrapped in your arms and every day with you by my side. I love your face and I will always love your face!

150. I love your face, I love your eyes. I love your legs, I love your feet. But more than anything else... I love your loving me!!!!!!!

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

151. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how much I love you. All I can think about when I’m alone is holding you in my arms. When I look at your face my heart starts to skip beats, and my stomach turns flips. You are so beautiful to me, inside and out, I never want to be apart from you!

152. You have the cutest little face with a smile that could make a thousand lost souls weak in the knees. You would change a bad day into a good one in a flash of a moment. I love your face, your hair, your eyes, and everything about you.

153. I love the way you put your hair back when you are frustrated. I love that you take my hand to cross the street. I love that you text me good morning and goodnight. I love that you smile so wide when laughing hard. I love how your nose crinkles up when you are trying not to laugh. I love how you are so dang sexy! And I love, I need, I want to be with you for all time!

154. I love to look at you. I’m not sure what makes me do it, but I spend a lot of time looking at your face. I think about how lovely your hair looks. I wonder if you notice that I like your hair like that, loose and flowing…I like to look at all the different colors of skin on your face—your nose, your lips, your neck.

155. I fell in love with all of you. Not just your face, one or two things stand out to me about you. I fall in love with the way you say “I’m sorry” so sincerely, I can never stay mad at, the way your eyes light up when you talk about your children, the way you always leave me notes on my car or on my computer. The way you hold me when we’re watching a movie, the way you tickle.

156. There will never be another you. On this I am absolutely certain. Other women are beautiful, yes, but none are you. When I look at you I see my soulmate, the one person who makes me happy with even the briefest of smiles or sweetest of laughs. They may be prettier but you are my soulmate.

157. Just wanted to let you know how much I love your face! It makes me happy just to see it. What I want to do most is protect you and make you feel safe. You are my best friend and I will always care for you…

158. When I look at you, I see all the reasons why I was put on this Earth. You make me feel whole and bring a light to my life that no one could compare with. I love your face, your eyes, your nose, mouth, cheeks, ears, the list could go on. But most of all I love your heart and soul. You are all that matters to me.

159. I can’t stop looking at you, you are so cute. I love your smile and how you giggle. You always smell so good and look so pretty. I just want to hold you close, because I love your face!

160. Sometimes I think about your face and I get so lucky. As soon as you appear all my fears fade away. I keep looking at your face, thinking that I want to show you off to the world. You are the most amazing person that I have the chance to call my girlfriend. I will love you forever!

161. That face of yours is my favorite place to be.  From the loving look in your eyes, to that massive smile that reaches your ears. I love the feeling of your rough hands in mine, the smell of your cologne, and most of all I love hearing you say "I love you too"

162. I love your smile, your laugh, and your hair. I love the way you think, the way you talk. I love the way you make me feel, inside and out. I love the way you make me smile with no reason at all. I love the way you’re always there for me, through all my crazy antics. I love your hands. Your arms, Your personality, it’s all amazing! You can make my day with a simple hello...

163. I love you so much. I know it sounds crazy, but the first time I saw your face, all I wanted to do was kiss you. When we had our first kiss, I just knew that there was no one else for me. Yesterday driving home with you by my side, I realized that nothing could ever tear us apart. I’ve never felt so strongly about another person in my life, and I swear I’ll care for you until the day that I die.

164. I wake up everyday to your smile. I fall asleep to your soft breathing. My days are bright just because you are in it. Your lips spell my favorite word, LOVE! Without you my life would be incomplete like I’m missing a puzzle piece. I LOVE YOU!

165. I love you. I love the way our feet fit together like puzzle pieces. I love how your nose wrinkles when you smile at me, and your big brown eyes shine with happiness every time I see them. I love the way you talk about our future, making plans for tomorrow as if it’s already written in stone. I love the sound of your voice, even when you’re singing off-tune in the shower or bickering with me over the remote control.

166. Why is it so hard to tell you I love you? I’ve said it too many times, yet the words still don’t flow with ease. What would you want, if I could see your face right now? Would you like to go straight to bed, or stay up all night? I’d tell you, but I can’t. And here’s the thing; no matter how much time passes between these letters, they never seem enough.

167. Oh boy, where do I start. You have an amazing face. I wanna set it as my screen saver so every time you look at the computer you see my feelings for you. You have a cute smile, huge soulful eyes, and a little face that makes me laugh every time I look at it. Your hair is the most interesting thing in the world – your hair is a metaphor to how much I love you. It’s all over the place – a constant..

168. Goosebumps down my arms. Hands intertwined, fingers clenching till they’re white, eyes staring intently. You’re stuck in my head like a good song I can’t get out of my head. I could listen to you forever and never get tired of hearing you speak.

169. I love your face, the way you smell, your taste, everything about you makes me smile. I adore you.

170. I love your face. It’s the most beautiful one I have ever seen. I love holding you in my arms, I love listening to your laugh, and most of all I love the way you look at me. There is nothing in this world I enjoy more than being in your arms.

171. I love your face, I love your hair. I love you so much and I want to share with you my life. Your face is the first image that goes through my mind every morning and it is the last image that I think of before my eyes fall apart as sleep overcomes my body.

172. You are the cutest little troll I have ever seen ;P Seriously though, you are the cutest woman on earth, your perfect face is a sight for sore eyes. Your eyes shine like the stars and your big smile warms my heart. I can’t wait to marry you and make it official, you are a beautiful woman and I love you very much. I cant wait to buy you a ring!

173. You’re so handsome and easy on the eyes. When we kiss I cant tell where I start and you begin. We fit together perfectly and my heart is with you for all time.

173. You know that I love you, and you’re probably aware that no one will ever love you like I do. Still, it warms my heart to say it. My love for you grows with each second we spend together.

174. You are my best friend! You are pure amazingness. Thank you for making me laugh all the time. Thank you for being by my side and never leaving, and thank you for making me smile even on my worst days. I love just looking into your eyes and falling into that deep ocean of blue ocean. Woo! And kissing those sweet lips of yours, they’re just so soft and smooth. I could do this for hours! Just falling more and more in love with you.

175. I was sitting on the couch, thinking about what I needed to do for this paper I’m writing, and I looked over at you. You were sitting down reading. The light from the lampshade was shining down on your face, making it glow. It struck me, the pure beauty of your face. Your hair is soft and curly, but short enough to let me run my hands through it whenever I feel like it. You have kind brown eyes that pull me in every time.

176. I love you with the wild reckless abandon of youth, with the intensity of new love, and with the depth of my soul.

177. I love your face, I love the way you think, I love your soul, I love to be around you. You are my one true love. I wonder if you know how much you mean to me, because the feeling I have for you is indescribable.

178. There are so many things I love about you. I love your smile, your eyes, your face, your lips, but most of all I love how you feel when you hold me tight. See this card is blank because what I’m really trying to say is…I LOVE YOUR FACE!

179. I love your face I love your eyes I love your hair.

180. I love your smile, your eyes, your toes, but most of all I love your face! You have been there for me through everything. You have been so strong through everything. There is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be than with you. I love you to the moon and back."

181. Four little words, I love you. But sometimes even those don’t seem like enough. I want to tell you how much your smile makes my heart skip a beat, or that when you laugh my whole mood will instantly change for the better. I feel like there is no place I would rather be then in your embrace. Every time you meet my gaze I drown in your eyes with warmth and love.

182. I love the way you look at me, I love your kisses, I have loved you from the very first day we met.

183. Well…erm… You have an impressive nose. The sexiest ears, your eyes evoke feelings that I’ve never even thought possible. The curves of your smile will make a grown man cry. But what I love most about you, is your face! I really do love all of you!

184. Every time I see your face, I feel like the luckiest man on this planet. When you smile at me, my heart melts. I keep getting lost in your ocean-like eyes, and I can’t stop staring. I don’t know what brought us together, but I am glad it did! You are my world, my everything!

185. There is something about your face I will never get tired of looking at, it amazes me every day. Your smile takes my breath away and your eyes dazzle me with hope for a better tomorrow. If you had a physical flaw I wouldn’t love you any less. I will always love you because of who you are not by what you look like. To me you are perfect!

186. I love you. I know you always hear me say it, but I mean it so very much. You are my best friend and partner in life. I thank God every day for bringing you to me. You are so special to me Chris. Your love has made my life so much easier and enriched my life more than any other person could have.

187. My boyfriend is my hero. He still stops whatever he is doing to give me the most amazing kiss ever. He’s always there for me and I can’t imagine life without him. Our love lights up like a string of fire works every time we touch.

188. You are my best friend, my everyday companion. You make me laugh and comfort me when I’m down. There have been many times that you have brought me to tears with your kindness and passion. I love you with a love that is a powerful as a tidal wave. My love for you will last a life time.

189. I love you baby, your face is amazing! I want to kiss it all day long. You are my sunshine, my joy. I love your smile the most. I like your eyes, forehead and lips also. I like everything about you. I like the way you do me with by wrapping me in your arms. You mean everything to me; come back soon!

190. I love your face. I love the way my shoulder feels when it brushes against you. I love the way your hair smells, and how soft it is. I love your voice, and the way you sing along with the radio. I love that your family gets a kick out of my jokes.

191. Your smile brightens up my day and your laugh makes us fall in love all over again. You have been my biggest strength and support through everything. I love your face.

192. I love kissing your face. I love kissing your lips. I love smelling you and closing my eyes as you hold me tight. Thank you for loving me as much as I love you.

193. I love your face. I love to look at it while I am driving because it makes me happy. I love to run my hands over it while taking a shower. It always feels so smooth, even though your hair does act crazy sometimes!

194. I love you, your face. When I see it, I forget to breathe sometimes. I’m amazed at how gorgeous you are. I took a walk one day and saw a tree with hundreds of birds singing. It was a beautiful thing to see. Your face is just as beautiful as that tree and just as amazing to me!

195. I love everything about you! I love the way you laugh, the way you talk, the little crinkle between your eyes when you are worried, the way you search for my hand in a crowd. I love the way our dogs act when you come over, they know if it is you or not. I love when you say my name, when you sing in the car, and when we talk every day. When we go to sleep I fall in love with you all over again. I

196. I love it when you smile, when you laugh, when you look at me like I am everything in this world to you. And your face is the only one that makes me smile, laugh and feel that way. You are my everything and I will cherish that forever.

197. I want to be with you everywhere you go. I love you more than words could ever say and every single day I am thankful that we found each other and that you love me, too. I can’t wait for the future with you by my side.

198. I want to wake up every morning, look into your eyes and tell you that I love you. I want to go to bed each night with you by my side telling me the same.

199. I look at it every day and I never get tired of it. I love your eyes, your hair, your nose, your pouting lips. I love your ears, the shape of them, the little freckles on them, the way they move when you listen to me. I love your shoulders, your neck, your back. I think about how it felt when you first touched my hand.

200. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are the love of my life. No matter how bad things get you are always there for me. I will never take anything for granted because I have you in my life.

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

201. I love your face, I love your face with all my heart. When we’re apart, I long to feel your touch and taste your kiss. If we ever part, my life would be in ruins, you’re the only one for me.

202. I love you. I love your face, I love the way you look at me, I love your beautiful smile. I just want to be with you all the time - I can’t get enough of you. When I dream it’s always about you. Baby, you are my world, my heart feels like it could burst because I love you so much!

203. I love your face more than you know, you are my world, my universe, my world would stop spinning without you. You are my forever, my love. I love you more every day, please don’t leave me.

204. I looooooove your face! I love everything about it. Your eyes, your lips, your forehead, even your goofy smile. I love the way you look at me so warmly and softly. I love how you can’t hide the fact that you think I’m beautiful which makes my heart melt.

205. I love to run my fingers through your hair. I love to watch you sleep, breathing softly. I love the way you look at me over coffee, It melts me inside.

206. My heart is full knowing I have a man who loves me very much, and loves my smile. You always know what to say and how to make me feel. I will never stop loving you, not even if I tried, which I don’t plan on doing!

207. That is the story of our love. Our eyes locked for the first time in years, your smile lights up your whole face, my eyes lock on your smile, the joy spills across the room and I fall more in love.

208. I look into your eyes and I see my world; shining back at me. I look into your eyes and I see the beginning of forever; with you by my side.

209. Selling the world and making it pay. Cause all I ever wanted was for you to be my everything. To live without loving you, is life incomplete. For no one else could ever do. What only you can do, what only you can do to me.

210. I love your face. Just seeing you is enough to put a smile on my face, but it only gets bigger every time I look into your eyes. You are all the things I could ever ask for in a man. You are kind, loving, caring, smart and handsome.

211. I love your face. You are my everything, I don’t understand how you are with me even though I am not perfect. I can’t stop thinking about you. I love you so much!

212. I love your face - that I can’t live without.

213. I love waking up to your face every morning. I will never get used to the way my heart skips when I see you walk in the door from work or school. You are so stunningly beautiful, inside and out. I love that I can express every feeling with only one direction of my eyes. My love for you is forever growing, blossoming, burning.

214. I love you face. Baby, I don’t think an hour goes by that I don’t look at it and smile. It’s the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen and each day, brings me more and more happiness because of it.

215. When you smile, my heart melts. When you laugh, I don’t know what to do with myself. When you cry, I’ll cry to protect and comfort you (even if it makes us both look like fools). Your face is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And now that we're together, no one will ever be able to take your place as the only one I love and desire more than life itself.

216. You are the only one for me. When I first saw you I couldn’t breathe. You were all I could think of. You are beautiful inside and out, better than any words could say. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love everything about you.

217. I still get butterflies when I look at your face. When I am not near you, I often think of you and of us. When waking up in the morning, you are the first thing on my mind. When going to bed at night, you stay with me until I fall asleep. When these feelings get too intense, I have to pinch myself because the thought that this may not be real is just too terrifying to allow myself to think about.

218. I love when you smile at me, when your hair falls into your eyes, when you blush and when you laugh. I love the way you walk, the way your voice sounds and the way you touch me…everywhere. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.

219. I love you because you are my best friend. You know me better than anyone ever has or ever will. It’s nice to have someone that knows all the stupid things I do and loves me still.

220. I am not sure if I told you this but you are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I’ve never known anyone more kind, charming, intelligent, cheerful. You are my sunshine in the cloudy rainy days. You are the only one that can get me to laugh when I am upset or sad.

221. I love your face. I love looking at it! It’s so beautiful! Your gorgeous blue eyes always sparkle. Your smile is contagious and your laugh is the most wonderful sound in the world to my ears. I love you, my sweet little prince!

222. I really love your face. As soon as I see you I feel so much warmth and happiness. I never thought that I could love anyone as much as I love you. You have made me a better person, more confident and overall the happiest person in the world right now. I will always love you, your face and everything else about you, every day!

223. I love the way your eyes shine when you look at me. I love the way you look at me with so much love, excitement and happiness. I love how your arms feel wrapped around me. I love to wake up next to you every morning because I know that this is where I am meant to be. And even though it’s not tomorrow already, I can’t wait for it because I’m looking forward to seeing the look on your face...

224. Your face is just… well, it’s perfect. I can’t say enough good things about it. The way your eyes sparkle when you talk to me, or just stare at me lovingly. It makes my heart flutter. I love your forehead because it’s the first part of you that I see in the morning. Your eyebrows are perfect because they frame your eyes so perfectly, every time you raise one I fall a little more in love with you.

225. I love the way your eyes light up when you look at me, I love how your face contorts in all kinds of goofy ways, I love how you kiss me, I love the way you hug me, I love the way you make me feel like the most special person in the entire world when I’m with you.

226. I love you. I love the way you look at me, the way your lips kiss mine, I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.

227. I love the dimples you get when you smile. I love your ears because they are so delicate…..opposites attract you know! I adore how little hairs grow on your face that is begging for my gaze. I like it when you give me that look that is saying “You know you love it” how about this for an answer….I do!

228. I love the way your nose crinkles when you giggle. I love the dimple on your right cheek. I love the way your left eye squints a little bit when you smile. I love your smile, and I love how every time I look at it, it makes my heart skip a beat. And it makes me want to fall to my knees knowing that someone as gorgeous as you could ever be interested in me."

229. I love everything about you, I love the way you talk, the way you walk, your hair, your eyes. I love your eyes especially. You are my sunshine on a rainy day.

230. You are the most beautiful love in the world. You make me feel like I am king of the world, you make me feel like I am wonderful, you make me feel full of life, joy and love. When you look at me with those beautiful eyes my heart melts. I’m so blessed to have you in my life.

231. Everyday I look at you and wonder how I got so lucky. I mean, I knew you were cute when we first met, but now…you’re too perfect to be real. Your smile makes me smile, your laugh brings me joy, and the way you look into my eyes tells me that everything is perfect. And it all just gets better everyday!

232. It’s only been a month and I’ve missed you SO much. But really, you do have a great face. Not to mention your sense of style. And those adorable curls that always seem to pop out of nowhere. You keep those things hidden at work, but I love those things the most!

233. I love your face. I love your eyes. I love your hair. I even love the clothes you wear and the way you talk. There’s something about how your fingers feel entwined in mine. How we always fall asleep together and wake up side by side. The way we read each others minds and share each other’s dreams. You are my everything and I am so blessed to have found you and so grateful to know you love me back just as much!

234. You are the most handsome man on the planet and I just love your face a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot. Thank you for being you.

235. You have the most adorable face that lights up my life. I absolutely love your eyes, your lips and cheeks, your cute little nose and of course all your hair! I love you so much and I always will.

236. You are my darling. I love the way you look, I love the way you smell, I love your eyes, your ears, your hair. You mean so much to me and I never want to live without you again. Every time I kiss you my heart melts just a little bit more until it’s full of liquid love.

237. I love your smile, your laughter, your kindness, even when you are mad. I love the way your hand feels in mine, and I adore how you hold me close. You are my lover, my friend, my whole world. Without you the world would be bleak. Thank you for every day you brighten my life! Thank you for being who you are!

238. Every time I see your face, I fall in love all over again. I will always love you as you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Every day I’m reminded of how much Love is meant to be felt. You have given me so much Love and strength to work on my weaknesses. You have been so good to me and I wanna give you the world, but I’m glad it doesn’t belong to anyone else and falls into my arms.

239. I love the way your nose crinkles when you laugh. I love your green eyes that sparkle like emeralds. I love the way no matter how bad of a day you’ve had; you can make me smile with just one look. I love the little bit of stubble on your cheeks that gives your face this rough, yet manly look. The dimples smile when you do, and I could stare at them for hours.

240. I love the way you make me happy - I love the boyish way you laugh. I love your eyes, the ones that pull me in like nothing else does. I love your smell, even though you think it’s gross. It’s like spring; clean and new; like the flowers there. I love how dorky you can be sometimes.

241. You are the only man I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are everything to me, you are my everything. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me love, I will never hurt you.

242. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think of you and the wonderful things we share. You mean so much to me and I just can’t ever imagine my life without you.

243. I will never get tired of your face. I love watching you sleeping beside me in the morning. Watching you shave. I love you when you don’t make sense when talking, or when you sing in the shower, or when you play poker with my friends. I love it when you don’t smile and just talk to me. And if i spend a lifetime looking at your face, i would still never be done loving it. I love your face!

244. I love your face because it reminds me of the person I have always known you to be. The early days, when I just knew that one day I would wake up next to you, you were there by my side. You are mine and I am yours.

245. I love you so much. I don’t think you understand just how much. I can’t put it into words. Your very existence gives me joy every day, even when there are hard times I know that my life is better with you. You have become my home. I love your face, your body, your mind, your heart…I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

246. When I see your face, my mind is calmed and I’m soothed. Your eyes are as beautiful as they were the first time I saw them. Your smile makes my heart race and makes me feel completely giddy. When you hold me close it sends shivers down my spine. You fill up my heart with love that it overflows from every corner that’s left inside of me.

247. You are by far the most beautiful person I’ve ever met on the inside and on the outside. You are my best friend, my lover, my soul mate. I can’t wait to spend forever with you, loving you every step of the way! Your face lights up my whole world. When I first saw you I knew that was the man that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.

248. I have the biggest smile on my face right now, thinking of you. You always have a way of making me so happy. Even when I’m mad at you, I just have to look at your face and see how beautiful you are and there is no way I can be mad at you anymore.

249. I love you, I love you, I love you! Your kind heart, your prayerful soul, your angelic face. I just look at you and I can tell that God must have loved you so much that he gave you to me. You are the most important thing in my life. I love the way you love me.

250. I’m salivating looking at you. It’s music playing for my eyes. Your smile brightens up my day. I just can’t get enough of your presence. You are so cute to me, you are my baby! Your smile, that glorious smile… I just can’t contain myself. I feel butterflies in my stomach every time I see you.

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

251. There are days that I don’t feel like smiling, but the minute that I look into your eyes I know everything will be ok. I want to tell you how much you mean to me. How much I love you and how thankful I am to have you in my life.

252. I love your face. Each time I see you, I feel like the luckiest person in the whole world. I never want to take my eyes off of you; you are beautiful.

253. I love your face, I love your body, I LOVE YOU! I’ve never felt this way before. I love the way you walk, the way you sneeze, the way you type. When I see you my heart races and I just can’t stop smiling. I love how silly you are, but most of all I love that you are mine.

254. I love your face. I love the way you smile. I love the way you walk. I love your eyes. I love your lips. I love your arms. Your legs make me cry because they are so perfect. I don’t know why but every time I see your body it burns like fire……in a good way……in an oxymoron kind of way……like wow that’s hot, but wow that’s freezing cold at the same time.

255. You have the sweetest smile, the prettiest eyes and the cutest nose. I love your face so much! You are so amazing and without you my life would be so empty. I only want you in it from now on.

256. I want everyone to see my beautiful wife. You are my soul mate, you are the one I was meant to be with. I love your smile, your laugh. I love your face!

257. When I wake up in the morning, I see your face. All throughout the day, I think about you. In the evening, when I go to bed, I can’t wait until tomorrow when I can see you again! Loving you is the highlight of my days and nights.

258. I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh. I love the way your nose scrunches up when you’re confused. I love the way you kiss me. I love the way you make me feel like nothing else matters in this world besides us. I love you more than anything, Mark!

259. Every time I see your face my heart does a flip. You are my best friend, lover and soul mate. You make everything in life better. Life is so much fun with you around, you put the laughter in my laughter, the music in my music and your smile lights up a room brighter than any light can. You truly are amazing and I love you with all of my heart.

260. No matter how far apart we are I feel you in my heart. No matter what time it is, whether it's early morning or the middle of the night. Whenever I close my eyes I envision that smile on your face that melts my heart . Everything about you turns me into a complete mess. I think about your eyes , your smile, your voice. I just can’t believe that after seven years together you are still able to send chills throughout my body when I see you for..

261. I love that you don’t care what other people think. I love your gorgeous blue eyes, your cute freckles, and your adorable dimples when you smile. But most of all, I love the way you make me feel. You make me laugh when I cry, you pick me up when it feels like the world is crumbing around me, and you push me to be better… just becuase you love me.

262. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

263. I love your face, I love your eyes, I love the sound of your voice, I love how you brighten up my day. I love your cuddles, your kisses and to hold you tight. That is why I think I love you so much – to you it may seem strange – but one thing’s for sure – I know – hear me out – I LOVE YOUR FACE!

264. I love your face, I love your eyes, I love your legs, I love every thing about you, you have become everything to me.

265. I love your face. I really do. You have the most amazing eyes, your smile lights up my day, and your heart is so kind. I love everything about you.

266. I love your face, your skin, your eyes, and especially your smile. I love that you will always be there for me no matter what. I love that you believe in me and help me believe in myself. I love that even though we argue, we always work it out and never stop loving each other. I love you so much and I feel so lucky to be with you!

267. I love that you are here with me right now, reading this. I love all the time we spend together, especially at night. I love our morning cuddles. I love how excited you get about everything, your eyes light up like the 4th of July. I love how you feel in my arms. You make me feel safe and protected. You make me feel like I’m home.

268. It is so cute when you are silently laughing, I love your face when it smiles, every line of it. I love your eyes because they are windows to your soul. Your soul which is beautiful and I love you with all my heart. Also, I see your face in my dreams, in my nightmares - everywhere!

269. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met! Your smile is what gets me up in the morning. Your eyes shine like gems. You make my heart beat faster every time I look at you. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how happy you make me feel. You are my shining star, my best friend, my sweet angel. I love you more than anything!

270. I love the way you laugh at me when I am being a goof ball. I love my perfect girlfriend. You have a laugh that can cheer anyone up no matter what mood they are in. To know you is to love you.

271. You know I love you, right? We may not always see eye to eye, but I will always be on your side. Let our love drive out all the evil in this world, just remember how much I love you, and that I’m always here for you.

272. I love the way your nose crinkles when you laugh. I love your big, beautiful brown eyes and your strong hands and your soft lips...

273. I love your face. I miss you so much when things are bad I just want to look at your face and see if I can’t smile. Every time I see you it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have someone who loves me this much, cares about my happiness. And reciprocates my feelings.

274. When I think about how much I really love your face, I just don’t know what to do. Your face is so beautiful that it makes me want to cry. Your face gives me butterflies in my stomach and the urge to kiss you every time I see you'.

275. I don’t remember what I was doing or where I was when you told me you loved my face. It was 3 years ago. I’m not sure what you meant by it. All I know is that if this love between us has survived the test of time, then that must mean that I truly do love your pretty face!

276. I love your face. I love the way we make each other laugh and how we can be silly and nutsy and stupid all in the same day. I love how we like the same music and know when the other one needs to be held. I love how you look at me when I say something uninspired, and then you realize that it was just because my mouth was full of peanut butter. I love your eyes and your chest and your laugh and hands and

277. I love the way you look at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I love the way your hair blows in the breeze when we are outside. I love the sound of your voice whether you are singing or speaking. I love how warm your lips are. I can’t wait to make more memories with you!

278. My love, you are so beautiful to me. I don’t really need to say anything else than that. I am lucky you decided to grace my life and stay with me. Every day suddenly seems brand new and exciting because I get to wake up next to you and spend my days with you. You can fly my drone and love my dog and give me the most amazing back massages and really the only thing that would make this better is if we could be married. I think about you..

279. It makes me smile when I look at you. I feel your kisses, they are on my lips. I hear your heart beat, it is our song. You are my life! Love, miss you always.

280. My handsome, sweet and very gentle Ian. I just want you to know how much you mean to me and how much I love and appreciate our new life together. I miss your every morning when I wake up and your always on my mind during the day. You are so giving, kind and thoughtful. I feel lucky, honored and blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life.

281. It’s a combination of sweet, sexy, cute and beauty. Every time I look into your eyes I get weak in the knees and wonder how I am lucky enough to have found a man who will love me the way you do.

282. I write this to you today, but I feel like I’ve already said it a million times over. Yet here I am again, trying to explain the way I always feel when we are together. I love you 100 times a day at least and no matter how many times our love comes in and out of seasons, my heart always goes back to its original love for you.

283. Have you ever seen a more beautiful person? I can’t recall. You’re so attractive, but you’re also the kindest, funniest and smartest boy I know. I feel really lucky to call you mine.

284. I love your face, I love your face so much. You are so beautiful to me. It doesn’t matter how you look because you are always beautiful to me. The way you smile makes my heart melt. When you speak you speak words of wisdom that touches my heart. When I look into your eyes I can tell what you are thinking.

285. I love your face. What a lovely place to end every day. I love that I can hold you in my arms. It’s the best place for me, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you."

286. I love your face, I love you smile. I love your eyes and how they crinkle when you’re about to laugh. I love how you always say exactly what’s on your mind no matter what the cost. I love the way you sign “I love you” with a heart because it’s true. I heart you with all my heart!

287. I love you little face the one that greets me every night and morning. The one that wakes up before me and gives me a kiss. I love your sweet voice, I listen to it every night as you sleep. I love your eyes that look into mine and make my heart skip a beat. I love all of you and always will, this is how it started and this is how it will stay forever.

288. Oh my gosh do I love your face. You are perfect when you smile, when you laugh, when you talk, when you walk… when you hold me... Everything about you makes my day. I can’t stop staring in your green eyes.

289. I can’t stop looking at your face. I love you so much I can’t think straight. The way you look has me so darn crazy, I can barely function.

290. Every day I look at your face and fall in love with it all over again. Your eyes, your lips, the curves of your body; it is all perfect. You make my heart feel like a butterfly; zooming around and leaving tiny kisses on whatever it touches. The first time we met I knew you were special and now after giving you my heart, I can’t imagine life without you.

291. I love you because you make every moment fun. You bring joy to my life and I can’t imagine what it would be like without you. I love your smile, the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh, how you hold me tight while we sleep. There are no words to describe how much I love you. You are my whole world!

292. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. Your eyes were so beautiful that I just stared. I love the way you smile, it lights up my life. I can’t imagine what would have happened if we hadn’t met. It is all just a dream come true for me."

293. Your laugh lines are so beautiful, they tell me the story of your life. The way they show I’ll treasure your laughs forever. Your cute nose is so darling, I still pinch it sometimes to make sure you’re real. Your blue eyes sparkle like a summer sky and make me melt every time I see them. You have a contagious smile that always keeps me going, especially when I’m sad. Every day with you is an adventure.

294. When I look into your eyes, my heart skips a beat. I love you so much nobody could ever replace you. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. My love for you will never fade, because my love is eternal and real. I hope this lasts forever, but even if it doesn’t, even for a night, that would be the best Valentine’s Day ever!

295. You have the most amazing eyes, I could just stare at them all day. I love the way your hair falls perfectly in place. You are so perfect, inside and out. You are always my shoulder to lean on when I am sad or need help with something. You are so wonderful!"

296. I love your face, your body, your voice, your eyes. I could write you a thousand letters but it still wouldn’t come close to the amount of love that I have for you @! Your kisses make my knees weak and your touch can make me melt away. When you hold me in your arms I feel safe and warm. I will always love you with all my heart. You are my one true love! You are the man of my dreams!

297. I love your face so much it makes me feel so beautiful. Every time I look at you it sends waves of butterflies through my chest and I just want to hold you and never let go. You make me the happiest girl in the world, I can’t wait to spend forever with you.

298. I love your face, I love your body, I love everything about you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

299. I love your face and I love the way you kiss and the way we’re falling into each other. You say that you like my hands and you like my eyes and I look forward to what your mind will do. For reasons beyond me, you like me and I like me when we’re together too.

300. I love your face, your hands, your hair, your body, and everything that makes you my girlfriend. I love it all. You are so incredibly beautiful and I can’t seem to get enough of you. Every time I look at you my heart skips a beat and the butterflies in my stomach won’t stop fluttering.

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

301. I love your face, your eyes, it’s everything I see. I love your loving heart and soul, it’s everything I know. I love you from the bottom of my heart!

302. Your face is so beautiful to me, as I gaze at it from across the room. Your eyes mesmerize me, and your smile brightens my day. The things you can say just by using a different tone of voice, have the power to send me into a daydream. Your voice calms me, and draws me closer to you each time I hear it. I love you oh so much!

303. There are so many things I love about you, your eyes, your lips, your arms, but most of all I love the way you love me. You are my protector and my lover. Thank you for loving me so much even when I am not worthy. You hold me in your arms when I need it most. You dried my tears when my world seemed to be falling apart. You’re the most beautiful thing in this world to me.

304. I told you that most romantic song. I wrote that with you in mind. I look at your beautiful face and see perfection. Heaven couldn’t be any more beautiful than you. When I look in your eyes I melt. I want to kiss you all day…and night."

305. I love you for everything that you are. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, because I know it will be wonderful!

305. The first time I saw your face, your smile that brightened up my life. You showed me true love & compassion. The times that you were there for me during my darkest moments. When no one else was everything about them changed.

306. Thank you for being here with me, watching over me, protecting me. I am eternally grateful. I love you more every day since the day we first met, and will continue to love you more every day after that.

307. I love you, I love your face. I love your eyes.. That way that they look at me.. And the cute little dimple when you smile. I love your hair, I want to run my fingers through it forever. When you hug me, everything in my life is complete. How could I live without you? Baby, you are my everything...

308. When I wake up, I love your face. You are so handsome I can’t help but smile at you. While I’m brushing my teeth, I love your face. When I kiss your lips, I love your face even more. We say so many things to each other that show our love everyday. When we walk into the room together people comment on how much we love one another. You are my special someone.

309. I love your face, but I love your soul even more. You’re truly one of a kind and I feel truly lucky to have you in my life. I really am the luckiest girl alive!

310. I love your face, I love your smile. I love the way the light dances in your eyes. I love your touch, you’re the only one I want to kiss. I love your hair, it’s half of who you are. But most of all, most of all I love the fact that you are my best friend!

311. I love your face. I can say that a thousand times and it still wouldn’t be near the amount of times that I actually mean it…

312. I love your face, I love your body, I love you. No matter how many times I tell you, I can’t possibly put all my love for you into words. So I say it in the poem.

313. You are so beautiful. I’m so lucky to have found you. I will love you until the day I die -or even after. You are my true love.

314. Within an instant, my mind knows who you are. I stare at the picture on my nightstand, noticing every inch of your beautiful face. You are, by far, one of the most beautiful human beings that ever walked the earth. No matter what anyone says or does to you, you are perfect to me. I love your long black hair, your brown eyes smiling at me, and your cute little nose. Chris, God brought us together so that we could admire each other every morning.

315. When I look at you, my heart races, my knees go weak, my head begins to spin. The quickness of breath I feel makes me lightheaded. You are everything I have ever wanted. My love for you is never ending. My goal in life is to make you as happy as you make me. I love your face!

316. I love your face when you laugh, when you're about to kiss me, when we’re in bed together. I love how it feels when we hug and when we lay in each other's arms.  Everything about you is perfect and I love every imperfection that makes my heart skip a beat.

317. I love your face. Your eyes are sparkling diamonds. Your hair is pretty like a horse or cow, silk I would hold between my fingers. I want you just like that droopy tree needs droplets of water-- every day. Your skin is soft and smooth like rose petals, and your hands possess the strength of war generals conquering new lands for their country.

318. I love the way you look at me, it makes my knees weak. I love your smile, even when you are sad. I love your laugh, I could sit and listen to you all day. I love how you laugh at my jokes even when they aren’t funny. I love the way you smell after a bath or shower, I just want to curl up against your bare chest and inhale deeply for hours. I just love everything about you!

319. As I sit here thinking of you, I really cannot believe how lucky I am to have found you. You are so kind, so thoughtful and so loving. You love me for the things that make me different. The way you look at me with those big brown eyes… They melt my heart every time. And your lips, the way you kiss… It makes me want to give you the world. Thank you for coming into my life!

320. You are the most important person in my life. I can’t imagine waking up to anyone else besides you. You bring me so much joy that cracks my face into a smile. I couldn’t have found someone better, you are perfect for me.

321. There is so much to love about you. The way you smile, the way you look at me, and how we can always find something to laugh about. You always say the perfect thing at the perfect time. You never forget my birthday or our anniversary and I just know that you are right for me now and forever. To love you is one of the simplest things I have done but I will never stop loving you!

322. I want to be with you all the time. I can’t wait to spend every day of my life with you. I love you so much that my heart aches!

323. I may not know what the future holds, but I do know how I feel. My heart and soul sing when you’re near. It took me a while to find you and I am so glad I did. You bring my world into focus and remind me that life is worth living. You always know just what to say and when to say it, pointing out how beautiful life can be. Everything is better with you in my life!

324. The first time I saw you, it was love at first sight. The moment I looked into your eyes – I have been a goner every since. These feelings – they aren’t going away anytime soon, I know that now. You are no longer a crush – but a need, a want, a desire – a true love.

325. I love the dimples that form when you smile. I love how your nose crinkles when you laugh. I love those crazy hairs that stick out of your ear and I love your green eyes and their sparkle.

326. I love the way I look at you across a room. There’s just something about your smile that makes me feel complete. You are the only one for me. I am so blessed to have you in my life, no matter what comes our way, we’ll face it head on. I love your face so much!

327. Looking at your face makes my day. I love your smile and the way you always ask me how I am doing. Even when we argue I love your face. I love you!

328. My most favorite face in the whole wide world is yours. It’s so handsome and so unique. I love everything about you. From your hair to your lips, I am madly in love with your face!

329. In this quiet moment, I want to let you know how much you mean to me. Although it doesn’t come out as often as I would like, I love you. I love your face, your laugh, your smile and the way you look at me. You have a beautiful spirit and a beautiful heart and I would be lost without you.

330. I can’t think of a single thing about your face I would change. When I look at you I feel complete happiness, because I’m looking at the most gorgeous man in the world. We may not always see eye to eye, but we always make it work. You are my best friend and my life couldn’t be any better with out you.

331. I love you more than anything else in the world. I will always love you even when I make mistakes, even when I mess up. You are my world, my life, you are perfection. Thank you for being the most amazing boyfriend anyone could have. I hope that this Valentine’s Day you know how much you mean to me."

332. So sweet, so cute, so beautiful. I love that you are mine and I am yours! I have never been happier in my life. Spending each day wrapped in your arms is the greatest joy I could ever have. My life wouldn’t be complete without you in it. You are my angel who flies down from heaven to earth whenever we kiss.

333. Saying I love you isn’t enough. I could live my life without saying those words but because of you, they mean so much more. You bring me such happiness that I can’t imagine life without it. Saying I love you doesn’t do us justice, but it is the best we have.

334. I’m losing track of how many times I’ve told you this, but it must be a lot. I love you and you know that. That loving feeling gets bigger and deeper every day we spend together. I’m glad we found each other; you make me feel like the luckiest person in the world!

335. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for you. I love you more then words could ever express. You are my dream come true and the most amazing man in the world. If it weren’t for you in my life my days would be filled with sadness and my nights without love. But every day my heart is filled with joy and love because of you.

336. I love your face, I love your eyes. I love the way you kiss me with those lips. The world is a much better place because of you. You are my world, my everything! You ground me, bring me happiness and fulfill me in every way possible. I love you so much and we will be together forever.

337. I love your face. I love the way you look at me. I love the way you kiss me. I look forward to coming home from work each day because as soon as I walk in the door you grab me and kiss me deeply, as if we have been separated for months. The nights we spend together are so special because being with you makes my heart burst with joy. We have been through so much that a normal man would have never put up with, but you hang in there.

338. I want to hold you and never let you go, I will always love your face.

339. Me too. I love your face so much that one day I took a picture of it in my mind. You have two button nose that fits your face. You have cute eyebrows that are the perfect size giving definition to your beautiful eyes. Your watery blue eyes look straight into my soul. Those same blue eyes light up when you see me, showing me love. They are the same color as the Caribbean Sea, towering high in the Caribbean Resort in Negril, Jamaica.

340. I first started thinking I loved you when I first saw your face. It was different from what I had ever felt before. It snuck up on me, an extremely powerful rush of happiness that was completely overwhelming. I didn’t understand it at first, but as time went on, that feeling of happiness became unshakable. That feeling is now my love for you.

341. You make me smile. Your laugh is contagious. You are handsome. You are smart. You are charming. I don’t know you well, but I already love the way you talk, look, act…everything about you is perfect to me. And when I kiss you, there’s no place in the world I would rather be than in your arms!

342. You have the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen. Every time you smile at me my heart melts. If there was any way I could capture that smile in a bottle, I would do it. Your eyes are so beautiful, when I look in them I feel complete. The love I have for you is so immense, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

343. I love your face! You are my heart, you’re my soul, you complete me. I would walk forever if it meant that I could hold you, lay with you, and kiss you everyday. I want to be with you always; today, tomorrow and the rest of your life.

344. I love your face, i love the way you smile, I love the way you kiss my fingertips. I love the way you sigh when i say your name, i love exciting you with my touch. I could make you happy all the time, if only I could make you mine.

345. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I love your face, I love your heart and I just love you. I miss you so much when we are apart and the only thing that makes me happy is knowing that you are there for me at the end of the day.

346. I saw these cards and had to pick them up for you. I love your face. I see it every single day, but I never get tired of looking at it. I am so happy to be with you! You are my whole world now. I will love you forever.

348. I’ll never forget when you made me that pillow for my birthday. It was the best gift I’ve ever received. I carry it everywhere and love it so much. Your face is on it and I love looking at it and seeing how handsome you are. You light up my life and keep my heart feeling full of love every moment we are together.

349. Your face is so beautiful. You shine like a gem. I am amazed that you are mine. You make me feel warm inside and the hair on my neck stand up when we kiss. I love that you can always bring a smile to my face, a laugh to my lips and a song to my heart.

350. Your face is the best thing about your face. Your cheeks are always smiling. Your eyes change all the time, but I love every shade of them. You ears are shaped perfectly, and your hair is one of God’s greatest works of art!  I love you with all my heart…

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

351. I am so in love with you. Every spot of you, every freckle, every hair on your body, even the baby fine hair that grows on your ears drives me crazy. You are always in my thoughts when I am away from you. I want to know everything about you and spend all my days getting to know more. You are my best friend; I love seeing the world through your eyes.

352. I don’t know how it happened, but I fell so deeply in love with you. It’s crazy to think I used to hate you so much! Your always so kind and thoughtful, I feel so lucky to have you. My love for you will never fade. I’ll never stop lovin’ ya.

353. My face doesn’t make you cry, makes you smile. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. You are my best friend, my soulmate. My love for you grows every day and never fades. I couldn’t imagine my life without you!

354. You have a wonderful face. It lights up a room and makes me feel so happy. I don’t need a vacation when I’m around you, because being with you is my dream vacation.

355. I really love your face. That sounds weird, but that is the only way I know how to say it. We have been dating for a year already and I just feel so lucky to have you in my life. I’m so happy. My relationship with you makes me happier than anything else ever has and I can’t wait for us to grow old together. I hope we stay like this forever, fall deeper and deeper into love, and continue on with our lives..

356. I love your face. How it lights up when I walk into the room. I love your hands. How they hold me in the middle of the night when I’m cold and lonely. I love your body. How it moves with mine when we dance in the sheets with the moonlight streaming through our window. I love how you make me feel when you look in my eyes and tell me that you love me back.

357. I really love your face. It’s adorable, sexy, and it lets me look into your eyes whenever I want. Your cute little nose makes my heart flutter, that cute little mouth is like a wonderful surprise waiting to happen every time you kiss me. I just love your face!

358. I love your face. The way you look at me with those dazzling eyes. I can’t get enough of you looking at me like that, and I never will. I love your smile, it lights up a room, and my heart. I love you, and that’s all that matters.

359. I love your beautiful face that I look into every morning and night. Your heart that is gentle and kind, that loves me unconditionally. The way your face lights up when you see me, the way you kiss my forehead. I love waking up to you each day, I can’t put into words what you mean to me. Everyday I melt a little more for you, everyday our love gets stronger. You make me feel like a million dollars and everyday we prove that we were meant.

360. You bring me so much joy and happiness, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love being your wife, waking up every morning next to you. You are my best friend. Your kisses melt me inside and I can’t help but smile at your jokes even if they are bad. The way you look at me makes my heart melt! You are handsome all day long!

361. You are the most handsome, incredible, loving man in the world. You love me so well and I can’t even believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. The sparkle in your eyes brings me so much happiness. I feel like the luckiest girl ever to wake up every day looking at your wonderful face.

362. I love you so much. I can’t express with words how much I adore you. You are everything that is good in the world. I never want to let go of your hand because it always feels like a dream. I am doing everything I can to make sure that everything is perfect, and that you never have a reason to leave me.

363. Your eyes brighten up any room, even on the darkest of days. Just the sight of you lifts my spirits and I feel like nothing can get me down. When we’re apart it kills me and all I want is to be close to you. You are beautiful to me, inside and out. You mean more to me than words could ever express and loving you is the best feeling in the world.

364. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Your face is amazing. It takes my breath away every time I look at it. Your beautiful eyes with that youthful glow, your cheeks with their perfect pinch of confidence, your lips with their ever so sweet taste. WE were meant to be together forever.

365. I never thought I would find you. Every day I thank god that you are part of my life. You have brought so much light to my world and I want you to know that I fell so deeply in love with you. You are a beautiful person inside and out and someone everyone can look up to. I love how hard you work to reach your goals and I genuinely love being by your side.

366. When you look into my eyes, when I hold you tight, when I hear your voice, when I kiss you good night, I just melt at the thought of how happy you make me. It makes me happy to be by your side.

367. I love your face. I love it so much, almost as much as I love you. I love how it’s so full of character, every crease, every wrinkle, every freckle. I love that when I return home from work, the first thing I do is look for you. It’s like a Pavlovian reflex that can never be suppressed. More than anything else in the world, your face fills me with an overwhelming sense of peace.

368. I love your face when it is sunny, I love your face when it is cold out, I love your face when you are angry, happy, sad. I just love EVERYTHING about you.

369. I love your face. I love your hair. I even love that streak on your nose that makes you look so cute when you blow it off. I love the way you laugh, the sound of it makes me melt…and I love what you laugh at…yourself. I love how perfectly imperfect you are, the flaws only make you more perfect in my eyes. And although I may say some pretty mean things at times, I really really do love you…a lot!

370. I love you so much! You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You have a way of captivating my heart with just a smile. Thank you for everything you do and everything you say to me. I love you more than words could ever express, Sweetheart!

371. Every time I look into your eyes I feel like I’m falling in love all over again. You are sweet, caring, funny and thoughtful. You brighten my day with even the smallest of smiles. I love you with all my heart.

372. There is something about your face, I can’t quite place. But every time I see you, it leaves me feeling satisfied. Your smile, your eyes, everything about you makes me feel complete. You bring out the very best in me and make me a better person.

373. You are everything to me. You changed my life. You make me happy every day. I am the luckiest man alive to have you in my life. I love you unconditionally, completely!

374. I saw this on Facebook and just had to share it! You are unique, intelligent, fabulous, funny, sexy and the man of my dreams. I adore you!

375. You do so much while so little, and it’s so hard for me to put into words just how amazing you are. I don’t think you realize (and if you do, please don’t tell me) how much of a better person you make me. When I get home from work, there is that little glimpse into the future where I see the man who will walk down that mystical aisle with his bride; and if I’m lucky.

376. This is a song from one of my favorite TV shows. It never fails to remind me of you. I guess that’s kinda lame... but please laugh :)

377. I love your face, Especially when it’s in mine. I love your smile, Especially when it’s aimed at me. I love your teeth, Especially when they are showing me yours. Love you so much!

378. I love your face, so no other will do. I love your eyes and I adore your nose. I love your lips, and what they do to me. I love your ears and the oh so things they hear. You’re a cutie and I just can’t help but love you more and more each day!

379. I’m writing this because I love your face. There is no better sight than seeing you smile and my silly giggles make me laugh more than anything else ever has. I cherish every silly joke, quiet evening at home and goodnight kiss, and (especially my last reason), even when we fight my heart is overwhelmed with joy because I know it is only temporary and the hurt will always be followed by our loving acceptance.

380. I love your face. I love your hands and all three million hairs on your chinny chin chin. I love your voice and the adorable way you squint when you hear high pitched noises. I love the way you always smell so damn good. I love the way you bravely hold my hand in public and the way we dance when we hear music we like. I even love all your faults. You’re silly, kind, loving, family oriented, caring, romantic, affectionate.

381. You are my world. Thank you for being you and loving me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for choosing to be with me. You show me how much I mean to you in ways that I never knew were possible. Being your girlfriend is the greatest gift in my life; I love your face, your eyes, your personality, everything about you...I love it all.  You make me happier than I ever thought was possible  Please,  never stop loving you.

382. I love your beautiful face, I do. I love the way that you smile, every time that I’m with you.

383. You have the most amazing face I have ever seen. I could stare at those eyes for eternity. That smile shows how much you love me, and those lips confirm it! All I do is think about you because every time I see you, my world stops spinning. When I’m not with you I can’t focus on anything, and when we’re together all there is – is us – and that’s all that matters – Our Love – Our Happiness –

384. Your face is like a work of art, I could look upon it forever. The day you came into my life as my wife was the greatest day of my life. I’m so proud to call you my wife and best friend. You complete me in ways I never knew possible.

385. First off, I want you to know that you are beautiful. You really are! Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently, you are beautiful! Now I don’t need to remind you everyday (although it would be fun) but know that I love you, all of you. So much. Look at your face, isn’t it amazing? Doesn’t it make me laugh? Don’t I love looking at it every day?

386. I love all of you! You are my entire world. Without you, I don’t know what I would do. I promise to love you, cherish you and care for you until the end of time.

387. I have been reading a lot of I love your face. The children’s books are so good and they help me so much! How do you come up with this stuff?

388. I love your face, your eyes, your smile, your lopsided grin when you’re tired. I love the way you look at me, the feeling when our noses touch. I love you.

389. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. I love your face. Your perfect face, your perfect eyes, your perfect lips, your perfect eyebrows, and your perfect curves. Everything is just so perfectly you. I love that when I picture you in my head it’s not all in one place because my love for you is so big it goes beyond the realms of reality and if we ever meet I won’t be able to look at you in general and not feel butterflies in my life.

390. I love you. It’s not like messages in a bottle or hidden notes; no, it’s much more than that. I love your face, cute little nose and all. I love you because of the inner light that shines through your eyes, though they are often hidden behind glasses. I love the way your hair sticks up when you just wake up in unexpected places, but it always still looks adorable.

391. Your face is so perfect, so gorgeous. You are so adorable, so precious. I love your cute little nose, your big blue eyes. I love the way you smile at me, even if it’s just a little grin. I always ask myself why I’m so lucky to have you. I am filled with love and joy just by looking into your beautiful face.

392. Every time I see your face it brings a smile to mine. There is something so magical about you, though I have no idea what that could be. You are my world, you bring happiness into my life and a sense of warmth that makes a chill disappear. I love how you love me, and you always seem to know what to say. The feeling of your touch just takes me away to a land where only the two of us exist.

393. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I’ve never loved anyone this much and I never knew it was even possible. There are no words to describe all the emotions I feel around you, but know that no matter what, you will always be loved by me.

394. I love the way you smile. I love the way you make me laugh. I love everything about you, and I can't help but think that I'm the luckiest man on this planet to have found someone as amazing as you. Just know that no matter how bad of a day I’m having, if you walk through that door my whole world is right again.

395. The way that you look at me, the softness in your eyes, the love that I see, amazes me. The way I feel when I’m with you consumes me. Everything about us is perfect. Your are the only person who knows how to get me through my bad days and who can make my world stop on a dime with just one touch. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, and I’ll never let you go!

396. I never wanted anyone the way I want you. You consume my thoughts to a point where it’s all I have time to focus on, to a point where going a day without holding you in my arms seems like torture. I will spend forever showing you how much you mean to me.

397. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. You give life to my soul and fill my heart beyond words. Thank you for all your support, comfort, and love. I promise you will never regret loving me, because I will never regret loving you.

398. I love your face, I just love it! You are the most beautiful girl I know. You could be angry or sad and your smile still makes my heart melt. Every time you laugh my stomach tingles, every time you kiss me I float on cloud 9. You are the girl of my dreams come true, but now I would rather have you as my reality.

399. I love your face so much, I could just kiss it all day long. I can’t wait to wake up next to you every morning, and feel your arms wrapped around me. I will love you till the end of time, because I know that you will always be there for me every step of the way.

400. I love your face. I love your smile, your eyes, and the way your nose scrunches up when you laugh. I love your ears; they are cute enough for me to want to nibble on. I love the way your golden hair shines in the sunlight. I love that it is curly when its not in a ponytail. I love when you look at me out of the corner of one eye when you think I’m not looking.

I love Your Face, 500 WhatsApp Status Messages

401. I love your face everyday, but even more on days like this. I love that you are here with me to see everything falling into place. We made it work over the miles and time, and will continue to persevere through life’s challenges.

402. You are always on my mind, waking and sleeping. I love your beautiful face, your warm smile, your blue eyes that sparkle when you look at me. When you hold me close in your arms it feels like nothing in the world could go wrong because I feel so safe in your embrace. I love you so much baby!

403. I love the way you wear your hair. I love the way you smile. I love the way you love me! I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my favorite person. Our life is so wonderful together, the greatest of all time, of all places! I can’t wait to see what is next.

404. There is no one in this world that I love more than you. You can’t possibly understand how much I love you and how perfect you are. You bring me so much happiness and joy to my life. I love you more than anything!

405. every day when I wake up, I want to thank the lord above because you’re in my life. I love you so much!

406. I love your face. It looks so sad. Why is that? You’ve been crying again haven’t you? Look at my face, you see me crying too. I hate it when we cry. It makes us look so ugly and sad. Yes we are both very sad and we both look horrible, but we will get through this pain. Our love is special and we will feel better soon enough. I love your face and I love you!

407. I love your face, I love your eyes, I love the way you talk. I love your voice so much it hurts sometimes. Most of all...I love you.

408. I love your face! You must know by now how much I love you, the most amazing person in the world. I wish I could spend every day of my life with you.

409. I love your smile. I love your eyes. They look into my soul and see what I’m feeling. I love your ears, they always perk up whenever you hear me call you. I love your neck, it is the pathway to your beautiful shoulders.

410. This is a really good love letter. It was from a husband to his wife, but you could use it for anyone. It says all the little things that can be really meaningful.

411. When I wake in the morning, curled up in your arms, I feel secure, safe and loved. Your face is the first thing I see. You hold a thousand emotions that I try to decipher each time I lay eyes on you. Your smile makes my heart stop. Your laugh has me clinging. Your kiss makes me lose my breath. As I fall asleep at night I thank God for you and all of the love you bring to my life.

412. Some days you are so beautiful that you take my breath away. Other times I just love sitting with you watching your smile. You are the brightest part of my day, but there are no words to describe how happy you make me feel. I think we were made for each other. This may be cheesy and we’ve probably said it a thousand times before, but I don’t care and I will say it a million more: I love you and I can’t wait.

413. Ethan, you’re officially the man of my dreams. You have changed my life in every possible way. My heart is so full of love that I can barely contain it. I will never stop loving you and I wish you a lifetime of happiness.

414. Every time I look at you, my heart skips a beat. You are my whole world, someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you with all of me and more. When I am with you I am happy.

415. I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but my feelings for you have truly blossomed into love. I never thought that this could be possible, but with you, my heart just grows. I love you more than you’ll ever know! Every single thing about you is so perfect to me. I’m so thankful I found your heart because I will treasure it forever.

416. You are my every day, my partner in crime. You are strong and beautiful. You are my love, my best friend. I will always love you with all I have. I love your face!

417. Ohhhhh how I love your face. When I wake in the morning the first thought on my mind is you. Every time I hear or think of your name a smile comes to my eyes. And when we kiss my heart skips a beat and my knees get weak. You mean so much to me, you are my everything.

418. I want to hold you in my arms all night. I love your face and your personality. You make me laugh and bring a lot of joy in my life. Thank you for caring about me and for being a great friend in my life!

419. I love your face. Wherever you are I want to be there. Wherever you go I want to follow. And wherever you are is my home, home on the range. Where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word. And the skies are not cloudy all day. You are my inspiration, my motivation, my everything. I love you more than anything in the world!

420. I love your smile, the sound of your voice, the way you look at me with those beautiful eyes. There is nothing I can think of that I don’t love about you. I have never felt this way before, not even with someone else. You are take my breath away and that’s the truth.

421. Mon amour, I love you. I love you. I love you. There are days that go by where the only thought on my mind is how much I love you. Weeks have passed where I think of everything but our relationship because all my heart can think about is how much I want to be with you. And every night before I fall asleep, your face is on my mind, and your voice is on my lips whispering, “I love you” over and over again.

422. As I look deep into your eyes, my heart skips a beat. You are so beautiful to me. I love the way you look at me with so much passion, it makes me weak in the knees. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow!

423. What is it about you? The way you look at me, the way you smile. There’s something about you that makes my heart skip a beat. You are always on my mind whether we’re together or not. I love talking to you and hearing your voice, it makes me excited for what is to come.

424. You are my dearest and truest friend, You care for me and love me more than any man I’ve ever met. I’m so lucky to have you in my life and if we weren’t together I would be missing the biggest part of myself.

425. Beau, one of the most difficult things in life is being told or having to find a job. I want to be a role model for our children so much so that I would leave a company I love and work for in a heartbeat just to have a job. After that you have house payments, car payments, utilities, groceries then Christmas. Not to mention all the other bills from when you were “single”.

426. I love your face, I love what you do with it. I love the shape of it. I love your nose, I love what you put on it. I love your ears, I love what you put in them. I love your lips, they are so warm and right for me to kiss. I think about you all night long and dream of the pleasure that they bring me right here in this moment of great affection.

427. I love your face. I love touching your face. I love kissing your face. I love feeling your face as it lights up as soon as you see me. I love thinking of how I can make you happier today than yesterday and wondering how many more ways there are to make you smile!

428. I love your face I love your body I love your style I love your hair I love your style I love everything about you I love the way you smile When I am with you it makes me feel alive Your lips are so sweet - just like honey.

429. Oh Ben, you know that I adore your face not just because it’s your face, but because you put such a positive light on my life. You are an amazing man and I cannot stop thinking about you because you are all I think about! Baby, I love your face so much because I love the person behind it.

430. There’s something about you that makes me want to hold you and kiss your lips and never let go and lose myself in your eyes and touch your hair and kiss your neck and run my fingers down your back and lay with you and taste you and fall asleep next to you while we whisper secrets to each other. You’re so cute. I love your face.

431. I love the way you look in the morning. I love your face, especially your eyes. I love your hair, especially when it’s on fire. I love the space between your eyebrows and how it looks like an upside down exclamation mark! I love your ears because they hold up that gorgeous face of yours.

432. There are not enough words in the dictionary to describe my love for you. I love you more everyday, each day gets better and better. The hands of time stop when I look into your eyes. You are my life, my heart, my soul, my future. I will love you forever and always!

433. You are the love of my life. I don’t think I could ever find anyone else that makes me as happy as you do. I cherish every moment we spend together and treasure you more than life itself. I hope to spend forever with you, growing old together, neither one of us able to keep our hands off each other until then!

434. Of all the faces in this world, yours is the one I would choose to be the only one I’ll ever love. The blessed day that your face came into my life will always be a special memory.

435. I love your face. I love looking at your face. I love how you are just you. No matter what happens or what changes there are in the future, I’ll always love your face.

436. I look at your kind eyes and your goofy smile, those dimples that I can’t resist, those lips that I want to kiss goodnight every single night. Every part of you is beautiful, and that’s something that will take my breath away forever. I love your face!

437. I love your face because it is a perfect fit for mine. I love the way you look in the morning when you awake, smooth and fresh from a good night’s sleep. I love your nose not because it is anything special, but because it is the bridge to your lips that bring me such joy. I love your lips because they are warm and inviting, especially when you kiss me. I love your hands because when you hold mine, I feel safe and secure.

438. I really do love everything about your face. Every time I see you it’s like I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. You are beautiful inside and out to me. Do you remember the first time we met? We talked about all these things that could mean nothing but were major to us (referring to the note above) and I knew then that you were it for me. I can’t believe that today is our eighth month anniversary.

439. I love your beautiful face, the way it looks when you smile at me. I love the feeling I get inside when I look into your eyes and see a special spark. I love how you feel in my arms, the softness of your lips, the perfect touch of your hand.

440. I love you so much. I think about your beautiful face every second of the day. Words cannot possibly describe how much I love you! You are my first thought when I wake up and the last thing on my mind before I drift off to dreamland. These 3 little words, I love you, do not come close to all the feelings that fill my heart every time I am with you. Every time I see you smile I fall even more in love with you. Everyday our relationship grows stronger.

441. I love you more than any words could possibly say. You’re the most amazing person I know. I love waking up to you smiling at me, I love making you smile, I love kissing your face over and over again, I love your body next to mine, but most of all…I love that you are my one and only…forever!

442. Where do I start? Your eyes, your nose your cheeks and of course your lips. I could kiss them for ever (or at least until you ask me to stop). I love how you make me feel like no matter the day, no matter the time I am next to you everything will be okay. I love your mind; it makes me laugh, it makes me giggle and smile and feel like. Above all else I love the way you love me and that you always will.

443. I’m glad I met you, my love. Your eyes take my breath away, your smile melts my heart, and your hair keeps me cuddling you long into the night. I am growing old with you by my side, slowly but surely. You are the one that makes me smile when I see you across the room. I cherish every moment of time that we are together, reminiscing on how lucky we are to be here right now. And no matter what happens in life.

444. You are the most special woman in my life. I can’t help but love you. Your kind loving spirit is something that every person needs to feel in their heart. You are the wind beneath my wings, the blanket on top of me, the umbrella when it rains. You are everything I could ever want or need. I love you so much!

445. You’re the best thing to happen to me! I love you more than anything in the world. My life would be incomplete without you in it!

446. When I wake up in the morning, I cannot wait to see your face, so I can kiss you. When I look into your eyes for the first time every day, I melt. When you smile at me, it makes my heart skip a beat. The memories of our love are so sweet that they last all day long. I love your face!!!!!

447. I love your face, I love it so much! I love the little dimple on your right cheek, and how it makes me smile whenever you smile. I love your smile, and how it makes my heart flutter and skip a beat every time I see it. I love how your hair falls over your eyes sometimes and how I can’t stop myself from moving it back with my finger. I love the softness of your hair and how it smells like strawberries. You are my

448. I love your face, your voice, your scar. I love your ears and all your toes. And that little space in-between. It’s the most wonderful place in the world. I love you!

449. I love you, and I love your face! :) I love looking at your face when we're in bed together and we're really cuddling. And seeing my face in the back of your head when I'm in the passenger seat and my hair's in a ponytail and my eyes are closed. And hearing you tell me something with such confidence when you know so much more than me when I ask questions about stuff, and when you chuckle at random things when we're out somewhere.

450. It’s one of the first things I see when you wake up. It’s full of life and excitement that makes my heart skip a beat. When we laugh together it lights up my entire life, and when we cry together I know that no matter how hard it gets, we will get through it because we have each other. I love your face, and you are the most beautiful person in the world.

451. I love the way your face lights up when you see me. I love the way you smell when you get home from work. I love the way your arms feel when they are wrapped around me. I don’t think there is anything more beautiful than the way your voice sounds over the phone. There is no doubt in my mind that I am madly in love with you. You are all that I have ever wanted in life, and with our two beautiful boys, nothing could be better.

452. Words can’t describe how amazing you are, how beautiful your smile is, how much I love you! I enjoy every moment with you and I cherish every single day. You brighten my life more than anything. And I love your face.

453. I’m not much for writing love letters, but I decided to make an exception to write you this one. Even though you can’t hear me I want you to know that I love you very much. When it seems like things are tough, please remember that I love you and will never leave you.

454. Walking into the airport terminal I see you and run as fast as I can, my arms extended with love and joy. A hug is broken only by the need for kisses. I love you. Moving in close I feel your warmth and inhale your essence and am infused with a beauty and strength that energizes me like nothing has before. I swim in your depths and see your value, see your beauty.

455. it’s like you complete the puzzle that is my heart, and I find it difficult to function without you. You are my other half, and I love you.

To Be Continued

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